Thursday 19 September 2024

September marches on


A Black-necked Grebe at Daventry Country Park is presumably a fresh bird in with these NNE winds.

The six Red-crested Pochard remain at Stanford Reservoir today with other birds being two Pintail, an influx of Wigeon, a Common Sandpiper, a Hobby and two Cetti's Warblers. A Garganey was recorded at Eyebrook Reservoir.

Three Yellow-legged Gulls, a Dunlin and two Ringed Plovers were in the dam area at Pitsford Reservoir today and there were at least two Great White Egrets north of the causeway. A Grey Wagtail was at Hanging Houghton.

A Bittern was seen at Layby Pit North at Stanwick Pits this morning with a remaining Black-tailed Godwit and a Pintail on the main lake. Summer Leys LNR provided a female Stonechat and three Green Sandpipers.

A significant influx of Great White Egrets nationally is having some influence on birds locally with one bird seen flying over Brackley town at 8.30am this morning.


Neil M

Dunnock courtesy
of John Tilly.

Stonechat courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Sparrowhawk courtesy
of Jim Dunkley.

Starling courtesy of
John Tilly.

Long-tailed Tits courtesy
of John Gamble.

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