Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday, 12 August 2024

Pitsford WeBS count


The Pitsford Reservoir WeBS count was completed today, most of it completed before it became too hot. Birding highlights included three Ospreys trying to fish but attracting a great deal of attention from the still-breeding Common Terns, a juvenile Marsh Harrier, seven Great White Egrets, the drake Red-crested Pochard still and the juvenile Whinchat near to the Bird Club hide. A couple of Kingfishers and three Common Sandpipers were on-site and odonata on the wing included Banded Demoiselle and Emerald Damselfly. Most of the wildfowl were north of the causeway and the Great Crested Grebes have plenty of young this year, in contrast to the Mute Swans which on the reserve have only one cygnet from the six pairs or so breeding!

Fifteen Spotted Flycatchers and a Common Redstart were showing nicely at Lamport Hall this evening and two vocal Common Redstarts remain at Woodford Halse LNR.

Both the Pectoral Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs were reported as being present at Lilbourne Meadows reserve today, with occasional telescope views across a field and via two gates and with restricted viewing of the floodwater due to hedges both sides and no potential elevation. Three Green Sandpipers were also present.

The easterly airflow may have been responsible for six Black Terns at Eyebrook Reservoir and three at Hollowell Reservoir and six that flew through Stanford Reservoir early this morning.

Stanford Reservoir also hosted it's daily Osprey, the Ruddy Shelduck and a Common Sandpiper with one hundred and fifteen new birds ringed there today.

An Osprey was over the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits today and the Summer Leys  reserve attracted a Marsh Harrier, a Garganey, a Common Sandpiper and two Greenshanks.

Twelve Ravens were at Woodford Halse village early this morning and Harrington Airfield was still home to a Whinchat and a Common Redstart.


Neil M

Black-tailed Godwits (and Avocet).

Moon birds (Knot) courtesy
of Robin Gossage.


Red Admiral on bramble.

Common Darter.

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Warblers, chats and pipits on the move


This morning was an opportunity for local bird ringers to catch and ring migrants at the water treatment works in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth. Efforts seemed to coincide with some significant passage movement and one hundred and twenty-eight birds were processed with warblers dominating - nine Willow Warblers, six Chiffchaffs, twenty-two Sedge Warblers, sixteen Reed Warblers, fourteen Blackcaps, a Garden Warbler and twenty-five Common Whitethroats. Other birds ringed included a Tree Pipit, five Grey Wagtails, two Pied Wagtails and a small numbers of local birds. 

Another Tree Pipit was noted heading south and other birds included a Raven and a Green Sandpiper.

A little further north and the shrike hedge area of the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton supported a Tree Pipit, a Common Redstart and a Whinchat.

Harrington Airfield was seemingly the venue for an overnight rave but even here migrants had dropped in this morning and included a Wheatear, four Whinchats, two Common Redstarts and a Marsh Harrier. About ten Spotted Flycatchers and two Common Redstarts were at Lamport Hall late this morning with the flycatchers reaching fifteen birds this evening.

Pitsford Reservoir today again attracted an early morning Osprey and it or another was perched up late in the morning. Other birds were the drake Red-crested Pochard, five Great White Egrets and a Whinchat. Two Hobbies were seen at Hollowell Reservoir.

At Stanford Reservoir over three hundred new birds were caught and ringed which included a male Common Redstart and three Grasshopper Warblers. Again an Osprey was there this morning plus a Marsh Harrier, the Ruddy Shelduck, a Yellow-legged Gull and a Common Sandpiper. A male Common Redstart remained at Woodford Halse LNR.

At Lilbourne Meadows reserve a Lesser Yellowlegs had joined the Pectoral Sandpiper on the dwindling flood meadow but nevertheless provided distant viewing on and off during the day. A Garganey, two Green Sandpipers, a Dunlin and Little Ringed Plovers were noted there too. Sadly the viewing opportunities are quite frankly appalling!


Neil M

Tree Pipit at Brixworth today.

Cormorant at Pitsford Reservoir.

A recently fledged juvenile
Common Whitethroat at
Harrington Airfield.

