Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday 14 October 2024

Back in the county


Now back in the county after three weeks down on the Scillies with plenty of good birding!

Locally the long-staying Glossy Ibis remains at Summer Leys LNR although it seems to visit other areas of the complex and may be the bird seen briefly at Stanwick Pits yesterday. Other birds for Summer Leys today include a Stonechat and nine Pintail.

A Bittern and a Mediterranean Gull were both on the main pit at Stanwick Pits this morning and Thrapston Pits hosted a Marsh Harrier, a Common Sandpiper and a Dunlin, all on the Titchmarsh reserve.

A female Merlin, a Brambling and a Stonechat were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this morning, in the vicinity of 'shrike hedge'.

Two female Scaup were reported at Eyebrook Reservoir this morning and at Stanford Reservoir four Whooper Swans were present early this morning before flying off east. Four Red-crested Pochard and two Water Rails were also present.

Some ringing at Pitsford Reservoir yesterday morning (Sunday) provided a male Sparrowhawk, two Redwings, four Reed Buntings and fourteen Long-tailed Tits amongst other birds.


Neil M

Stonechat Summer Leys LNR
courtesy of John Tilly.

Great White Egret courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Reed Bunting courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Cock Pheasant courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Firecrest caught and ringed 
in the Isles of Scilly this autumn.

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