Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Ringing recoveries


We have details now of a series of ringing recoveries associated with the activities of Northants Ringing Group members as follows:-

1. A juvenile Robin ringed at Pitsford Reservoir on 8th September 2021 was found dead in Earls Barton on or about 27th April this year, this bird moving 13km in a south easterly direction post ringing. Two hundred and thirty-one days had elapsed between the two records;

2. A young Magpie was ringed at Brixworth on 3rd August last year and was destroyed near Lamport on or about 10th April this year 'for Nature Protection', this bird moving 3km from where first ringed and displacing in a north-easterly direction before it's demise two hundred and fifty days later;

3. A first year Redwing was caught and ringed at Harrington Airfield  on 12th December 2021 and was found dead as a suspected road casualty in Norway at Hjellestad, Bergen 129 days later and 952km from where first ringed on or about 20th April 2022. This bird had survived the winter and had headed back in a NNE direction;

Redwing movement.

4. A Coal Tit was ringed as a nestling in a nest box at Pitsford Reservoir on 27th June 2021 and found dead in Loddington village on 15th April 2022 - 292 days later and 8km from where first ringed having moved in a NNE direction;

5. A juvenile Reed Bunting was ringed at Stanford Reservoir on 7th August last year and re-captured at Linford Lakes, Milton Keynes on 27th March this year, this female travelling 44km in a SSE direction from where first ringed with 232 days elapsing between the two captures;

6. A first year Lesser Redpoll was caught and ringed at Hollesley Heath, Suffolk on 12th April 2021 and ended up in a ringer's mist net at Greens Norton on 22nd March this year. Some three hundred and forty-four days had elapsed with the bird 168km further west of where first ringed.


Neil M

Juvenile Robin courtesy
of Chris Payne.

Magpie courtesy of
Lewis Aaron.

Redwing courtesy of
Lewis Aaron.

Juvenile Coal Tit.

Reed Bunting.

Lesser Redpoll courtesy
of Lewis Aaron.

Saturday, 30 April 2022

Naturetrek Tours and Linford Lakes ringing


I have recently arrived home following an eight day Naturetrek tour in Provence, South France where we were treated to 280 species of plants and flowers, a selection of interesting insects, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and of course over 140 species of bird. I have created an additional Tab or Page on the blog entitled 'Provence in Spring' with an initial selection of images from the trip.

Yesterday (Friday) and it was a Naturetrek day trip to Rectory Farm, Great Easton and the neighbouring Eyebrook Reservoir courtesy of the Johnson family at Eyebrook Wild Bird Foods. In just a few hours we recorded over sixty species of bird, watched several cavorting Brown Hares and listened intently to the principles of successful hand in hand farming and conservation. Lots of raptors included a fishing Osprey and we also encountered Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper, the long-staying summer plumage Slavonian Grebe and a cracking male Whinchat.

Today (Saturday) and Kenny Cramer and team completed some ringing at Linford Lakes, Milton Keynes experiencing a hard frost first thing and lovely sunshine later! Fifty-nine birds of eighteen species were processed, twenty-eight of which were newly-ringed. However it was the re-trapped birds that provided the most interest amongst the captures.

Warblers made up the bulk of the birds with three Willows Warblers, three Reed Warblers, seven Sedge Warblers, three Garden Warblers, fifteen Blackcaps, three Cetti's Warblers, a Lesser Whitethroat and a Common Whitethroat. Other birds included a Green Woodpecker, three Greenfinches and five Reed Buntings. One of the Blackcaps was a returning bird first ringed in 2019 and captured every year since, a Cetti's Warbler that was first ringed there in 2020 and a control Sedge Warbler first ringed somewhere in the UK as a juvenile in 2016 making it an impressive six years old! One of the Reed Buntings was first ringed there in 2018 and the male Green Woodpecker was a ringed adult bird from way back in 2015 (and hadn't been encountered since) making it at least eight years old.

Other birds noted on-site included three Common Terns and singles of Hobby, Raven, Cuckoo and Barnacle Goose with other wildlife disciplines joining in with three Grass Snakes, two Great Crested Newts, a Common Toad and a probable Hairy Hawker dragonfly.