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Lots of ringing and a Pectoral Sandpiper


Kenny Cramer and team enjoyed a bumper ringing session at Linford Lakes (Milton Keynes) today, safely processing 162 birds, the majority being newly-ringed birds. Amongst the eighteen species the two stand out birds were a Spotted Flycatcher and a Tree Pipit. Not surprisingly warblers dominated with twenty-nine Blackcaps, fifteen Garden Warblers, a Common Whitethroat, three Cetti's Warblers, eleven Willow Warblers, nine Chiffchaffs, three Sedge Warblers and twenty-two Reed Warblers. Thirty-five Blue Tits ensured it was the most common species encountered with just five Great Tits.

A Pectoral Sandpiper was a good find this morning at Lilbourne Meadows reserve - the wader list for this new reserve is already pretty impressive! Two Green Sandpipers and two Common Sandpipers were also there.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir today included an Osprey which spent much of the morning there, a Mandarin Duck, a Goldeneye, a Common Sandpiper and another Grasshopper Warbler was caught and ringed amongst two hundred and five newly-ringed birds for the day.

At Pitsford Reservoir today an Osprey was present this afternoon and birds in the morning included four Great White Egrets, the drake Red-crested Pochard, the juvenile Whinchat, a Green Sandpiper and a Barn Owl.

In the Nene Valley there was no sign of the Black-necked Grebe on Delta Pit, Ditchford Pits but there was a Black-tailed Godwit on Dragonfly Lake on the Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadow reserve. Summer Leys LNR attracted a Marsh Harrier, two Garganey, a Greenshank, two Green Sandpipers, two Common Sandpipers, a Common Snipe and a Little Ringed Plover. Two Common Sandpipers were on a fishing pit near Thrapston.

A Common Redstart was at New Sandy Lane attenuation pond on the outskirts of Duston this morning, the two Common Redstarts were still at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell where there was also a morning Marsh Harrier. Another Common Redstart was at Harrington Airfield between Bunker One and the chippings compound and two male Common Redstarts and at least twelve Spotted Flycatchers were at Lamport Hall this evening. Two Ravens were at Hanging Houghton and one was along the Kettering Road in Northampton. An Osprey was seen moving over south along the Brampton Valley below Brixworth at about 5.20pm. Two Peregrines were over Woodford Halse this evening.


Neil M

Spotted Flycatcher.

Tree Pipit.

Willow Warbler.

Images courtesy of
Kenny Cramer.

Friday, 9 August 2024

Warm and breezy Friday


Pitsford Reservoir hung on to some interesting birds today with at least one Osprey which caught a fish in the Scaldwell Bay early this morning, four or five Great White Egrets, the drake Red-crested Pochard, a couple of Hobbies and a Whinchat.

Two Ospreys were at Hollowell Reservoir this morning as was a Whinchat and Stanford Reservoir hosted an Osprey, a Ruddy Shelduck, a Mandarin Duck, a Goldeneye, a Common Sandpiper and six Ravens.

At least one male Common Redstart was at Woodford Halse LNR today and at Harrington Airfield this evening there were at least two Common Redstarts, a Whinchat and a Marsh Harrier with two Whinchats in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.

In the Nene Valley a Black-necked Grebe was found on Delta Pit at Ditchford Pits and birds at Summer Leys LNR included a Marsh Harrier, a Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper and a Little Ringed Plover. Early morning birding provided a juvenile Caspian Gull and three Yellow-legged Gulls at Stanwick Pits on the main lake.


Neil M

Sedge Warbler courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.

Chiffchaff courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Large Skipper.

Gatekeeper. In a poor year for
butterflies this species seems to
be bucking the trend and is in
good numbers.

Sunset at Harrington Airfield
this evening.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Barn Owls, Ospreys and a few waders


A rather grey and breezy day with some drizzle and light rain is supposed to make way for more warm and sunny weather this week-end.

Late yesterday (Wednesday) morning there was a flock of thirteen Egyptian Geese in the Welland Valley below Cottingham.

Today (Thursday) and ringers have been checking Barn Owl boxes in the county which has resulted in two broods of young being located and ringed.

At Pitsford Reservoir this morning there were three Ospreys north of the causeway with what was probably a fourth bird later perched up again in trees near to the Bird Club Hide. Other birds included the eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard, a Great White Egret, a Hobby, three Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper and a Whinchat. A Crossbill was heard calling over Pitsford village this evening.

