Monday 22 July 2024

Migrants on the move


A short term ringing session at Harrington Airfield this morning yielded forty-seven captures of thirteen species before the blustery conditions became too much. The highlights were probably ten Willow Warblers (adults and juveniles), eight Common Whitethroats (again adults and juveniles), a Bullfinch and a Linnet. A few Yellow Wagtails have been present since spring and were still there today but there was no sign of any youngsters. Two Ravens and a Grey Partridge were probably the best of the rest!

At Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this morning there was a juvenile Marsh Harrier, a vocal male Common Redstart and two Crossbills flew over. A juvenile Raven was at Hanging Houghton.

At Stanford Reservoir this morning there was a brief visitation from a Marsh Harrier plus the female Ruddy Shelduck, six Common Sandpipers and a Hobby.

Two Garganey were at Daventry Country Park this morning, two Ospreys were at Ravensthorpe Reservoir late morning and a Whinchat was still at Hollowell Reservoir this evening.

In the Nene Valley there were two Hobbies at Summer Leys LNR first thing and an adult Yellow-legged Gull on the Elinor Trout Lake at Thrapston Pits.


Neil M

Sunset at Harrington Airfield.

Southern Hawker and exuvia
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Spider mangora acalypha
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Meadow Brown.

Common Buzzard.

Starling courtesy of
Michelle Spinks.

Moorhen courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Common Pheasant
courtesy of Tony Stanford

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