Monday 1 July 2024

Monday 1st July


A rather grey and cloudy day but a super segment of sunshine this morning brought the insects to the fore whilst I was conducting a wildlife survey which included a Purple Emperor butterfly and odonata featuring  Broad-bodied Chaser, Black-tailed Skimmer and Southern Hawker.

Six Green Sandpipers were on an evaporating pool in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth early this morning, three Wigeon had returned to Hollowell Reservoir by this evening and Oystercatchers have produced chicks on the Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows reserve at Ditchford Pits.

The Quail was heard calling off the Broughton Road, near Walgrave both early this morning and again early afternoon.

This year appears to be a good one for Barn Owls with plenty of adults on territory and with many pairs now feeding hungry nestlings!


Neil M

Barn Owlets!

Sedge Warbler.

Pied Wagtail.

Meadow Pipit.

Above three images courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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