A Hobby was at Stortons Pits early this morning, a Little Ringed Plover was on the dam at Hollowell Reservoir this morning with an Osprey and a Great White Egret this evening and two Kingfishers were along the brook in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.

Stanford Reservoir again hosted an Osprey this morning plus a Mandarin Duck, a Little Ringed Plover, the local Ruddy Shelduck, a Goldeneye, a Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher and seven Ravens.

A Green Sandpiper was noted at Summer Leys LNR.


Neil M

Juvenile Whinchat at
Pitsford Reservoir today
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard
at Pitsford Reservoir courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Lesser Stag Beetle.

Barn Owl nestlings
courtesy of Chris Payne.

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Early autumn movers


Pitsford Reservoir was the venue today for at least two Ospreys, mostly north of the causeway, and including one perched up again near to the Bird Club Hide. Five Great White Egrets were present as was a Green Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper and the drake Red-crested Pochard.

A male Common Redstart was again at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell early this morning and at least one Crossbill passed over the Eurohub Centre at Corby early this afternoon. A Wheatear was seen between Finedon and Cranford.

Two Garganey were found at Summer Leys LNR this afternoon where there was also a Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper and four Common Sandpipers. An Osprey was at Stanford Reservoir yet again this morning plus the Mandarin Duck, a Common Sandpiper, a Kingfisher, three Ravens and a single Grasshopper Warbler was caught and ringed. 

Three Barn Owls were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this evening


Neil M

Osprey Blue 3AY at Pitsford Reservoir
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

August status quo


As is sometimes the way in August, the usual suite of birds arrive and then there is not a great deal of diversification until later in the month when the migration becomes heavier.

The two male Common Redstarts continue their long stay at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell and were both present and active this morning. At Lamport Hall the Spotted Flycatchers were at least ten in number and Common Redstarts increased to two.

A Marsh Harrier was hunting slowly around Harrington Airfield late morning, seemingly a different individual to the immaculate juvenile from a few days ago. The Linnet flock has risen to about a hundred birds, probably attracted to the harvested linseed field between the concrete track and Bunker Three.

Two Ruff at Stanwick Pits may be the first of the autumn and Summer Leys LNR attracted a Marsh Harrier, a Greenshank, a Great White Egret and a Green Sandpiper. An Osprey was on the west side of the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits late this morning and a Common Gull appeared.

Another Osprey was fishing early this morning at Stanford Reservoir where there is still a Common Sandpiper and birds noted in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir this afternoon were an Osprey, four Great White Egrets, a drake Red-crested Pochard, a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper and a Whinchat.

Two Barn Owls were present in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this evening.


Neil M

Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn.

Little Egret.

Great White Egret.


Long-tailed Tit.


All images courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Monday, 5 August 2024

Birding at Pitsford


A little bit of time spent in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir this morning was productive with a hunting juvenile Marah Harrier, a fishing Osprey, the eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard, twenty-six Pochard, a couple of Common Gulls, a Yellow-legged Gull, three Great White Egrets, a Common Sandpiper and a juvenile Whinchat all on view.

In the evening a check of a small gathering of gulls, hardly a roost these days, off the dam provided five Common Gulls (two juveniles), five Yellow-legged Gulls (two juveniles), a Whimbrel moving through south and a Common Sandpiper.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir today also included an Osprey or two, a Hobby, three Ravens and a Spotted Flycatcher.

Two male Common Redstarts and two Spotted Flycatchers were at Woodford Halse LNR and the two male Common Redstarts remain at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell. Another Common Redstart was near Bunker One at Harrington Airfield this morning. A Whinchat was still at Hollowell Reservoir this evening.

At Thrapston Pits today the Titchmarsh reserve attracted a Greenshank, a Green Sandpiper and two adult Yellow-legged Gulls and a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was an early morning sighting at Stanwick Pits. Two Greenshanks were at Summer Leys LNR this evening.

A Marsh Harrier in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this morning flew towards Brixworth and this evening there were three Barn Owls present.


Neil M

Grey Wagtail courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Blackbird courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Common Darter.

Ruddy Darter.

