Sunday 18 August 2024

An interesting day!


The Lesser Yellowlegs was again seen at Lilbourne Meadows reserve this morning and a leucistic Marsh Harrier initially caused some confusion as to it's identity.

At Stanford Reservoir today the Ruddy Shelduck was still present as was two Common Sandpipers, a Kingfisher and two Ravens.

A Wood Sandpiper was located at Summer Leys LNR today and other birds included two Greenshanks, a Green Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper.

Harrington Airfield hosted two Common Redstarts including a new bird at Bunker Three, two Whinchats, a Marsh Harrier, a Peregrine, five or six Ravens and an adult Grey Partridges with four young. At least one Whinchat and a Barn Owl were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and a Common Redstart and at least eight Spotted Flycatchers were at Lamport Hall.

Two Common Redstarts remained elusive at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby this morning seemingly more vocal than visual.

A large raptor seen near Harlestone this morning was thought to have possibly been a White-tailed Eagle.

At Pitsford Reservoir today an Osprey was over the Scaldwell Bay early this afternoon and a Whinchat was still present. A brief ringing session there this morning yielded common warblers and finches before the strengthening breeze concluded business.

At Linford Lakes, Milton Keynes Kenny and his ringing team processed 123 birds of eighteen species. Migrant warblers were made up of six Garden Warblers, thirty-nine Blackcaps, seven Sedge Warblers, fifteen Reed Warblers, seven Willow Warblers, five Chiffchaffs and a Common Whitethroat. A Kingfisher, three Treecreepers and a juvenile Bullfinch were other highlights.


Neil M

Migrant Hawker courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Juvenile Bullfinch courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.

Willow Warbler courtesy of
Kenny Cramer. One of the 
Willow Warblers processed
at Linford Lakes today was
 bearing a ring from
 elsewhere - details awaited.

Dock Bug courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Apparently the first county
records of the Scarce Emerald damselfly
photographed this month at Priors Hall, Corby
 and Pitsford Reservoir, the lower image
courtesy of Mark Tyrrell.

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