Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Right place at the right time.

Sometimes it is all about being in the " right place at the right time ".  Thursdays are one of my busiest days with little time for birding.  My early morning circuit produced very little although I noticed a return of the passerines around shrike hedge area ( between Hanging Houghton and Cottesbrooke) so I wasn't surprised to hear that Stephen had seen a Merlin in the area.                                        I took my two collies to Turvey for an intensive training session which left me feeling quite peckish.  I had noticed a sign for a farm shop/cafe on my drive to the venue,  so a complete spur of the moment decision found me turning off the A428 and taking the country road from Yardley Hastings to Olney and Pastures Farm Shop( highly recommended) I had already seen numerous Buzzards and Kites dotted around and I noted a bird sitting in a roadside tree ahead of me. At the time I saw it I subconsciously realised that it was something different . Thankfully it was quiet on the road so I was able to drive very slowly past it and my jaw dropped as I realised that I was looking at a Goshawk.  I was able to park a short distance away and watch the bird before she dropped off the tree and flew towards Yardley Hastings.  She was simply awesome and I had forgotten just how big the female of this species is.

This afternoon/evening I decided to leave my walk until as late as possible.  My intention was to get to a good vantage point to watch the alignment of Planets. I had witnessed this spectacle earlier in the week and wanted to experience it again.  However the cloud cover remained stubborn and thwarted my attempts,  but hopefully tomorrow night will be better.  It is definitely worth trying to see this event as it will be 2040 before the planets align in this way again.     From my vantage point I was scanning the valley/ shrike hedge area and picked up a Short Eared Owl and Barn Owl out hunting.  I couldn't tell whether it is my usual Short-eared but I haven't seen it in its usual field since the weekend. Just before it got dark 2 Green Sandpipers were flying around,  their evocative calls against the backdrop of beautiful sky.

Yesterday there was an Avocet for a short while at Summer Leys.  The Greater Scaup and Glossy Ibis remain at Summer Leys and 6 White Fronted Geese were at Cogenhoe Mill.       Today the adult Little Gull and 2 White Fronted Geese were again at Ravensthorpe Reservoir,  Jack Snipe and 5 Stonechats at Hollowell Reservoir,  drake Smew at Clifford Hill GP, 7 White Fronted Geese near Cogenhoe Mill and a Ruddy Shelduck at Winwick Pools.

Regards Eleanor 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

We have enjoyed two bright and breezy days and it has been so nice to see blue skies and sunshine. Already the gardens are bursting into colour as the "spring " flowers are emerging. I even saw 2 Brimstone butterflies today.               Birds seem to be pretty static with the Glossy Ibis and Greater Scaup at Summer Leys,  Cattle Egrets at Stanwick GP,  drake Smew at Clifford Hill GP and 2 White Fronted Geese at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and a further 6 near Cogenhoe Mill.  The stunning adult winter plumage Little Gull has been showing well at Ravensthorpe Reservoir whilst at nearby Hollowell Reservoir the 2 Jack Snipe and Stonechats remain.  A few Red Crested Pochards are dotted around the county at Daventry CP,  Clifford Hill, Ravensthorpe Reservoir and Whiston Lock area.

Regards Eleanor 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Wet and blustery Sunday


A blustery and ultimately wet day which provided a couple of fresh birds locally.

The Glossy Ibis was still at Summer Leys LNR but a drake Scaup was a new addition there today. 

A lingering adult Little Gull at Ravensthorpe Reservoir was a good local record for the time of the year and birds at Pitsford Reservoir were a single Great White Egret in the Scaldwell Bay and a Woodcock and two Siskins at Christies Copse in the Walgrave Bay.

A Raven was in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth and two Green Sandpipers and a Barn Owl were in the valley below Hanging Houghton. The Short-eared Owl remained faithful to a private area near Maidwell.

At least four White-fronted Geese were still in the Nene Valley east of Cogenhoe Mill this afternoon and two Grey Partridges and fifty Redwings were at Harrington Airfield.


Neil M




It's that time of the year!

Saturday, 22 February 2025

A sunny and mild winter's day


Locally perhaps the most pleasant weather day of the year with mild temperatures, low wind speeds and plenty of sunshine. There were numerous sightings in the county of butterflies on the wing including Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Red Admiral and Brimstone.

