Friday 20 September 2024

Birds of the season


Another quiet day in the county today but at Stanford Reservoir a Bittern was seen several times and other birds were six Red-crested Pochard still, a Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher, a Water Rail, two Cetti's Warblers and singles of Reed Warbler and Sedge Warbler.

A regular adult Caspian Gull was again at Naseby Reservoir and single Hobbies were seen at Piddington and just inside Bedfordshire at Poddington and over the village of Cogenhoe. At Summer Leys LNR there were two Hobbies there too plus singles of Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and two Pintail. The Hobbies are no doubt feeding up before they follow the martins and Swallows south to Africa.

A Garganey and a Turnstone were at Eyebrook Reservoir today.


Neil M

Hobby courtesy of
Robin Gossage.

Bittern courtesy of
Robin Gossage.

Yellow-browed Warbler 
courtesy of Robin Gossage.
A major arrival is occurring in the
north and east of the nation with
a scattering elsewhere...

Rock Pipit courtesy of
Tony Stanford.
This is the best time of year and
into October to chance across
this scarce species in the county.
They seem to have become much
more difficult to see in recent years.

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