Tuesday 4 June 2024

Avocets and spring lingerers


A calling fly-over Whimbrel at Hanging Houghton at 5.30am was my best bird of the day!

Checking Tree Sparrow boxes today and yesterday suggests there are still a few pairs breeding in and around Pitsford Reservoir with the first broods already fledged. Worryingly they seem to be absent from anywhere else nearby.

Two Avocets at Summer Leys LNR was a good find there today and a Ruff was present too.

The singing Wood Warbler was again reported from Harry's Park Wood today and the drake Garganey was still at Lilbourne Water Meadows with the pair at Eyebrook Reservoir too.

Despite the wet weather this evening a Short-eared Owl was still seen in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.


Neil M

Avocets at Summer Leys LNR
 courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Common Whitethroat
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Reed Bunting courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Jay courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Scorpion Fly sp
courtesy of John Tilly.

Red-headed Cardinal
courtesy of John Tilly.

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