Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Friday, 14 March 2025

Mid-March birds


Reservoir birding at Ravensthorpe provided the two White-fronted Geese and nearby at Hollowell Reservoir there was a second calendar year Mediterranean Gull, two Jack Snipe and a Water Rail. At least two Great White Egrets were north of the causeway at Pitsford Reservoir and two Yellow-legged Gulls were off the dam late this afternoon.

A singing Blackcap was at Woodford Halse, Steve still has two Lesser Redpolls on his garden feeders at Brixworth and several gardens report Reed Buntings and we still have three Yellowhammers coming to our garden. 

The Glossy Ibis was by Wollaston Weir at Earls Barton Pits and Common Snipe on the Summer Leys LNR reached twenty-eight. The drake Smew and a Cattle Egret remain at Clifford Hill Pits and seven White-fronted Geese and a Pink-footed Goose were still at Whiston Wetlands between Cogenhoe and Earls Barton.

Birds at Thrapston Pits included the drake Ring-necked Duck on the Heronry Lake on the Titchmarsh reserve, three White-fronted Geese, four Egyptian Geese, two Oystercatchers, a Water Rail, two Grey Wagtails, a Redshank, two Sand Martins and with plenty of Chiffchaffs and Cetti's Warblers.

Two Grey Wagtails were in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth and the two Barn Owls were again in the valley below Hanging Houghton this morning.


Neil M

Common Snipe courtesy
of Jonathan Pitt.

Meadow Pipit courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

Goldeneye courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

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