After spending a rather pleasant three weeks of wandering around on the Isle of Scilly it is back to birding my local area. Of course I couldn't wait to get back to Harrington Airfield!!!!. Not much change there, on Wednesday there were birds everywhere but today I struggled to find anything. My visit on Wednesday coincided with the mist/fog lifting and as I meandered slowly through the bushes I was aware that the bushes were heaving with Redwings and all the while I was there parties of Redwings were flying over and the air was filled with their lovely call. There were literally hundreds of Redwings present. As I stood around bunker 2 I heard the distinctive harsh chacking call of a Ring Ouzel which eventually showed itself briefly. Other birds of note were 2 pairs of Stonechats and 25 Golden Plovers as well as the usual Ravens. Yesterday there were far less Redwings present and I could only find one pair of Stonechat, but there were 3 Chiffchaffs, a Brambling and a Siskin. Today it was a "birdless" zone !!. I have also been checking the area around shrike hedge below Hanging Houghton and 6 Stonechats appear to have moved in. I'm not sure how much longer they will be there for as some of there favourite habitat has been cut back.
There has been a few interesting birds around in the last few days. Today a Yellow Browed Warbler was heard calling well by the River Nene opposite Mill Lane, Earls Barton GP, a Hen Harrier was at Stanford Reservoir, Mediterranean Gull at Boddington Reservoir, 6 Cattle Egret in a field of cows near Kinewell Lake, Ringstead, Glossy Ibis at Summer Leys and Marsh Harrier reported from Ditchford Gp and Summer Leys. Yesterday there was a Yellow Legged Gull and Goldeneye at Ravensthorpe Reservoir, Caspian Gull and 2 Stonechat at Hollowell Reservoir, Glossy Ibis and Marsh Harrier at Summer Leys, plus Pink Footed Goose, 4 Red Crested Pochards and a Hen Harrier at Stanford Reservoir.
Have a good weekend
Regards Eleanor
Glossy Ibis. |
Moorhen. |
Jay. |
Great White Egret. All images courtesy of Tony Stanford. |