Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday 21 October 2024

Start of a New Week

 A much calmer start to the new week after the wet and windy weekend which may have played a part in a first winter Shag ending up at Ravensthorpe Reservoir . Unfortunately the bird didn't linger after being disturbed by a fishing boat.                                                                             Other birds reported today include a Whooper Swan at Stanford Reservoir,  Marsh Harrier at Titchmarsh LNR,  Glossy Ibis at Summer Leys and 7 Great White Egrets at Clifford Hill GP.                                                                                 This afternoon I walked a large circuit around Blueberry area,  Brampton Valley Way and shrike hedge area and saw absolutely nothing of note !!  Earlier I had visited Harrington Airfield and again found it to be a "birdless zone ".  Whilst sitting around waiting for the invisible birds to show I saw a beautiful Stoat. I  knew that something was about as a couple of Blue Tits became very vocal and agitated.  As I watched a Stoat appeared and simply looked at me and the dogs and then just carried on.     A short while later when I was again adopting the sit and  wait approach a Roe Deer put in an appearance, and like the Stoat had a look at me but then just carried on. 

The weekend was fairly quiet on the birding front.  Although I was out and about I didn't see anything of note. However others were more fortunate and notched up 6 Cattle Egrets near Kinewell Lake Ringstead,  3 House Martins over Dallington Cemetery,  Mediterranean Gull at Boddington Reservoir,  Short Eared Owl at Harrington Airfield,  3 Cattle Egrets at Chacombe near Banbury plus Ring Tail Hen Harrier,  Pink Footed Goose and Red Crested Pochards at Stanford Reservoir. 

I wonder what this week will bring?

Regards Eleanor 

Great Tit.

Mute Swan cygnet
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Blackbird courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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