Friday 31 May 2024

A funny old week!

It has certainly been a funny old week and the weather hasn't been particularly helpful.  Today it has felt like winter and I ended up wearing several warm layers and gloves this afternoon.  I feel really sorry for the birds who are trying to find insects for their youngsters. Quite a few families of Blue , Great and Long Tailed Tits have visited our garden,  but I cannot imagine that they are going to fare very well. 

There haven't been many birds reported in the county since the beginning of the week.  The Wood Warbler remains at Harry's Park Wood and I understand has been showing and singing very well.  The Short-eared Owl remains at Summer Leys along with Cattle Egret, Black Tern and a Bittern.  At Clifford Hill GP there were 4 Cattle Egrets and at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows (Dragonfly Lake) 2 Sanderling and Black Tern.  The drake Garganey has been at Lilbourne Meadows throughout the week plus another drake at Stanford Reservoir . A Marsh Harrier flew through Hollowell Reservoir.               Shelduck and Egyptian Geese have both bred successfully at Deene Lake. 

Tomorrow is the start of a new month and we will rapidly be heading towards the longest day.  Let us hope that it is also the start of the weather becoming more warm and settled.           

Have a good weekend.  Regards Eleanor 

Green Woodpecker.


Red Fox.

Images courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

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