Birdwise nothing new of particular interest was found but long-stayers included the Glossy Ibis at Summer Leys LNR again, up to nine White-fronted Geese and a Pink-footed Goose in meadows in the Nene Valley below Cogenhoe and Whiston and the drake Smew was still at Clifford Hill Pits.

After an absence the single Short-eared Owl turned up on private land near Maidwell this morning and a Woodcock was at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell. At least one Raven was very noisy at Hanging Houghton today and two Reed Buntings were taking seed in the garden. A singing Chiffchaff was in a Scaldwell village garden.

In Bucks the Richard's Pipit remains at Newport Pagnell.


Neil M

Refurbished and reinstated
Tawny Owl boxes on the
Kelmarsh Estate.

Blue Tit courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Robin courtesy of
Kenny Cramer.

 Mostly under the radar many of these
birds are moving around
as winter relinquishes it's
grip and spring draws nearer. 

Brown Hare at
Harrington Airfield.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Early signs of spring


A wander around Harrington Airfield this morning provided some migrants in the shape of Linnets, Pied Wagtails and Meadow Pipits plus seventy Redwings. A smart leucistic Woodpigeon was the only other bird of note.

A drake Smew was at Clifford Hill Pits today and another drake Smew and the first winter drake Scaup were at Eyebrook Reservoir.

To the south of the county the Richard's Pipit was still near Newport Pagnell.

At Summer Leys LNR the Glossy Ibis again put in an appearance near the feeding station and other birds included two Great White Egrets, three Oystercatchers, about a hundred Golden Plovers, five Common Snipe and a Yellow-legged Gull.

At Pitsford Reservoir a second calendar year Yellow-legged Gull was in the gull roost, five Siskins were at Salcey Forest, a Raven was near Hanging Houghton, two Grey Wagtails were in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth and a Woodcock was in the valley below Lamport.

The rapidly rising temperature has already provided a bloom of water fleas in our main garden pond plus six frogs and a couple of Common Newts.


Neil M

Common Frog.

Common Newt.

Grey Wagtail.


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Mild, wet and windy!


The first mild day for a long while and of course wind and rain with it! Birds were more vocal and chasing each other around more today and we even have a frog in our garden pond.

A quieter day than yesterday but the shift in the weather provides an opportunity for movement and a male Black Redstart was seen briefly at farm buildings in Creaton today.

The Glossy Ibis was still probing at Summer Leys LNR today and other birds there included a Curlew and two Goosanders.

At least two White-fronted Geese were in the Nene valley below Cogenhoe/Whiston Wetlands again today.

Two adult Yellow-legged Gulls, two Oystercatchers and a Grey Wagtail were by the dam at Pitsford Reservoir late morning.

Three Yellowhammers remain in our garden with the Chaffinch flock and in line with other garden watchers we have been seeing up to three Reed Buntings feeding on seed. Sadly yet another Common Buzzard was a road casualty near Lamport today but on one of the minor roads as opposed to the busy A508.


Neil M

Oystercatcher at Summer Leys LNR
courtesy of Phil West.

Long-tailed Tits courtesy
of Jim Dunkley.

Great Crested Grebe and 
Black-headed Gull courtesy
of Jonathan Pitt.

Lesser Redpoll.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

The secret life of the Water Rail


The Northants Ringing Group project in the Nene Valley to better understand the breeding habits of Water Rails, one of our more secretive and poorly-known birds, has faced many challenges which have been mostly overcome by the project leader. Today the dedicated team were successful in catching five Water Rails, four of which were new to the project. They and a Moorhen that was also caught were ringed and colour-ringed so that their habits and behaviour as monitored by cameras can be assessed without the need to catch them again. These birds will soon contemplate breeding and every effort has been made to successfully gender and age the ringed birds with a view to witnessing the pairings and subsequent outcomes. Images of some of these birds from today are depicted below.

New birds sighted in the county today were rather restricted but a Bittern perched up in trees at Daventry Country Park was not anticipated and an excellent local record away from the Nene Valley. A female Red-crested Pochard was also present.