My brief wanderings today in the county yielded an Arctic Tern off the dam at Pitsford Reservoir this morning and a Wheatear in a small grassy field next to the Brampton Brook below Hanging Houghton this afternoon. The Stanwick Pits Glossy Ibis remains and an Osprey was seen flying high north over Duston, Northampton at lunchtime today. A pair of Ruff were at Summer Leys LNR today, the male displaying to the female, surely a rare sight in the county? A Cuckoo was at nearby Mary's Lake.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir today included a Cuckoo, a White Wagtail, two Curlews over east and a Cetti's Warbler.


Neil M

Sedge Warbler.

Male Green Woodpecker
depicting unusual and individually
different eye colouration (should
normally be a pale iris).

Lesser Whitethroat.

Common Whitethroat.

All images courtesy of
Kenny Cramer.

Monday, 25 April 2022


 I have been away for a few days indulging in my other passion, agility,  although after this weekend I sometimes wonder why I bother!!. But the dogs thoroughly enjoyed themselves.   Now I am playing catch up with the birds which have been seen over the last few days.  I was aware of the birds around due to the whats app messages and was keeping my fingers crossed that a mega didn't turn up which was quite possible at this time of year.      I did manage to miss the White Stork which turned up at Earls Barton on Thursday (21st). When the news broke I was in the middle of something and then when I could go the bird had flown off.  Not expecting it to be found again in Northants I went off topping up the feeding stations and didn't realise that it had landed at Stanwick until it was too late.  It was seen again at Stanwick the following day before it disappeared.  It was a female bird GB46 from the White Stork  Project Reintroduction Scheme.  If the bird is currently moving about then it might turn up again in the county,  so keep your eyes peeled.

It has been a good weekend for the Nene Valley with Little Gulls,  Sandwich Terns, Arctic Terns, Whimbrel,  Bar Tailed Godwits, Sanderling,  Dunlin,  Ruff, Grey Plover and Bittern all being recorded.  Plus the long standing Glossy Ibis,  Great White Egrets,  Cattle Egret and Garganey. 

Away from the Nene Valley  there were Arctic Tern and Little Gulls at Boddington Reservoir, Little Gulls at Daventry Country Park, Bar Tailed Godwits at Byfield and DIRFT3 and Little Gulls at Pitsford Reservoir.        But the place to be was Honey Hill, not just for the amazing views but for Ring Ouzel.  Several birds were present over the weekend viewed from the Jurassic way footpath looking towards the small undulating sheep field.  It is a very interesting looking area and is high up so I'm not at all surprised that it is attracting these gorgeous birds.   A single Ring Ouzel has been showing from a footpath near West Farndon.                                                                                                     Plenty of summer migrants have now arrived,  Cuckoo,  Sedge Warbler,  Yellow Wagtails,  Lesser Whitethroat,  Whitethroat,  Swallows and no doubt there will be more to come.  Definitely an exciting time of year as absolutely anything could turn up anywhere and may not necessarily be found by a birdwatcher.  I have learnt never to dismiss anything that a non birder might tell you about.  Many years ago a colleague at work said that she had a very pretty bird feeding in her garden.  I went to have a look and nearly choked on my tea when a Waxwing dropped in!!

On my return yesterday it was a case of feeding the birds in the garden and at Kelmarsh and Harrington Airfield.  Although the feeders were empty I had barely finished topping them up before the birds descended.  I was very surprised when a Brambling started calling near to our garden and infact has been feeding in the garden today along with several Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings.  Yesterday evening as I walked from the chipping compound towards the feeding areas at Harrington Airfield I came across a lovely male Common Redstart in the bushes and a Grasshopper Warbler at bunker 2.

Think that I have just about caught up now !! I wonder what this week will bring ?

Regards Eleanor 

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Birds of the sunshine and breeze


Cooler air temperatures, a north-easterly airflow and still sunny conditions prevailed for most of the day.

An early morning walk at Harrington Airfield provided three Wheatears in bean fields, a singing Lesser Whitethroat and two pairs of Grey Partridge.

Later in the morning a male Marsh Harrier was flying slowly in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and it meandered off towards Maidwell. A singing Sedge Warbler was alongside the Brampton Brook.

