Monday 5 August 2024

Birding at Pitsford


A little bit of time spent in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir this morning was productive with a hunting juvenile Marah Harrier, a fishing Osprey, the eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard, twenty-six Pochard, a couple of Common Gulls, a Yellow-legged Gull, three Great White Egrets, a Common Sandpiper and a juvenile Whinchat all on view.

In the evening a check of a small gathering of gulls, hardly a roost these days, off the dam provided five Common Gulls (two juveniles), five Yellow-legged Gulls (two juveniles), a Whimbrel moving through south and a Common Sandpiper.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir today also included an Osprey or two, a Hobby, three Ravens and a Spotted Flycatcher.

Two male Common Redstarts and two Spotted Flycatchers were at Woodford Halse LNR and the two male Common Redstarts remain at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell. Another Common Redstart was near Bunker One at Harrington Airfield this morning. A Whinchat was still at Hollowell Reservoir this evening.

At Thrapston Pits today the Titchmarsh reserve attracted a Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper and two adult Yellow-legged Gulls and a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was an early morning sighting at Stanwick Pits. Two Greenshanks were at Summer Leys LNR this evening.

A Marsh Harrier in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this morning flew towards Brixworth and this evening there were three Barn Owls present.


Neil M

Grey Wagtail courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Blackbird courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Common Darter.

Ruddy Darter.

A meadow full of wild carrot
and sunset at Harrington Airfield.

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