Combining bird feeding and birding is a daily thing for us and a visit to Harrington Airfield this afternoon to feed the birds also provided sightings of the Short-eared Owl with the distinctive patch on the wing, a Barn Owl, two Woodcock, seven Grey Partridges, two Ravens and twenty-five Golden Plovers. Earlier a 'ringtail' Hen Harrier flew from the Blueberry Farm area near Maidwell towards Cottesbrooke.

At Summer Leys LNR today the Glossy Ibis again put in an appearance as did a Snipe, a Great White Egret, a fly-over Curlew, three Oystercatchers and a Grey Wagtail.

Further west and the valley below Cogenhoe provided for seven White-fronted Geese, a Pink-footed Goose and a Siberian Chiffchaff (by overflow bridge K121).

Hollowell Reservoir today yielded three Jack Snipe, six Common Snipe and three Stonechats.

A Raven was at Hanging Houghton, the Marsh Harrier was still at the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits and a Grey Wagtail, three Lesser Redpolls and a couple of Siskins were in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth.

Neil Hasdell has kindly updated the map for Pitsford Reservoir reflecting the recent changes on-site and the new map has been added to the Birdwatching Sites tab/page.


Neil M

Water Rails.


 Above images
courtesy of Chris Payne.

Kestrel with an aerial
view courtesy of Jim Dunkley.

A second calendar year
male Sparrowhawk caught
and ringed today.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Ditchford WeBS count


A cold start but again sunshine and blue skies made it a great day to be out providing you added the layers!

Today a WeBS count was completed at Ditchford Pits and breeding Cormorants and Grey Herons were already on nests. Birds east of Ditchford Lane included a Jack Snipe, twenty-eight Common Snipe, four Great White Egrets, two Water Rails, two Grey Wagtails, two Chiffchaffs, three Cetti's Warblers, four Redpolls, twelve Siskins and two Bramblings.

The best birds west of Ditchford Lane were four more Great White Egrets, another Jack Snipe, eight Common Snipe, an Oystercatcher, a couple of Cetti's Warblers and a pair of Stonechats. Kingfishers and Goosanders were conspicuously missing again.

The remains of a Barn Owl was in the carriageway of the A508 just north of Maidwell village.

A Richard's Pipit not far from Newport Pagnell in Bucks was a surprise but just goes to show what can be wintering locally! Two Peregrines were on town centre buildings in Market Harborough today and just one Smew was reported from Eyebrook Reservoir.

In the Nene Valley the Glossy Ibis was seen again this morning at Summer Leys LNR where there were also four Great White Egrets, a Shelduck, two Oystercatchers and nine Common Snipe and a Siberian Chiffchaff and six White-fronted Geese were in the Cogenhoe Mill area with the Chiffchaff not far from Bridge K121 at the stream outflow. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was at nearby Whiston Wetlands.

The two wintering White-fronted Geese were still present at Ravensthorpe Reservoir today and birds at Lilbourne Water Meadows included a Common Snipe, a Shelduck and two Oystercatchers. Two Redpolls were still visiting Steve's garden at Brixworth.

A Grey Wagtail was in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth, a Raven was at Scotland Wood, a Siskin was at Kelmarsh Hall and two Ravens were at Hanging Houghton.


Neil M



Glossy Ibis.

All images taken at
Summer Leys LNR
today courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Monday, 17 February 2025

February birds of the sunshine


A cold day but plenty of weak sunshine and dry!

At Pitsford Reservoir the Great Northern Diver was in The Narrows this afternoon and at least one Tree Sparrow was at the Old Scaldwell Road Feeding Station with Ravens at the Fishing Lodge and west of the causeway.

Four drake Smew and the first year male Scaup were still at Eyebrook Reservoir today.

Two White-fronted Geese and a showy Otter were the highlights at Ravensthorpe Reservoir this morning followed up with a Caspian Gull, two Jack Snipes, eleven Common Snipes and a Stonechat all at Hollowell Reservoir courtesy of Mark.

Summer Leys LNR recorded a Bittern and fourteen Common Snipe and a Marsh Harrier was again at Titchmarsh LNR at Thrapston Pits.