Birds at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell and the summit of Blueberry Hill included a Grasshopper Warbler, two Wheatears, four Yellow Wagtails, a Lesser Whitethroat and a calling Cuckoo.

An Osprey was at Hollowell Reservoir late morning where there was also a Jack Snipe and two Common Snipe. Birds at Stanford Reservoir today included a Cuckoo, a Grasshopper Warbler and an Oystercatcher

At Earls Barton Pits today there was a Cuckoo at Quarry Walk, a Little Ringed Plover and a Bar-tailed Godwit on Hardwater Lake and with a Ruff and a Pintail on Summer Leys LNR.

The female Ring-necked Duck and a pair of Mandarin Ducks were at Kinewell Lake, Ringstead Pits this morning and birds at Thrapston Pits included the pair of Garganey still, a Common Sandpiper and two fly-through Curlew. Two Whimbrel were on the north shore of the main barrage lake at Clifford Hill Pits late this morning.

The Glossy Ibis was still on the main lake at Stanwick Pits this morning plus eight Cattle Egrets and four fly-through Arctic Terns.


Neil M

Male Marsh Harrier.


Lesser Whitethroat.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Post-Easter birding.


A subtle change in the weather from today onwards provides an opportunity for more migration action as the breeze swings north east and there is a mixture of weather systems around us. This should bring arrivals of terns, interesting gulls and waders and more interesting passerines too. The alarm bells are ringing for some anticipated summer arrivals already - what has happened to the Sand Martins this year? It seems that with year on year decreases, drought conditions in Africa and cold weather in the Mediterranean, the smallest of the hirundines is really struggling. Hopefully there will be a late arrival of these buzzy, busy little birds.

A drake Garganey was new in at Stanford Reservoir today and there was also a drake Mandarin Duck, a Green Sandpiper and three Oystercatchers. The Upton Country Park Wood Sandpiper was seen again today and at Earls Barton there was still a Bar-tailed Godwit on Hardwater Lake and at least three Arctic Terns on the Summer Leys reserve plus a Golden Plover and Little Ringed Plover. Nearby there was a Grasshopper Warbler and a Cuckoo singing at the back of Mary's Lake with two Egyptian Geese nearby at Wollaston Lock and a calling Cuckoo at Quarry Walk.

The female Ring-necked Duck was seen again at Kinewell Lake, Ringstead Pits and three Great White Egrets were at Ditchford Pits on Higham Lake and the Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows reserve. A Marsh Harrier was on the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits at about 12.50pm.

Congratulations go to Dave Jackson for winning this week's Birdguides Photograph of the Week award  with the Sparrowhawk and Snipe shot which is similar to Robin's image of the same incident which currently features on the header of this blog.


Neil M

A stunning close spring drake
Long-tailed Duck would be
a good and long-awaited
 county find!

Image courtesy of
Dave Jackson.

Arctic Tern.

Marsh Harrier courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Easter Monday wildlife


Another bright and sunny day with a pleasant breeze and some hazy cloud.

There were no reported significant findings today, the good weather providing an opportunity for good overhead movement and for many of the long stayers to move on too.

Birds at Summer Leys LNR today included a Great White Egret, Greenshank, two Ruff, two Little Ringed Plovers, a Snipe and a Lesser Whitethroat with two Bar-tailed Godwits and two Little Ringed Plovers on nearby Hardwater Lake. The Quarry Walk section held two Cuckoos, a Grasshopper Warbler and Grizzled Skipper butterfly. Other scarce butterflies included a Green Hairstreak and Dingy Skipper at Twywell Hills and Dales Country Park.

The Glossy Ibis was at Stanwick Pits today plus eight Cattle Egrets, three Great White Egrets and two Mediterranean Gulls and birds at Stanford Reservoir today included two Grasshopper Warblers, two Lesser Whitethroats (both ringed), four Cetti's Warblers, a Reed Warbler, a Green Sandpiper and an Oystercatcher.

Clifford Hill Pits today provided a Common Sandpiper, a Little Ringed Plover and a Wheatear. Honey Hill at Cold Ashby was visited but no Ring Ouzels were seen today. Two Ravens were at Hanging Houghton.