A meadow full of wild carrot
and sunset at Harrington Airfield.

Sunday, 4 August 2024

Warbler ringing


Ringing sessions were managed by Northants Ringing Group members today at Linford Lakes in Milton Keynes and a more modest affair at Harrington Airfield. At Linford Lakes Kenny Cramer steered his team to produce one hundred and forty-seven captures of twenty-two species with warblers dominating including twenty-seven Blackcaps, sixteen Garden Warblers, three Sedge Warblers, ten Reed Warblers, two Lesser Whitethroats, two Common Whitethroats, nine Chiffchaffs and eight Willow Warblers. A few finches included Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch and three juvenile Reed Buntings were pleasing. Seven new Robins and six new Wrens confirms these species have enjoyed a productive breeding season.

Two Grass Snakes and plenty of Brown Hawkers were other wildlife encountered.

At Harrington Airfield much lower numbers included more Willow Warblers and Common Whitethroats as the dominating species but little else that was notable. Ravens and Grey Partridges remained vocal for much of the morning.

At Pitsford Reservoir today a Marsh Harrier flew over in a westerly direction, an eclipse drake Red-crested Pochard was in the Scaldwell Bay which also hosted three families of Tufted Ducks and a Little Grebe family plus three Great White Egrets and two Common Sandpipers.

Two male Common Redstarts were still at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this afternoon and two Whinchats and a Marsh Harrier were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton. The two male Common Redstarts were still at Woodford Halse LNR today. Two Wheatears at the west end of Hinton Airfield were probably the first of the autumn.

At Summer Leys LNR a Marsh Harrier caught prey and other birds included five Goosanders, two Common Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper and birds noted at Stanford Reservoir were the regulars of Ruddy Shelduck, Mandarin Duck and a Common Sandpiper.


Neil M

Sunrise at Linford Lakes

Lesser Whitethroat.

Reed Bunting.

Common Whitethroat.

Juvenile Willow Warbler.

All images courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Ospreys, warblers and shorter days


It was decidedly grey and even a little chilly at Harrington Airfield this morning and a ringing session netted a modest number of birds which in the main were probably mostly post-breeding adults and juveniles from local stock. A few exceptions included a couple of Sedge Warblers and a Reed Warbler and it's likely that some of the Willow Warblers would be breeders and offspring from much further north. A Whinchat was seen in a wheat field there, a couple of Ravens were never far away and a Barn Owl was present pre-dawn. A couple of Grey Partridges were calling but kept a low profile.

At Lamport Hall the Spotted Flycatchers flock had grown to over eight birds, possibly two family parties joining together, and a Common Redstart was still there too.

Ian again found two male Common Redstarts at Woodford Halse LNR.

At Pitsford Reservoir the blue colour-ringed Osprey 3AY was again perched up in dead trees near the Bird Club hide this afternoon, the same bird was there on Thursday. This bird originates from the Rutland release scheme and apparently is a five year old (currently non-breeding) male which has been seen at Stanford Reservoir recently. A week on Friday ago Dave Jackson saw it at Pitsford perch on a perch with a Perch (fish)! 😀

Other birds for Pitsford today included a Red-crested Pochard, three Great White Egrets, a Common Sandpiper and a hundred and fifty House Martins.

Birds of interest at Summer Leys LNR this afternoon were made up of a Marsh Harrier, a Great White Egret, a Green Sandpiper and a brood of eleven Tufted Duck ducklings. Even by modern-day standards, twelve Cattle Egrets at Stanwick Pits this morning was an excellent total, seemingly made up of adults still in breeding plumage, duller birds and also juveniles.

The Ruddy Shelduck was still at Stanford Reservoir today where there was also one hundred and sixty Tufted Ducks, a Raven, a Hobby and two Common Sandpipers. Two Ospreys were fishing there at 3.30pm.

Two Barn Owls were hunting in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this evening.


Neil M

Evening flying ant hatch
at Harrington Airfield.

Reed Warbler courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Long-tailed Tit courtesy
of Jane Neill.

Juvenile Sedge Warbler courtesy
of Jane Neill.

Osprey 3AY in action at
Pitsford Reservoir last
Thursday courtesy of
Robin Gossage.