Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Harrington ringing.


Some ringing at Harrington Airfield today provided sixty-five captures of fifteen species the main target being thrushes. Two Fieldfares were ringed as were six Blackbirds, several of which were showing features of continental birds. Twenty-one new Redwings were caught and ringed and a few finches included a male Brambling, four Linnets, three Goldfinches and three Chaffinches. Several Golden Plovers were vocal at dawn.

A Black Redstart at the Sailing Club, Pitsford Reservoir this afternoon was a good overdue find at this specific location and the wandering 'ringtail' Hen Harrier was seen at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this afternoon flying towards Maidwell. More harriers included two Marsh Harriers seen flying east over Stanwick Pits and the lingering Marsh Harrier was again at Summer Leys LNR mid-morning.

A Green Sandpiper and an all-white Magpie were good records from Ashton Treatment Works and two Woodcock were flushed at Blueberry Farm and two Bramblings and four Redpolls were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.

Other birds at Stanwick Pits today included the Bearded Tit at the north end of the causeway and a Cattle Egret roosted. Birds at Stanford Reservoir today included two Mediterranean Gulls, twelve Red-crested Pochards, a Great White Egret, a Water Rail, three Ravens and a Chiffchaff.


Neil M




All images courtesy
of Claire Nuttall.

Monday, 21 November 2022

A wet November day.


After a dry start today deteriorated into a very wet day with few sightings during the latter part.

Bramblings were prominent this morning with several at Harrington Airfield, at least ten at Blueberry Hill and six at Lamport Hall.

The Marsh Harrier was still at Summer Leys LNR today and has been providing some excellent photograph opportunities in recent days. An Otter remains active their too with sightings from Pioneer Hide the last couple of days.

Stanford Reservoir produced some good birds again today with two Mediterranean Gulls in the roost, two adult Yellow-legged Gulls, ten Red-crested Pochard, a Great White Egret, two Kingfishers, a Cetti's Warbler and three Lesser Redpolls.

An adult Yellow-legged Gull was by the causeway at Pitsford Reservoir today, a Dunlin was at Clifford  Hill Pits and four Cattle Egrets were spotted flying over Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows reserve this morning.

A ringing session is destined to take place at Harrington Airfield tomorrow when access to the bunkers and scrub between the chippings compound and the main concrete track will be restricted.


Neil M


Otter courtesy of
Dave Jackson.

Common Snipe courtesy
of Dave Jackson.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Sunday's sightings.


A busy birding day at Stanford Reservoir with a Merlin through, fourteen Red-crested Pochard, a Pintail, two Water Rails, a Great White Egret, a Green Sandpiper, three Lesser Redpolls, a Siskin and two Cetti's Warblers and the gull roost provided a Yellow-legged Gull and no less than three Mediterranean Gulls!

A Marsh Harrier was seemingly present in and around Summer Leys LNR for much of the day and at Hanging Houghton a 'ringtail' Hen Harrier showed in the Brampton Valley between the village and Blueberry Farm and later in fields off the A508 between the village and Brixworth. There were also two Ravens at Hanging Houghton, a male Brambling in the village and several in hedging behind the large barn below the village near Brampton Valley Way.

Large numbers of winter thrushes were gorging themselves on hawthorn berries in the same area of the Brampton Valley and a similar thing was happening at Harrington Airfield this morning with just a fly-over Golden Plover of note there.

My team of helpers and I are busy setting up the winter feed stations now as the weather turns cooler and wetter with feeding stations in operation at Harrington Airfield, on the Kelmarsh Estate (two sites) and Pitsford Reservoir (four sites) with a couple more coming online soon.

A Bearded Tit still remains at Stanwick Pits along the causeway on the A45 pits and there were seven Cattle Egrets with cattle on the Roadside Pit. Two Little Gulls flying through Summer Leys LNR was a good record for this time of the year and a Goosander was at Abington Park, Northampton where a group of Ring-necked Parakeets continues to reside. A Merlin was seen at Stowe Nine Churches at about 8.30am this morning.


Neil M

A two metre high

Grey Heron.


All images courtesy
of John Tilly.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Saturday's highlights


With relatively low windspeeds and minimal precipitation it was a day when Northants Ringing Group members were active at Pitsford Reservoir and Linford Lakes. At Pitsford some 73 birds of seventeen species were processed with the highlights being five Common Snipe, two male Stonechats, four Meadow Pipits and three Lesser Redpolls plus small numbers of thrushes and other common birds. Birds noted on-site during the ringing included a Jack Snipe and three Dunlin in the Scaldwell Bay.