At Pitsford Reservoir it all seemed pretty quiet with a few Yellow Wagtails at both the dam and north of the causeway, a Common Snipe and two Common Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull off the Sailing Club. A Sedge Warbler and three Tree Sparrows were ringed on the reserve there today. A male Brambling was in a Pitsford village garden this evening.

Hollowell Reservoir hosted a Common Snipe, a Jack Snipe and a Common Sandpiper.


Neil M

Sedge Warbler.

Common Whitethroat.

Reed Warbler.

All images courtesy of
Robin Gossage.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Easter Sunday Eagle


Another day of sunny conditions, even if a little hazy at times.

The White-tailed Eagle at Stanford Reservoir yesterday was still there this morning and strayed into Northamptonshire before departing to the south. This bird was confirmed as a second calendar year bird from the Isle of Wight scheme. Other birds there this morning included a Marsh Harrier briefly, three Grasshopper Warblers, a Reed Warbler and two Oystercatchers.

A Hobby was seen at Brigstock this afternoon, two Ring Ouzels were still at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby and Lesser Whitethroats were reported from Mary's Lake at Earls Barton Pits, the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits and Harrington Airfield.

Other birds reported from Earls Barton include a Garganey and a Bar-tailed Godwit on the Summer Leys scrape and two Bar-tailed Godwits on Hardwater Lake whilst a Great White Egret and Garden Warbler were noted at Stortons Pits. Other birds at Thrapston Pits included an Osprey this afternoon fishing on Elinor Trout Lake and a pair of Garganey and Garden Warbler on the Titchmarsh reserve.

At Ringstead Pits the female Ring-necked Duck was still on Kinewell Lake early this afternoon where there were also two Mediterranean Gulls (adult and second summer) and two Cattle Egrets from Woodford Church.

An Osprey caught a fish at Hollowell Reservoir early this afternoon.


Neil M

Brown Hare.


Red Kite.

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Migrants in-coming!


A very good ringing session at Linford Lakes at Milton Keynes was completed today with sixty-three birds of fifteen species processed, just over half were newly-ringed. The big arrival of summer migrants over the last few days was emphasized with twenty-nine Blackcaps handled plus three Chiffchaffs and a Reed Warbler. Other interesting birds included three re-trap Cetti's Warblers, a new Water Rail, a re-trap Kingfisher and a Tawny Owl. Other wildlife noted included another four Reed Warblers, another two Water Rails, two singing Willow Warblers, three Common Terns, five species of butterfly and at least eight Grass Snakes.

A much more sedate period of ringing at Scotland Wood provided just over forty captures which included seven new Blackcaps, two new Chiffchaffs and a re-trap Nuthatch. There were at least five species of butterfly on the wing their too plus Dark-edged Bee Fly and a fly-through Raven.

Four Ring Ouzels continued to show at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby today and birds at Pitsford Reservoir included a White Wagtail at the dam yesterday evening and today an Osprey fishing north of the causeway this morning plus three or four Bramblings, two Yellow Wagtails, two Greenshank and a Common Tern. Yesterday a pair of Mandarin Ducks were on fish ponds at Church Charwelton (south east of Charwelton village).

Three Cattle Egrets were again visible from Woodford church early this afternoon, the female Ring-necked Duck was again on Kinewell Lake at Ringstead Pits and an Arctic Tern was found on the deep water lake at Clifford Hill Pits this morning.

Stanwick Pits again hosted the Glossy Ibis this morning and there were also three Cattle Egrets and Reed Warblers there with a Grasshopper Warbler at Quarry Walk, Earls Barton Pits.

An Osprey and two Jack Snipe were at Hollowell Reservoir late morning with a Wheatear in a sheep field between Teeton and Hollowell.

This evening a White-tailed Eagle was located at Stanford Reservoir perched in a tree and visible from the dam (possibly on the Leicestershire bank)!


Neil M

Male Blackbird courtesy
of John Tilly.

Water Rail courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.

Grass Snake courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Sunny and warm Good Friday


Very warm temperatures and strong sunshine are a rare recipe for Easter but I have no complaints!

