Thursday 8 August 2024

Barn Owls, Ospreys and a few waders


A rather grey and breezy day with some drizzle and light rain is supposed to make way for more warm and sunny weather this week-end.

Late yesterday (Wednesday) morning there was a flock of thirteen Egyptian Geese in the Welland Valley below Cottingham.

Today (Thursday) and ringers have been checking Barn Owl boxes in the county which has resulted in two broods of young being located and ringed.

At Pitsford Reservoir this morning there were three Ospreys north of the causeway with what was probably a fourth bird later perched up again in trees near to the Bird Club Hide. Other birds included the eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard, a Great White Egret, a Hobby, three Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper and a Whinchat. A Crossbill was heard calling over Pitsford village this evening.

A Hobby was at Stortons Pits early this morning, a Little Ringed Plover was on the dam at Hollowell Reservoir this morning with an Osprey and a Great White Egret this evening and two Kingfishers were along the brook in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.

Stanford Reservoir again hosted an Osprey this morning plus a Mandarin Duck, a Little Ringed Plover, the local Ruddy Shelduck, a Goldeneye, a Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher and seven Ravens.

A Green Sandpiper was noted at Summer Leys LNR.


Neil M

Juvenile Whinchat at
Pitsford Reservoir today
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard
at Pitsford Reservoir courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Lesser Stag Beetle.

Barn Owl nestlings
courtesy of Chris Payne.

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