Sunday 2 June 2024

Iceland and back


Just back in following two nine day Naturetrek tours in Iceland, co-leading to Dave Jackson who took some wonderful images! I have set up two tabs/pages entitled Undiscovered Iceland 2024 and Iceland in Spring 2024 on this blog but have yet to add many phots but will once they have been submitted by participants or formatted.

Today and a Wood Sandpiper was showing mostly distantly at Summer Leys LNR and the singing Wood Warbler was still at Harry's Park Wood about 100 metres in from the main Bears Lane entrance.

A singing Brambling at Stanford Reservoir was a somewhat bizarre find today and other birds there included three Oystercatchers, a Hobby, two Cuckoos and a Common Gull.

A Garganey was at Lilbourne Water Meadows today and birds noted at Eyebrook Reservoir included a circling Spoonbill that subsequently drifted off south and a pair of Garganey.

A Hobby was at the dam end of Pitsford Reservoir this afternoon where there was also a big hatch of Large Red-eyed Damselflies. A family of Ravens were at Hanging Houghton with a lone bird over Kingsthorpe and the first county record of Green-eyed or Norfolk Hawker (dragonfly) came from Thrapston Pits today.

A Short-eared Owl was again in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this evening.


Neil M

Large Red-eyed Damselfly.

Bloody-nosed Beetles.



All images courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

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