Thursday 1 August 2024

Sunshine and morning and evening showers


This morning Summer Leys LNR paid host to a single Cattle Egret on Gull Island and a Marsh Harrier hunting around the reserve.

Another Cattle Egret was at Eyebrook Reservoir this morning as they begin to disperse following breeding.

At Pitsford Reservoir today there were four Great White Egrets in the Scaldwell Bay, two Common Sandpipers on the causeway, a Yellow-legged Gull, a fly-through juvenile Peregrine, a Hobby and best of all an Osprey. The Osprey was perched in a dead willow between the Bird Club and James Fisher hides and made a couple of dives in the bay, on the second occasion successfully catching a small fish.

There were lots of odonata whizzing around Pitsford today with Brown Hawkers, Blue Emperors and Black-tailed Skimmers being the most obvious. A Four-spotted Chaser was seen and there were hordes of damselflies which appeared mostly to be Common Blue and Large Red-eyed. A single Lesser Emperor was holding territory off the causeway car park, skirmishing regularly with an ovipositing female Blue Emperor.

Other birds noted today included a male Common Redstart at Woodford Halse LNR and a Common Redstart and two Spotted Flycatchers at Harrington Airfield.

Harrington Airfield will be the venue for ringing this coming week-end with sessions on both the Saturday and Sunday. Access will be restricted during these times along the scrubby area between the chippings compound and the main track including the bunkers. Public footpath access along the concrete track is unaffected. Should anyone want to watch proceedings please email me beforehand.


Neil M

Chiffchaff courtesy
of Tony Stanford.


With both adults and juveniles
adopting different moult strategies
at this time of the year, not many
look at their best!

Willow Emerald damselfly.

Pine Hawk-moth.

Hoverfly - possibly
Helophilus pendulus.

Common Blue butterfly
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

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