I was involved in a Naturetrek Day Tour at Eyebrook Wild Bird Feeds which included a walk around the farmland at Rectory Farm, Great Easton and scanning over Eyebrook Reservoir. A full summer plumage Slavonian Grebe was on the reservoir plus a pair of Garganey and a fly-through Curlew. The fields and margins support good numbers of Brown Hares as well as plenty of Yellowhammers, Skylarks and Linnets as you might expect from a well-managed farm that cares for the environment and nature in general.

Four singing Nightingales were located in woodland in North Northants today and one that was caught and processed is a regular bird first ringed as a first year back in 2017 and caught again in 2019.

The weather ensured that lots of warblers were in song today and most common species have now been logged in the county, with a particularly large early arrival of Common Whitethroats.

Earls Barton Pits was the venue for a Great White Egret, a Greenshank, a Ruff, a drake Garganey and over ten Common Terns on the Summer Leys LNR with a Green Sandpiper and two Little Ringed Plovers on the new workings. Migrant raptors included a Hobby at Hartwell (plus two Wheatears) and an Osprey on the Elinor Lake at Thrapston Pits.

The female Ring-necked Duck and a pair of Mandarin Ducks were on Kinewell Lake, Ringstead Pits today, at least four Ring Ouzels were still showing at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby and a Greenshank was seen in flight between Lilbourne Meadows and the M1 motorway this morning.


Neil M

The five year old
Nightingale processed today
 courtesy of Rich Goswell.

Garganey at Summer
Leys LNR today
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Great White Egret at
Summer Leys LNR today
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

The warblers are here now!


A ringing session at Stortons Pits this morning yielded several interesting birds with a returning Sedge Warbler and three Blackcaps from previous years - more evidence of significant site fidelity. Another five new Blackcaps were processed as were three new Cetti's Warblers, two Chiffchaffs and an early Whitethroat. Other birds included a Song Thrush, four Blackbirds, two Goldfinches, five Long-tailed Tits and a Reed Bunting with thirteen species handled overall.

At least five Ring Ouzels and a Wheatear remained at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby today despite the antics of two people who flushed the birds whilst trespassing yesterday. Sadly they were apparently birders who had come in from a different direction than most attendees and their blundering was far from appreciated! It's difficult to watch birds when other people are wandering around in the same area but birders should know better - it pays to adhere to any guidance and instructions on-site or on websites/information services - for our benefit and the wildlife too! 

Additional Ring Ouzels were found on the ridge between Blueberry Farm and Dale Farm near Maidwell this morning (plus a Wheatear, two Fieldfares and a Yellow Wagtail) and at Kinewell Lake, Ringstead Pits - in a sheep field on the east side of the lake between the car park and the river this afternoon. The female Ring-necked Duck popped up at Kinewell Lake again this evening, on the north side.

Birds at the Earls Barton complex today included Grasshopper Warbler and Willow Warbler at Quarry Walk, two mobile Greenshanks, a Little Ringed Plover, three Garganey, eighteen Common Snipe, a Common Whitethroat and a female Peregrine.

The Glossy Ibis was again at Stanwick Pits this morning together with two Cattle Egrets and a Great White Egret.

Pitsford Reservoir attracted twenty-two Yellow Wagtails, six White Wagtails and a Common Sandpiper around the dam this evening. A Jack Snipe and a Garden Warbler were found at Hollowell Reservoir and birds at Stanford Reservoir included a Little Ringed Plover, seven Yellow Wagtails, a Cetti's Warbler (caught and ringed), five Whitethroats and six Sedge Warblers.

The Wood Sandpiper was again present at Upton Country Park and birds at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows included two possible Sandwich Terns flying over high up, three Common Terns, a Little Ringed Plover, a Brambling, and Willow, Sedge and Garden Warblers. Two possible Sandwich Terns were also seen in flight later near Thrapston/Islip. Two Yellow Wagtails and a White Wagtail were at Ashton Sewer Works and an Osprey was seen to fly north over Daventry Country Park at about 1.50pm with a Common Whitethroat nearby at Braunston.

Up to five Bramblings were lingering at St James Park, Brackley this morning and a similar number were at Harrington Airfield where there were a pair of Grey Partridge, two singing Whitethroats, a Raven and an early morning 'reeling' Grasshopper Warbler. A male Brambling was in our Hanging Houghton garden today and other birds around the village included twenty Fieldfares and a Raven.


