Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Bird Club Meeting tomorrow evening!


The next indoor meeting of the Northants Bird Club is tomorrow evening, 4th October at the usual venue of the Fishing Lodge at Pitsford Reservoir, Brixworth Road, Holcot.

The presenter is Nicholas Watts MBE, a successful Lincolnshire farmer and ardent conservationist who will show us the way to farm our land AND provide appropriate wildlife habitat.

Nicholas also runs Vine House Farm Birdfood, and his farm is utilised to cultivate wild bird food in addition to standard cereal produce.

The meeting commences at 7.30pm and there will be hot drinks and biscuits available during the evening.

All welcome!

Neil M

Corn Bunting.

Barn Owl.

Two of the species benefiting
from pro-wildlife farming methods.

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