Wallcreeper & the Camargue Nov/Dec 2023


A five day winter tour to the south of France targets the unique Wallcreeper that winters in the region in small numbers on the limestone escarpments and also seeks to locate and enjoy the wildlife in and around the Camargue...


Neil M

Greater Flamingo.

Slender-billed and Black-
headed Gulls.

Blue Rock Thrush.

Crested Tit.

Alpine Accentor.

Penduline Tit.

Western Swamphen.


Short-toed Treecreeper.

Rock Sparrow.

Above ten images courtesy
of Chris Cooper.

Captive Eurasian Eagle Owl.

Greater Flamingos.

Above two images courtesy
of Lisa O'Leary.

Slender-billed Gulls.

Grey Plover.

Blue Rock Thrush.

Alpine Accentors.

Black Redstart.


Black Redstart.

Eurasian Eagle Owl.

Red Kite.

Common Cranes.

Common Buzzard.

Sardinian Warbler.

Western Swamphen.

Glossy Ibis.

House Sparrow.



Greater Flamingos

Cattle Egret.

Captive Eurasian Eagle Owl.

Grey Heron.


Little Egret.

Black-winged Stilt.

Spotted Redshank.

Grey Heron.

Greater Flamingo.

Above twenty-eight
images courtesy of
 Tony Kellett.


Common Cranes.

Glossy Ibis.

Cattle Egret.

Captive Eurasian Eagle Owl.

Little Egret.

Common Snipe.

Spotted Redshank.

Little Egret.

Greater Flamingo.

Grey Heron.

Greater Flamingos.

Western Swamphen.

Wild Boar.

Common Cranes.


Spotted Redshank.

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