Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Longer days but still cool temperatures


The Nene Valley continues to be the feature in the county that attracts many of the birds of interest currently.

Clifford Hill Pits still had it's drake Smew and a Cattle Egret today, Summer Leys was still the venue for the Glossy Ibis and two Cattle Egrets were again in flight at Stanwick Pits early morning.

The Whiston Wetlands area hosted a Red-crested Pochard on the river still and four White-fronted Geese and two Pink-footed Geese and three White-fronted Geese were at Thrapston Pits where a possible Ring-necked Duck x Tufted Duck hybrid was noted and a Bittern was reportedly seen.

The long-staying Scaup and Cattle Egret were still at Blatherwycke Lake, a pair of Ravens, a Siskin and one or two Kingfisher(s) were in the Walgrave Bay at Pitsford Reservoir and two Barn Owls were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this morning.

A Slavonian Grebe was still at Eyebrook Reservoir and Stanford Reservoir's birds included two Great White Egrets still, two Oystercatchers, three Goosanders, a Water Rail, a Kingfisher and two Cetti's Warblers.


Neil M

Kestrel courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Blue Tit courtesy of
Robin Gossage.

Little Owl courtesy of
Robin Gossage.

Grey Heron with Pike prey
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

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