Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday, 10 March 2025

Eagle on the loose


Some excitement today as it transpires that the White-tailed Eagle that was at Rutland Water yesterday was GPS tracked in Northamptonshire as it headed south. The initial tracking provided a location of Hollowell Reservoir at about 12.32pm. It now seems that the eagle was in flight and didn't linger and then overflew nearby Ravensthorpe Reservoir before moving further south and could still be local.

Earlier birds at Hollowell Reservoir were four Jack Snipe and two Common Snipe and latterly two Great White Egrets and two Kingfishers. The two White-fronted Geese were still at Ravensthorpe Reservoir this morning and a Shelduck was there this afternoon.

Elsewhere and the favourites of the Summer Leys LNR Glossy Ibis and the Titchmarsh reserve Ring-necked Duck were still present today. Also two Hawfinches showed rather nicely in Cottesbrooke village this morning at and near the Old Rectory which is just east of the church in Main Street.

Six Siskins were at Scotland Wood, a Grey Wagtail was at Kelmarsh Hall and single Ravens were in Brixworth and Cottesbrooke villages.

Clifford Hill Pits still hung on to the Cattle Egret and drake Smew and a Little Ringed Plover and a Sand Martin flew through Eyebrook Reservoir. Five Yellow-legged Gulls were in the Pitsford Reservoir gull roost this afternoon.


Neil M

Carrion Crow courtesy
of John Tilly.

Lesser Redpolls courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Little Ringed Plover
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

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