Neil M

Common Whitethroat (juvenile).

Sedge Warbler courtesy of
Chris Payne.

Cetti's Warbler courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.

Grasshopper Warbler courtesy
of David Smith.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Migratory Northamptonshire!


The spring of 2021 in the county was a particularly good one for exciting migrants and migration in general and it seems this spring is going that way too!

After feeding the birds at Kelmarsh Hall and checking a couple of spots in the Brampton Valley this morning, I took a quick walk around part of Harrington Airfield which supported about twenty Bramblings and plenty of Linnets and Yellowhammers and other birds coming down for seed. A few more singing Willow Warblers were in and included ringed birds and are presumably breeders from previous years. A singing Common Whitethroat is one of my earliest ever and a Raven was there too.

A Spoonbill was seen flying over Summer Leys at about 3pm this afternoon and then seen again flying up from Mary's lake almost an hour later. Other birds there and at the Earls Barton complex generally included a Grasshopper Warbler (Quarry Walk), four Sandwich Terns flying west just before 3pm, two Common Sandpipers, four Garganey and two Great White Egrets.

A pair of Garganey were on the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits at 1.30pm and four heron species on view at Woodford included seven Cattle Egrets, a Little Egret and a Great White Egret. Four Yellow Wagtails were at the Broadholme Sewer Treatment works at Ditchford.

At Upton Country Park the Wood Sandpiper was still present this afternoon as was a Green Sandpiper, three Little Ringed Plovers, two Grey Wagtails, a White Wagtail (Upton Mill) and Swallows.

Away from the Nene Valley and Honey Hill at Cold Ashby was a hotspot with five Ring Ouzels there today plus a male Common Redstart and a Wheatear. Five Wheatears and about fifty Yellowhammers were at Hartwell near the quarry track this afternoon and a Cuckoo was heard calling at Yardley Chase this morning.

Hollowell Reservoir hosted an Osprey, two Jack Snipe, eight Common Snipe, a Great White Egret and five singing Willow Warblers. A Sanderling and a Dunlin were discovered rather late on the causeway at Pitsford Reservoir and there were at least twenty-five Yellow Wagtails and a Common Sandpiper at the dam this evening.

The birds at Stanford Reservoir today included a fly-through Greenshank, a Sedge Warbler, a Common Whitethroat, three Cetti's Warblers, a Barn Owl and two Yellow Wagtails. A Swallow graced Hanging Houghton this morning with it's presence!


Neil M

Dark-edged Bee Fly
courtesy of John Gamble.

Ring Ouzel courtesy
of David Arden.

Sandwich Tern.


Tuesday, 12 April 2022

April migrants


An early morning sortie to Harrington Airfield this morning was good for about half a dozen Bramblings, six singing Willow Warblers and two Wheatears. A little later Nick Parker witnessed a Marsh Harrier flying north over there. Nearby six Fieldfares were at Blueberry Farm paddocks but there was no sign of any Ring Ouzels. A Grey Wagtail was at Draughton Sewer Works.

Another singing Grey Wagtail was on buildings next to the River Welland in Market Harborough this morning and a Yellow Wagtail was seen in flight over Brackley where there were also some singing Willow Warblers. Two Yellow Wagtails and a Wheatear were at Ashton Sewer Works.

Late this afternoon and Jon located four Ring Ouzels (three males) at Honey Hill, Cold Ashby where earlier in the day there had been a Wheatear. The Ring Ouzels were in a sheep field, using neighbouring hedges as a safe retreat.

In the Nene Valley the Summer Leys LNR provided for four Garganey, two Greenshanks, two Ruff, two Little Ringed Plovers, five Common Terns, a White Wagtail and six Swallows. Two Black-tailed Godwits were at Hardwater Lake, Earls Barton Pits. A White Stork was seen over Summer Leys heading west at 2.28pm and was then seen flying high north over Blisworth at 2.55pm.

At Clifford Hill Pits there were four Little Gulls plus a Yellow Wagtail and Upton Country Park again hosted the spring Wood Sandpiper and the Green Sandpiper and a Little Ringed Plover. The Glossy Ibis was at Stanwick Pits early this morning and a Reed Warbler was noted too.

