Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Islay and Jura Oct 2022


Six days on the superb islands of Islay and Jura went quickly and we were fortunate to encounter plenty of wildlife on these wonderful windswept isles as part of Naturetrek's Islay and Jura tour. Please enjoy the images below!


Neil M

Bowmore Round Church.

American Monument at The Oa.

Port Ellen.

Naturetrek at Kildalton.

Kildalton Cross.

Kildalton Church.

Islay Woolen Mill shop.

Sunrise on Islay.

Barnacle Geese.

Roe Deer.

Brown Hare.

Whooper Swans.

Red Deer.


Whooper Swans.


Islar Ram.

Bottle-nosed Dolphin.

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