Friday 30 August 2024

Warblers galore!


Some ringing at Pitsford Reservoir provided some good numbers, in particular common warblers made up of fifty-one Blackcaps, eight Garden Warblers, twenty Common Whitethroats, a Lesser Whitethroat, twenty-five Sedge Warblers, twenty-five Reed Warblers, twenty-four Chiffchaffs and two Willow Warblers. An Osprey was again in the Scaldwell Bay this morning and a Hobby was showing particularly well, feeding right in front of the Bird Club hide and perching up to devour some of the dragonflies. At least two Ravens flew over.

Over at Stanford Reservoir the ringers there also enjoyed ideal conditions and processed an amazing five hundred and forty new birds! Again the majority were warblers but a Water Rail was only the second to be ringed at the site. Other birds noted included a Common Sandpiper and a Curlew over.

Clifford Hill Pits continued to host the Black-necked Grebe but it can sometimes be elusive! Three Sandwich Terns there was a good find as were two Common Redstarts next to the footpath from the Holiday Inn car park and a Cattle Egret was present this morning.

Three Cattle Egrets were on the Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows reserve this morning and a Ruff was on the scrape at Summer Leys LNR. A Garganey was at Eyebrook Reservoir.

Hollowell Reservoir provided views of a Marsh Harrier this afternoon plus two Whinchats and a Hobby. Afternoon visits to Harrington Airfield are not generally recommended but today was the exception with two Common Redstarts, three Whinchats, a Marsh Harrier and six Ravens all there this afternoon.

At least ten Spotted Flycatchers and a Common Redstart were at Lamport Hall and this evening in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton there were two Whinchats, a Hobby and two Barn Owls.


Neil M

Ruff courtesy of
John Tilly.

Dunlin courtesy
of John Tilly.

Lapwing courtesy
 of John Tilly.

Blue Emperor dragonfly.

Curlew courtesy
of Robin Gossage.


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