Friday 2 August 2024

Birds, insects and warm weather


A Cattle Egret was at Lilbourne Meadows reserve yesterday evening and again this evening and there was a Birdguides report of a Red-backed Shrike there today but not reported subsequently.

At Stanford Reservoir there was an Osprey and a Hobby yesterday evening and today again an Osprey was present plus a Mandarin Duck, a Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher and a Grasshopper Warbler was caught and ringed.

A juvenile Marsh Harrier was at Harrington Airfield this evening, a Common Sandpiper was at Daventry Country Park and an Osprey was by the Sailing Club at Pitsford Reservoir.

In the Nene Valley there was a Marsh Harrier and a Green Sandpiper again at Summer Leys LNR and Elinor Lake at Thrapston Pits hosted an Osprey and an adult Yellow-legged Gull.

The two male Common Redstarts were still at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this morning.

Lesser Emperor dragonflies were today discovered at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and Billing Pits.


Neil M

Great Pied Hoverfly.


Small Red-eyed Damselflies.

Poplar Hawk-moth.

Common Sandpiper courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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