New migrants in at Hollowell Reservoir included a Yellow Wagtail, two House Martins and two Common Terns plus an arrival of Swallows. A male Common Redstart was at Daventry Country Park early this afternoon, along the track on the east side of the complex. At Stanford Reservoir a Whimbrel flew through this morning and there was also a Redshank present plus two Common Terns, a Wheatear, nine Yellow Wagtails, three Willow Warblers and thirty Sand Martins.

Confirmation was received today that the Barn Owl found dead yesterday at Hanging Houghton was originally a captive bird having escaped from an aviary about a week ago.


Neil M

Great Crested Grebe courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

Another Barn Owl box
up and affixed on the Kelmarsh
Estate. I felt relatively safe
sitting underneath it! Image
courtesy of Lynne Barnett.

A ringed Goldfinch courtesy
 of John Tilly.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Migrants filtering in.


A breezy day with hazy sunshine and the migrants still filter in, even if not in large numbers.

A female Ring Ouzel was in the same grass paddocks at Blueberry Farm, (Maidwell) early this morning where the male was yesterday. There was quite a bit of disturbance there early this afternoon and a dearth of thrushes as a result. Please note that it is no longer easy to park at Blueberry Farm/Lodge and the residents there try to dissuade it.

An Osprey was over Kelmarsh Hall for some time around midday, clearly interested in the lake in the hall grounds despite the mobbing antics of the local Red Kites.

A Brambling was in Hanging Houghton village and unbelievably another Barn Owl was dead alongside the A508 there this morning. This bird had a ring affixed and it is possible that it may be of captive origin (results awaited).

At Pitsford Reservoir today there was a Common Tern, a Swallow and Bramblings north of the causeway and this evening a Common Sandpiper at the Sailing Club.

In the Nene Valley there were six Cattle Egrets counted at Woodford viewable from the church early this afternoon and a Common Tern was at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows reserve.

Summer Leys LNR sported up to three Little Gulls, two Common Terns, four Garganey, a Ruff, a Dunlin and a Common Sandpiper. Another Little Gull was on the north lake at Kislingbury Pits early this afternoon.

At Stanwick Pits the Glossy Ibis was still present together with a Great White Egret and another Common Tern and the female Ring-necked Duck was observed this evening (all on Main Lake) with a Whimbrel flying through. Clifford Hill Pits saw a Whimbrel there this afternoon before flying east and two Yellow Wagtails.

Stanford Reservoir also recorded two Yellow Wagtails today and other summer migrants in the shape of two Willow Warblers and four House Martins. A Peregrine and a Lesser Redpoll were also noted there. A Hobby was a good early record over Ashton late this morning.


Neil M

Yellow Wagtail courtesy of
Nathan Jones.

Whimbrel courtesy
of John Gamble.

Common Tern courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Ringing at Harrington Airfield.


A ringing session at Harrington Airfield took place in fine weather conditions today with finches and buntings being the chief targets. Ninety-two birds of fourteen species were safely caught and processed, the majority of them newly-ringed. The highlights were probably twenty-seven Yellowhammers (with many absolutely stunning yellow males), fifteen Bramblings (also in fine plumage and with many males in the bushes singing), seventeen Linnets and six Meadow Pipits but we also caught a couple of Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap. Common Buzzards were continually overhead and included small flocks of up to seven birds and a Yellow Wagtail was flying around this afternoon.

A fine male Ring Ouzel was with two Fieldfares in the traditional stop-over paddocks at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell but seemed to fly towards the village early this afternoon. A pale Chiffchaff at Stortons Pits may have been something a little more interesting but wasn't heard to call (possible Siberian Chiffchaff).

At Pitsford Reservoir today an Osprey and a Common Tern were seen in the Walgrave Bay and there were two Common Sandpipers on the dam. Birds at Summer Leys LNR included a Great White Egret, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Little Ringed Plover, two male Ruff, three Garganey and Bramblings. The Wood Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper and two Little Ringed Plovers were still on a pool at Upton Mill/Country Park this morning.

Two singing Sedge Warblers were in the Nene Valley about 400m east of the Embankment at Wellingborough this morning, a Wheatear was at Hinton Airfield, a House Martin was at Sywell village and a Swallow was at Station Cottages, Brixworth.