The Whiston Wetlands/Cogenhoe area in the Nene Valley provided six White-fronted Geese, twenty-seven Golden Plovers, two Barn Owls, two Green Sandpipers, a Common Snipe, three Shelducks, two Stonechats and at least one Siberian Chiffchaff was amongst fifty Chiffchaffs.

Evening Starling murmurations prior to roost are currently centred around the villages of Pattishall and Spratton.


Neil M

Blue Tit courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Little Egret courtesy
of Dave Jackson.

Stonechat courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Kestrel courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Nene Valley birding


A grey but dryer day of late but still cool.

At Pitsford Reservoir the Great Northern Diver was still present in the vicinity of Catwalk Bay this afternoon and two Great White Egrets were at Stanford Reservoir where there were also five Goosanders, two Pintail, an Oystercatcher, a Stonechat and a Cetti's Warbler.

Eyebrook Reservoir hosted four drake Smew and a Scaup and Blatherwycke Lake still attracted a Cattle Egret and a Scaup.

The Nene Valley continues to dominate local birding and Summer Leys LNR provided the Glossy Ibis, seven Great White Egrets, three Oystercatchers and a pair of Goosanders and Clifford Hill Pits was still the only place in the county to see a drake Smew. 

In the general area below Cogenhoe and Whiston the meadows were the feeding areas for geese including five White-fronted Geese seen in flight, a Pink-footed Goose, a Barn Owl, a Peregrine, a Great White Egret and a pair of Stonechats. Twenty or so Chiffchaffs feeding along the edges of the sewer outflow by bridge K121 contained two Siberian Chiffchaffs.

In a winter with few Bramblings locally, three were in a large, mixed finch flock in a field between Wakerley Wood and the A43.

Fifty Yellowhammers, three Grey Wagtails and two Ravens were in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth, two Ravens were at Lamport Hall, a Barn Owl was in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and a single Short-eared Owl remains on private land near Maidwell.


Neil M

Kestrel courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Mute Swan courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

North American Mink
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Robin courtesy
of John Tilly.

Long-tailed Tits courtesy
of John Gamble.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

A wet Saturday


Well that was definitely a day of rain, but the forecast suggests next week should be better weather!

A flock of White-fronted Geese, at least seven, with the Greylag flock in the Nene Valley in the Cogenhoe Lock/Whiston Wetlands was interesting. The Glossy Ibis popped up again at Summer Leys LNR and other birds noted were a first year Yellow-legged Gull, in excess of thirty Common Snipe, about eighty Golden Plovers and an Oystercatcher.

Also in the Nene Valley the drake Smew was located again at Clifford Hill Pits but despite more efforts the Ring-necked Duck wasn't located at Ringstead or Thrapston Pits, but the Marsh Harrier was still on the Titchmarsh Reserve.

Away from the Nene Valley and Stanford Reservoir attracted a Great White Egret, an Oystercatcher and two Goosanders and Pitsford Reservoir managed two Great White Egrets, about fifty Common Snipe, a Golden Plover and a couple of Tree Sparrows all north of the causeway.

Three Redpolls were at the attenuation pond at New Sandy Lane, Duston with Nigel putting some food down regularly to attract them. Steve enjoyed two Redpolls and a Blackcap in his Brixworth garden today and two Grey Wagtails and a Raven were in the Brampton Valley below the village.

Birds to the west included a drake Pintail at Lilbourne Meadows and five Stonechats at Borough Hill Country Park, Daventry. Twenty Golden Plovers and a pair of Stonechats were at Harrington Airfield this afternoon.


Neil M

Mute Swan courtesy
of Jonathan Pitt.


Pied Wagtail.

Red Fox.

Friday, 14 February 2025



Yes there was some sunshine this afternoon, yahoo!

Efforts at finding the Ring-necked Duck in the gravel pit complexes of the eastern Nene Valley failed to locate him today.

However the drake Red-breasted Merganser was seen at Blatherwycke Lake today and it's likely that the Glossy Ibis is still probably at Summer Leys LNR somewhere.

Three Cattle Egrets were at North Lake, Stanwick Pits early this afternoon and a Marsh Harrier was at Titchmarsh reserve, Thrapston Pits this afternoon.