At Linford Lakes 76 birds were duly processed of fourteen species, 59 of which were newly-ringed. Small birds included four Chiffchaffs and seven Goldcrests and the team were particularly successful at catching thrushes with a haul of thirty-one Redwings, three Fieldfares, a Song Thrush and five Blackbirds. However the probable highlights were no less than two Green Woodpeckers and a feisty male Kestrel. A Long-tailed Duck was seen on-site.

Away from ringing and a male Bearded Tit was located at Stanwick Pits today, an elusive bird on the causeway between the two bridges closest to the iron house. A Cattle Egret was also on the Roadside Pit.

A Marsh Harrier was at Summer Leys LNR this morning and a male Merlin was in a sustained Skylark chase in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton also this morning and there were two Kingfishers at the Brampton Brook.

At Stanford Reservoir today there were still ten Red-crested Pochard, a Whooper Swan flew through in an easterly direction, two Great White Egrets, two Kingfishers, a Water Rail, two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Pintail, a Lesser Redpoll and a roost of about a thousand Starlings.


Neil M

Male Reed Bunting.

Lesser Redpoll.

Meadow Pipit.

Common Snipe.

Male Stonechat.

Kestrel courtesy of
Kenny Cramer.

Green Woodpecker
courtesy of Kenny Cramer.

Fieldfare courtesy of
Kenny Cramer.

Friday, 18 November 2022

The stunning Grey Wagtail.


A much better day's weather today and it reflects in the sightings too.

Eleanor again saw a 'ringtail' Hen Harrier at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this morning, quartering a weedy field and visible from the footpath leading from Blueberry Lodge to the Brampton Valley Way. What isn't clear is whether this is the same wandering individual from much earlier in the autumn or a new bird in.

A fly-over Great White Egret and three mobile Bramblings were the best on offer at Harrington Airfield this morning, two Dunlin were at Clifford Hill Pits and Hollowell Reservoir boasted an adult Caspian Gull, a Jack Snipe and two Stonechats.

Birds at Pitsford Reservoir today included the Wood Sandpiper in the Scaldwell Bay plus five Green Sandpipers, four Dunlin, a Redshank, a Jack Snipe, c30 Common Snipe, two Pintail, still plenty of Great White Egrets, two Stonechats and a few each of Redpoll and Grey Wagtail.

Ringing operations at Pitsford Reservoir tomorrow may cause some disturbance between the causeway and the Paul Britton seat for which we apologise in advance. The Maytrees Hide will act as the ringing station and visitors are quite welcome to see any captures that we manage in the morning prior to their release.


Neil M

Grey Wagtail courtesy
of Dave Jackson.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Wet, wet, wet!


A very wet period and well into today made it very unappealing to go out and about! However a few hardy souls tried their luck and at Stanford Reservoir today there were still fourteen Red-crested Pochard, two Great White Egrets, a Yellow-legged Gull and two Kingfishers.

Six Grey Partridges were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton, these birds of wild stock rather than the coveys of released birds that are currently rummaging around the undergrowth at Pitsford Reservoir.

This afternoon an adult Mediterranean Gull and an adult Yellow-legged Gull were coming to bread just north of the dam and the Otter was showing well again at Summer Leys LNR.


Neil M

Adult Mediterranean Gull.

Little Egret.


All images taken in very dull
conditions at Pitsford Reservoir today.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Pitsford WeBs Count


We took on the Pitsford Reservoir WeBs count today in what turned out to be a pleasant window of weather between rain at the start and end of the day. The Wood Sandpiper was again next to the causeway and other waders included seven Green Sandpipers, a Redshank, fifty Snipe and two Dunlin. Seventeen Pintail were in the Scaldwell Bay but were very nervous after a period of shooting next to the reservoir and some left the reservoir for good. The same gunfire also caused a great deal of disturbance amongst the Teal, Wigeon and Shoveler and provided counting difficulties! Two drake Red-crested Pochard were in the Holcot Bay and there was a scattering of Goldeneye across the whole reservoir.

