Monday 3 June 2024

Ospreys and Tawny Owls


Much of the day was taken up with checking the bigger nest boxes situated on the Wildlife Trust reserve at Pitsford Reservoir today where it was confirmed that at least three pairs of Tawny Owls were using the boxes. Most of the tits have already fledged from the small nestboxes and fledglings could be seen and heard as we meandered around. A couple of Hobbies and two Kingfishers were perhaps bettered when two Ospreys came sailing into view over the Walgrave Bay, their behaviour and calling suggesting familiarity between the birds Very few Common Terns are present this year after they were hit so hard during the bird flu pandemic but it was thrilling to see Sand Martins using the artificial bank in the Scaldwell Bay, the first year they have shown any interest in this structure. Insects included common species of butterfly and the best of the odonata were good numbers of Beautiful Demoiselles.

A visit to Harrington Airfield today provided views of a Short-eared Owl, a Cuckoo and a Spotted Flycatcher. A drake Common Scoter was at Stanford Reservoir this evening, the drake Garganey was still at Lilbourne Water Meadows and the singing Wood Warbler remained at Harry's Park Wood.

At Eyebrook Reservoir there was a Sanderling and a pair of Garganey and two Barn Owls were out hunting in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this evening.


Neil M

Mint Moth courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Sedge Warbler courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Azure Blue Damselfly
courtesy of John Tilly.

Tawny Owl courtesy
of Michelle Spinks.

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