Thursday 4 July 2024

A Spoonbill and more Common Redstarts


Yesterday (3rd) Stanford Reservoir provided another Common Scoter and an Osprey, three Oystercatchers and about a hundred Swifts again.

Also yesterday and Summer Leys LNR hosted an Oystercatcher, two Redshanks, a Great White Egret and four Wigeon with a Common Sandpiper at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows LNR.

A little ringing in our garden at Hanging Houghton yesterday provided a surprise when an adult Red Kite somehow ended up being caught in a mist net designed for small passerines!

Today (4th) and a Spoonbill was briefly at Summer Leys LNR this morning and Lilbourne Water Meadow reserve hosted three male Common Redstarts. This afternoon another male Common Redstart was at Harrington Airfield between the Chippings Compound and Bunker One and a Cuckoo was there too.

At Pitsford Reservoir this evening a Common Redstart was along the Old Walgrave Road and birds in the Walgrave Bay included a Barn Owl and a Raven. A Barn Owl was in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and further Ravens were noted at Hanging Houghton and Cottesbrooke.


Neil M

Scarlet Tiger moth.

Great White Egret courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Red Kite.

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