Monday 29 July 2024

Heatwave birding


Warm weather birding today with the Ruddy Shelduck still at Stanford Reservoir and a morning Osprey plus a female Mandarin Duck, two Common Sandpipers, two Hobbies and with a Kingfisher caught and ringed.

A Common Redstart was still in situ at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby this morning near to the Jurassic Way commemorative stone and the two male Common Redstarts were still working the hedgerows at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell. Nearby at Shrike Hedge in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton several migrants with a variety of warblers which included a confiding juvenile Grasshopper Warbler plus a Common Redstart. Two Whinchats and a Spotted Flycatcher were in the same valley nearer to the Brampton Valley Way.

At Lamport Hall the family party of Spotted Flycatchers were still visible from the footpath and the Common Redstart showed too.

A juvenile Marsh Harrier was quartering the top fields at Harrington Airfeld this evening with a Common Redstart again between the Chippings Compound and Bunker One and a couple of Grey Partridges were vocal.

An adult Yellow-legged Gull was north of the causeway at Pitsford Reservoir this afternoon and two Ravens were in Hanging Houghton village.


Neil M

Small Skipper butterfly.

Common Buzzard courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Hobby courtesy of
Robin Gossage.

Brown Hare courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

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