The Great Northern Diver was still at Pitsford Reservoir today, still in the vicinity of the Pintail Bay and birds north of the causeway included two Great White Egrets, about fifty Common Snipe, a Jack Snipe, a Water Rail and a couple of Tree Sparrows.

The drake Smew was still on the Nene Barrage at Clifford Hill Pits this afternoon and five more drakes were still at Eyebrook Reservoir together with the long-staying Scaup.

Stanford Reservoir hosted two Great White Egrets, ten Goosanders and a Cetti's Warbler and a Grey Wagtail was in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth.

A Raven was at Hanging Houghton this morning and there was a Barn Owl in the Brampton Valley below the village. A single Short-eared Owl was again on private land near Maidwell this afternoon and two Barn Owls were at Althorp.

Chris Payne completed some ringing in his garden at Greens Norton today and processed thirty-eight Goldfinches, twenty Greenfinches and five other species including a Great Spotted Woodpecker.


Neil M

Drake Ring-necked Duck
at Ringstead Pits yesterday
courtesy of Nick Parker.

Great Northern Diver
at Pitsford Reservoir
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Drake Teal courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Cloudy, grey Thursday


The grey, cool weather continues with a seemingly never-ending amount of cloud overhead, but a dry day.

A meander at Harrington Airfield this morning provided views of a male Peregrine, two Ravens and a hunting Barn Owl. Later a Raven and a Grey Wagtail were in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth and a Redpoll was on garden feeders in Brixworth village.

Today the drake Ring-necked Duck fooled everyone and turned up at Kinewell Lake at Ringstead Pits, found again by that man Nick Parker! A drake Smew remained on the Nene Barrage at Clifford Hill Pits and four Great White Egrets and an Oystercatcher remain at Summer Leys LNR.

Two Great White Egrets were at Stanford Reservoir today and Eyebrook Reservoir hosted four drake Smew and a Scaup still.


Neil M

Robin courtesy
of Tony Stanford.


Barn Owl.

Oystercatcher and Wigeon
Summer Leys LNR courtesy
of Jonathan Pitt.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Pitsford WeBS Count.


A grey day with some rain and even an attempt at some milky sunshine this afternoon! Out of the cold easterly breeze it was actually not too bad (honest)!

Perhaps not surprisingly the drake Ring-necked Duck turned back up on the Heronry Lake on the Titchmarsh reserve at Thrapston Pits as found by the original finder Nick Parker. Wildfowl look at their best at this time of the year just ahead of the breeding season.

The drake Smew clearly finds Clifford Hill Pits to it's liking and was still present on the main barrage lake today. At least two other Smew and the drake Scaup were also still at Eyebrook Reservoir and the handsome drake Red-breasted Merganser was seen again at Blatherwycke Lake.

At least seven Great White Egrets and over two hundred Golden Plovers were noted at Summer Leys LNR today, three Woodcock were at Scotland Wood on the Kelmarsh estate, a Short-eared Owl was again on private land near Maidwell and a Barn Owl and two Green Sandpipers were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton. Four Ravens were seen yesterday in Scaldwell village.

The Pitsford Reservoir WeBS count was completed today with the Great Northern Diver, a Redshank and four Egyptian Geese between the causeway and the dam. North of the causeway there were seven active Grey Heron nests on the reserve section, ahead of the Cormorants it seems this year. Four Great White Egrets were also present, the pair of breeding Ravens were noisy and other birds were an adult Yellow-legged Gull, a Peregrine, two or three Jack Snipe and a minimum of seventy Common Snipe. Three Tree Sparrows were at the Old Scaldwell Road Feeding Station and a pair of Sparrowhawks were displaying over the reserve.

Back in November 2024 a colour-ringed adult Black-headed Gull was found dead at Pitsford Reservoir and it transpires that this bird was first ringed in Poland in June 2015 with 3439 days having passed between the two records with the sites being 1213km apart. This is part of an established pattern of breeding Black-headed Gulls from Poland wintering in the UK and locally to us.


Neil M

Drake Ring-necked Duck
today at Titchmarsh Reserve
courtesy of Nick Parker.

Cormorant in breeding plumage
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Goosander courtesy
of Tony Stanford.