Sunday 16 June 2024

Mid June wildlife


Some more survey work locally this morning provided a silent Cuckoo and a Spotted Flycatcher, the latter seem to be scarce in the county this year.

The singing Wood Warbler was again logged at Harry's Park Wood today and a Spotted Redshank was at Eyebrook Reservoir.

This evening an Osprey was flying around the reserve section of Pitsford Reservoir north of the causeway, a Barn Owl was near Lamport Hall and two Barn Owls and a Kingfisher were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.

Black Hairstreak butterflies remained on show in sunshine at Glapthorn Cow Pastures this morning, their short flight period will be concluded in about a week's time

A couple more ringing recoveries from Northants Ringing Group are as follows:-

1. A juvenile Starling was ringed in Rushden on 17th June 2023 and then found dead, possibly having collided with a window, at Lavendon near Milton Keynes on 8th May 2024, 326 days later and 14km from the original site of ringing;

2. An adult male Reed Warbler was ringed at Stortons Pits on 27th May 2022 and then caught again on 12th May 2024 when at Waterhay, Wiltshire, some 716 days later with a distance of 94km between the two sites.


Neil M


Great Pied Hoverfly.

Rhinoceros Beetle.

Sawfly tenthredo maculata.


All images courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

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