Egrets are difficult to count as they are so mobile but there were probably at least twelve Great White Egrets and about twelve Little Egrets. Grey Herons were in small numbers and a dead one was presumably as a result of avian flu which has hit this site hard. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was to the north of the causeway and other birds included a pair of Stonechats, a Kingfisher, a Chiffchaff, a Water Rail and several Redpolls, Siskins and a couple of Grey Wagtails.

At Stanford Reservoir today there were still fourteen Red-crested Pochards, a Great White Egret, a Yellow-legged Gull, a Kingfisher, a Brambling, a Lesser Redpoll and a Chiffchaff.

About a hundred Golden Plovers were at Harrington Airfield this afternoon and the Short-eared Owl was again seen near Farthingstone, showing between 3.40pm and 4.45pm.


Neil M

Buck Muntjac.

More Dog Vomit Slime
Mold, this time next to 
Willow Hide at Pitsford

Common Darter at Pitsford
Reservoir today, one of several
on the wing in the sunshine.

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

More ringing results


On Saturday Kenny Cramer and team were ringing at Linford Lakes at Milton Keynes and caught fifty-one birds of sixteen species of which forty-one were newly-ringed. These birds included five Chiffchaffs still, two Blackcaps, seven Goldcrests, six Redwings and three Redpolls. A Starling is a rare capture at this site and a Mistle Thrush is a rare capture anywhere! However Kenny's star bird was a Skylark, only the fourth bird to be ringed here (and a bird rarely caught and processed in the region).

Nick Wood was ringing at Castle Ashby on Sunday for one of his regular ringing demonstrations and amongst the birds he caught and ringed was another rarely-caught Mistle Thrush!

Details of the initial ringing for our controlled Blackcap at Brixworth yesterday have come through - it was originally ringed by Kester Wilson (previous county birder at Stanford Reservoir) as a young male at Nanjizal Valley, Lands End, Cornwall in October last year - sometimes it seems a small world!

Birds at Pitsford Reservoir in the rain this morning included the Wood Sandpiper still just off the causeway plus a Redshank in much the same area plus at least seven Great White Egrets and three Yellow-legged Gulls. A Woodcock was at Lamport Hall this afternoon.

Ten Cattle Egrets and three Great White Egrets were again at the Main Lake at Stanwick Pits this afternoon. An Otter has been seen and well photographed at Summer Leys LNR during the last week.


Neil M

Lesser Redpoll.

Mistle Thrush.


All images courtesy of
Kenny Cramer.

Monday, 14 November 2022

Ringing at Brixworth


Despite the murky conditions a ringing session took place at Brixworth Water Treatment Works today resulting in ninety processed birds of seventeen species. A Sparrowhawk always livens up a period of ringing with mist nets and a male hit a couple of nets before staying long enough for us to catch it! A Magpie was another larger bird and we also ringed five Blackbirds and three Redwings. Smaller birds included twelve Wrens, one of which was first ringed back in 2018 and six Goldcrests. Finches comprised of three Bullfinches, four Goldfinches and eight Lesser Redpolls and fifteen Reed Buntings was a good total. Two late Blackcaps included a bird ringed elsewhere.

Other birds noted on-site included a Merlin whizzing through going north, a few Siskins, a couple of Grey Wagtails and two Water Rails.

A pair of Stonechats were at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows reserve this morning with another one noted at Upton Mill. Twelve Cattle Egrets were at Stanwick Pits late this afternoon (at Main Lake).

Birds north of the causeway at Pitsford Reservoir this afternoon included a Wood Sandpiper, a Dunlin, at least fifteen Great White Egrets, Pintails and two Stonechats.


Neil M

Sparrowhawk caught
and ringed at Brixworth today.

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Ringing at Stortons


A successful period of ringing at Stortons Pits today provided sixty-seven captures and a great variety of small birds amounting to sixteen Redwings, two Song Thrushes, a Blackbird, a Dunnock, five Robins, eight Wrens, eleven Long-tailed Tits, ten Blue Tits, two Great Tits, three Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap, two Cetti's Warblers, four Goldcrests and a Reed Bunting.

The Starling roost from the night before was seen departing just after 7am and the total was probably over the three thousand mark.

