Saturday 14 September 2024

A quiet Saturday


Very little in the way of reported sightings of notable birds in the county today despite pleasant weather conditions.

At Stanford Reservoir there were four Red-crested Pochard today plus a Cackling Goose, two Hobbies, one Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher and a Cetti's Warbler. Three hundred and twenty new birds were ringed there today and three birds were caught with rings on from elsewhere.

A Whinchat was at Pitsford Reservoir today in the Scaldwell Bay near the Sand Martin hut and at least one Great White Egret was present.

A male Hen Harrier seen distantly at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell was heading east just before midday and a Whinchat was in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton near to shrike hedge.

Two more Whinchats were at Harrington Airfield today plus a pair of Ravens. Other Ravens included a single over Great Billing towards Weston Favell this morning and two were over Wollaston this afternoon.

Other birds were a Hobby over Blakesley and at Boddington Reservoir there were two Caspian Gulls this afternoon plus two Yellow-legged Gulls and two Common Sandpipers.


Neil M

Kestrel caught and ringed today.
These birds are often feisty and
 this bird was no exception!

Mute Swan.

Reed Bunting courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Chaffinch courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Chiffchaff courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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