Sometimes it is all about being in the " right place at the right time ". Thursdays are one of my busiest days with little time for birding. My early morning circuit produced very little although I noticed a return of the passerines around shrike hedge area ( between Hanging Houghton and Cottesbrooke) so I wasn't surprised to hear that Stephen had seen a Merlin in the area. I took my two collies to Turvey for an intensive training session which left me feeling quite peckish. I had noticed a sign for a farm shop/cafe on my drive to the venue, so a complete spur of the moment decision found me turning off the A428 and taking the country road from Yardley Hastings to Olney and Pastures Farm Shop( highly recommended) I had already seen numerous Buzzards and Kites dotted around and I noted a bird sitting in a roadside tree ahead of me. At the time I saw it I subconsciously realised that it was something different . Thankfully it was quiet on the road so I was able to drive very slowly past it and my jaw dropped as I realised that I was looking at a Goshawk. I was able to park a short distance away and watch the bird before she dropped off the tree and flew towards Yardley Hastings. She was simply awesome and I had forgotten just how big the female of this species is.
This afternoon/evening I decided to leave my walk until as late as possible. My intention was to get to a good vantage point to watch the alignment of Planets. I had witnessed this spectacle earlier in the week and wanted to experience it again. However the cloud cover remained stubborn and thwarted my attempts, but hopefully tomorrow night will be better. It is definitely worth trying to see this event as it will be 2040 before the planets align in this way again. From my vantage point I was scanning the valley/ shrike hedge area and picked up a Short Eared Owl and Barn Owl out hunting. I couldn't tell whether it is my usual Short-eared but I haven't seen it in its usual field since the weekend. Just before it got dark 2 Green Sandpipers were flying around, their evocative calls against the backdrop of beautiful sky.
Yesterday there was an Avocet for a short while at Summer Leys. The Greater Scaup and Glossy Ibis remain at Summer Leys and 6 White Fronted Geese were at Cogenhoe Mill. Today the adult Little Gull and 2 White Fronted Geese were again at Ravensthorpe Reservoir, Jack Snipe and 5 Stonechats at Hollowell Reservoir, drake Smew at Clifford Hill GP, 7 White Fronted Geese near Cogenhoe Mill and a Ruddy Shelduck at Winwick Pools.
Regards Eleanor