As is sometimes the way in August, the usual suite of birds arrive and then there is not a great deal of diversification until later in the month when the migration becomes heavier.
The two male Common Redstarts continue their long stay at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell and were both present and active this morning. At Lamport Hall the Spotted Flycatchers were at least ten in number and Common Redstarts increased to two.
A Marsh Harrier was hunting slowly around Harrington Airfield late morning, seemingly a different individual to the immaculate juvenile from a few days ago. The Linnet flock has risen to about a hundred birds, probably attracted to the harvested linseed field between the concrete track and Bunker Three.
Two Ruff at Stanwick Pits may be the first of the autumn and Summer Leys LNR attracted a Marsh Harrier, a Greenshank, a Great White Egret and a Green Sandpiper. An Osprey was on the west side of the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits late this morning and a Common Gull appeared.
Another Osprey was fishing early this morning at Stanford Reservoir where there is still a Common Sandpiper and birds noted in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir this afternoon were an Osprey, four Great White Egrets, a drake Red-crested Pochard, a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper and a Whinchat.
Two Barn Owls were present in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this evening.
Neil M
Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn. |
Little Egret. |
Great White Egret. |
Greenshank. |
Long-tailed Tit. |
Dunnock. All images courtesy of Tony Stanford. |