Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Camargue images


We struggled with time today to spend much time out and about so some images from my July trip to the Camargue (South France) for your perusal...


Neil M

Black Kite.

Mottle-winged Ant-lion.

Bath White butterfly.

Saddle-backed Cricket sp.

Red-veined Darter.

Southern Skimmer.

Copper Demoiselle.

Yellow Clubtail dragonfly.

Green-eyed Hawker (generally known
as Norfolk Hawker in the UK).

Western Spectre dragonfly - a large
dragonfly that is a fan of the shade.

Scarce Chaser dragonfly.

Purple Heron. Hundreds of pairs
breed in the Camargue.

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