Tuesday 28 May 2024

Short-eared Owls!!

Today there has been at least 3 Short-eared Owls in the county. Not a bird that you really expect to see at the end of May.  I came across one this morning whilst walking the dogs near Blueberry.  The corvids saw it before I did and gave it quite a bit of hassle which alerted me to the owl.        A Short-eared Owl which was discovered yesterday,  showed well again at Summer Leys.                                             This evening I visited Harrington Airfield a Short-eared Owl , presumably the same bird from a few days ago was still present.  Otherwise it was very quiet there. 

Very few birds reported over the last few days, probably due to the rainy weather.  Today there was a drake Garganey at Lilbourne Meadows,  a Pink-footed Goose at Stanford Reservoir and the Wood Warbler continues to sing at Harry's Park Wood.                                                                      A couple of new birds were found over the Bank Holiday weekend,  a Sandwich Tern at Hollowell and a Montagu's Harrier near Bozeat. 

Regards Eleanor 


Barn Owl.

Bee swarm.

Images courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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