Sunday 7 July 2024

Ringing at Brixworth


Some bird ringing at the water treatment works at Brixworth today provided eighty birds of sixteen species and which included a Sparrowhawk, a Kingfisher, eight Chiffchaffs, a juvenile Sedge Warbler, five Common Whitethroats, ten Blackcaps, twelve Pied Wagtails and ten Grey Wagtails. The Sparrowhawk was an interesting bird as it was a male hatched last year and was almost entirely still in juvenile plumage. The Kingfisher was a young bird hatched this year (please see video clip below courtesy of Lewis Aaron) and one of the Chiffchaffs was first ringed there in August last year.

At least one other Grey Wagtail remained at large and other birds included a couple of Ravens passing over and a Hobby racing through.

At Summer Leys LNR today Black-tailed Godwits were lingering and passing through again with three early this morning and then a flock of seven this evening.


Neil M

Red Admiral courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Common Whitethroat courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Sparrowhawk courtesy
of Lewis Aaron.

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