Friday 26 July 2024

A bit thin on the ground!!

Birds, insects and wildlife in general seems to be a bit "thin on the ground " with very few observations being reported. I was out early this morning and felt more optimistic as the hedgerows around Blueberry were alive with Warblers and other passerines including 2 Lesser Whitethroats,  Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Whitethroats. Plus the 2 male Common Redstarts were in their usual hedge.   However this noticeable movement of Warblers etc was short lived and as I continued my circuit the hedgerows became progressively quiet.  A visit to Harrington Airfield and Lamport Hall produced nothing of note.

Birds reported yesterday included an Arctic Tern,  8 Green Sandpipers and Yellow Legged Gull at Daventry CP,  an Osprey at Stanford Reservoir and Common Redstart, 2 Little Ringed Plovers and both Green and Common Sandpipers at Lilbourne Meadows.                                             Today there were 6 Cattle Egrets at Stanwick GP, Whinchat at Hollowell,  Osprey and Spotted Flycatcher at Pitsford Reservoir,  Bittern and Ruddy Shelduck at Stanford Reservoir and at DIRFT3 a Caspian and 18 Yellow Legged Gulls. 

Have a good weekend, enjoy the warm weather and watching the wildlife wherever you are.

Regards Eleanor 

Scarlet Tiger.

Large White butterflies in cop.

Meadow Brown.

Above three images courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Song Thrush.

Water Rail.

Common Whitethroat.

Above three images
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

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