Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Thursday 11 July 2024

Rose of the shires birding


Yesterday (Wednesday) and an adult Pectoral Sandpiper just across the border at Eyebrook Reservoir was the star bird locally.

Some survey work completed yesterday morning confirmed a pair of Little Ringed Plovers with chicks at a site in Northants and a visit to Honey Hill along the Jurassic Way near Cold Ashby provided two fly-over Ravens and grassland butterflies which included about ten Marbled Whites.

A moulting male Whinchat beside the River Nene near Summer Leys LNR was a good record yesterday and a male Common Redstart was again on the small reserve at Woodford Halse, another traditional stop-over spot.

A Grey Wagtail at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows was seen to eat a small fish yesterday, probably not as unusual as it sounds considering their preferred habitat of fast running streams, weirs etc.

At Lilbourne Meadows reserve yesterday there were two male Common Redstarts in a hedgerow running down to the flood meadows from Hillmorton Lane and two Green Sandpipers on the floodwater.

Today (Thursday) and the Pectoral Sandpiper was still at Eyebrook Reservoir where there was a Common Scoter too.

A juvenile Cattle Egret was at Summer Leys LNR (and Mary's Lake) today and the usual female Ruddy Shelduck was at Winwick Pools. Stanford Reservoir today held two Oystercatchers and two Common Sandpipers and three Spotted Flycatchers were the best on offer at Harrington Airfield. Two Great White Egrets were lurking in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir this morning.

Two Ravens were at Hanging Houghton this morning and a Raven and a Hobby were at Walgrave village late morning.

Some juvenile Barn Owl activity in a barn in central Northamptonshire (below) courtesy of Chris Payne and a parent Great Crested Grebe concerned about something overhead and permitting the youngsters to climb aboard (courtesy of Neil Hasdell)!


Neil M

Gatekeeper courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Marbled White courtesy
of David Arden.

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