A female Ring-necked Duck, presumably the same individual seen earlier in the year at Thrapston and Ringstead Pits, was on the Main Lake at Stanwick Pits this morning and the Glossy Ibis was still there too.


Neil M

Meadow Pipit.

Reed Bunting.


All images courtesy
of Steve Wilson.

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Variety birds of April


A male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker this morning in the Brampton Valley between Hanging Houghton and Brixworth was the second time this bird has been in this locality recently.

A 'reeling' Grasshopper Warbler which was also seen briefly was an excellent early record at Ecton Sewer Farm this morning. On the negative side, a Barn Owl picked up dead alongside the A508 at Hanging Houghton was the third such casualty in a month along this stretch of busy road.

The local pair of Ravens at Hanging Houghton croaked their displeasure at three other Ravens flying over this morning and this afternoon an Osprey with a fish was showing particularly well in a tree just off the road between Brixworth and Pitsford Reservoir causeway, until someone approached too closely and caused it to fly.

Upton Country Park recorded a Marsh Harrier this morning plus two Little Ringed Plovers, the Wood Sandpiper and a Green Sandpiper. Thrapston Pits entertained a pair of Garganey, a singing Willow Warbler and a Common Whitethroat on the Titchmarsh reserve with a Common Tern on Town Lake. Four Garganey (three drakes) were still present on the Summer Leys LNR scrape this morning and a Marsh Harrier was there at about midday.

Eight Cattle Egrets were visible from the church at Woodford village this afternoon. Stuart recorded a female Blackcap still feeding from his garden feeders in Duston, Northampton and birds at Stanford Reservoir today amounted to an Egyptian Goose, eight Blackcaps and four Cetti's Warblers.


Neil M

Goldfinch courtesy of
John Tilly.

Lapwing courtesy of
Dave Jackson.

Cormorant with Perch
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Friday, 8 April 2022

Ringing at Kelmarsh Hall.


A rather busy ringing session at Kelmarsh Hall today yielded 132 captures of fifteen species, half of which were birds previously ringed on-site. Amongst these re-traps there were Blue Tits originally ringed as youngsters in nest boxes on the estate including one in 2019 and a Goldcrest was first ringed there in the autumn of 2019 (these tiny birds are very short-lived). Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers and a Treecreeper were new birds but two Nuthatches were fairly recent re-traps and other birds included a single Redwing, two male Blackcaps, seventeen Goldfinches, six Greenfinches and several Chaffinches. Other birds noted on-site included Ravens, a Brambling and a singing Swallow.

On the outskirts of Northampton, five Lesser Redpolls were caught and ringed in a private garden, continuing an excellent run of these birds in the same garden as winter turns to spring.

Harrington Airfield held up to twenty-six Bramblings today and the re-set field between the Chippings Compound and the main concrete track also attracted a Yellow Wagtail, fifteen Pied Wagtails, a flock of eighty Linnets and other birds. Please note that the bunker areas and scrub surround will be subject of a ringing session on Sunday when access to the area will be restricted.

Little Owls were noted at Delapre Park, Northampton and Hanging Houghton today with a Barn Owl again on the outskirts of Scaldwell village yesterday evening.

Birds at Earls Barton Pits today included a Wheatear on a cleared area at the back of Mary's Lake, three Garganey on Summer Leys scrape, a Yellow Wagtail still at Hardwater Lake and at least eight Bramblings at the Summer Leys Feeding Station. A Garden Warbler seems remarkably early.

The female Ring-necked Duck was again on Kinewell Lake at Ringstead Pits this afternoon together with a Great White Egret, a Common Tern, a House Martin and a Common Whitethroat. Nearby, three Cattle Egrets were visible in fields from Woodford Church.

The Wood Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper were again at Upton Country Park this morning and a Black Redstart was reported via Birdguides as being present in a Wellingborough garden this afternoon.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir today included two Lesser Redpolls, plenty of Blackcaps, two Oystercatchers, a Peregrine and up to six Cetti's Warblers.


Neil M

Little Owl and Wheatear
courtesy of John Gamble.

The wonderful Starling
courtesy of John Tilly.

Drake Eurasian Wigeon
courtesy of Dave Jackson.