Despite being out and about nearly all day today, neither Eleanor or I saw anything of note.
Andrew Tyrrell was out birding at the week-end and saw the four Pink-footed Geese at Blatherwycke Lake yesterday. A female Brambling and a male Blackcap have been visiting his Wootton garden recently on a regular basis, the Brambling was still there yesterday.
This afternoon Andrew was at Pitsford Reservoir and saw the three White-fronted Geese and a male Merlin, all the birds roughly half way between the causeway and dam.
The below images refer to a Marsh Tit caught yesterday at Pitsford Reservoir exhibiting a white tail (courtesy of Jacob Spinks).
Neil M
Despite being out and about nearly all day today, neither Eleanor or I saw anything of note.
Andrew Tyrrell was out birding at the week-end and saw the four Pink-footed Geese at Blatherwycke Lake yesterday. A female Brambling and a male Blackcap have been visiting his Wootton garden recently on a regular basis, the Brambling was still there yesterday.
This afternoon Andrew was at Pitsford Reservoir and saw the three White-fronted Geese and a male Merlin, all the birds roughly half way between the causeway and dam.
The below images refer to a Marsh Tit caught yesterday at Pitsford Reservoir exhibiting a white tail (courtesy of Jacob Spinks).
Neil M