Birds at Pitsford Reservoir today included the Little Stint and Wood Sandpiper next to the causeway still, twelve Great White Egrets, four Red-crested Pochard, eight Goldeneye, over twenty Pintail, at least two Green Sandpipers, three Yellow-legged Gulls, five Stonechats and two Grey Wagtails.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir today included fourteen Red-crested Pochard, a Caspian Gull, a Yellow-legged Gull, a Great White Egret, thirteen Pintail, two Water Rails, a Green Sandpiper, a Golden Plover, a Kingfisher, a Peregrine and a Chiffchaff.

A Stonechat was seen at Clifford Hill Pits and Summer Leys LNR attracted a male Merlin at the scrape plus two Great White Egrets, a Green Sandpiper, a Kingfisher, a Grey Wagtail and a Stonechat.

Birds in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth today included a Raven, a Cetti's Warbler, a Grey Wagtail, several Redpolls and Siskins and two Water Rails.


Neil M


Cetti's Warbler.


All images taken at Stortons Pits
today courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Pitsford again!


Some of the birds at Pitsford Reservoir from yesterday were still present today with a Wood Sandpiper and a Little Stint just north of the causeway on the western bank between the causeway and Maytrees Hide. The Great Northern Diver was still present first thing but Adrian watched it circle up and depart to the south west this morning. Other birds at Pitsford Reservoir included five Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper, two Yellow-legged Gulls, two Stonechats, a Chiffchaff, a Raven and two Grey Wagtails.

Birds at Stanford Reservoir were made up of nine Red-crested Pochard, a Great White Egret, a Yellow-legged Gull, a Green Sandpiper, three Cetti's Warblers, two Siskins and a Lesser Redpoll.

A Cattle Egret and two Great White Egrets were at Stanwick Pits and this afternoon a Short-eared Owl was again at Farthingstone, this time seen flying over the Maidford road.

A Starling murmuration at Stortons Pits this afternoon amounted to between 1700 and 2000 birds.


Neil M

Dog Vomit Slime Mold.

Magpie courtesy
of John Tilly.

Great White Egret
courtesy of John Tilly.

Pied Wagtail
courtesy of John Tilly.

All images from Pitsford
Reservoir or nearby today.

Friday, 11 November 2022

Good birds at Pitsford


It seems that Pitsford Reservoir was the place to be today albeit that it took time to find the better birds! North of the causeway there were sixteen Pintails, an adult Yellow-legged Gull, a male Peregrine, a Dunlin and three Stonechats, with most of these birds in the Scaldwell Bay. Great White Egrets were well-scattered and probably amounted to twelve birds (nine seen at any one time) with one individual exhibiting a very bright orange beak and yellow legs and feet.

Waders were well represented with a few Snipe and Lapwings and a Wood Sandpiper and a Little Stint just north of the causeway, utilising the spit between the causeway and Maytrees Hide. A gathering of waders in the bund pool visible from the James Fisher Hide amounted to two Wood Sandpipers and five Green Sandpipers. One Wood Sandpiper in November would have been unprecedented had it not been for last year's individual, but three Wood Sandpipers re-writes the books!

Later in the afternoon there was a Common Sandpiper, two Kingfishers and at least two Grey Wagtails around the dam and in fading light a Great Northern Diver was located between Yacht and Pintail Bays. Sadly there were a number of dead and dying geese and swans north of the causeway, presumably subject to the Avian Flu epidemic.

Elsewhere and a Short-eared Owl was discovered hunting over fields on the Litchborough to Farthingstone road near to Farthingstone village. Ten Cattle Egrets flying north-east over the A45 Layby Pit at Stanwick Pits this afternoon was a good record.

Two Woodcock and a female Peregrine were at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this afternoon, a few Siskins were at Kelmarsh Hall and birds near Brixworth included a Water Rail, three Siskins and at least five Redpolls.

Birds noted at Stanford Reservoir this morning included a first winter Mediterranean Gull, two Yellow-legged Gulls, fourteen Red-crested Pochard, a Great White Egret, four Pintails, a Water Rail and two Bramblings.


Neil M

Wood Sandpiper.

Little Stint.

Great Northern Diver.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

A quiet day in November.


A walk at Harrington Airfield in blustery conditions this morning didn't yield very much with just small numbers of winter thrushes and singles of Raven, Siskin and Redpoll. A Siskin was also at Hanging Houghton but the Brampton Valley below the village was very quiet again.

A first year Caspian Gull was seen at Daventry Country Park this morning. 

Recently-created Tabs or Pages on this blog include Islay and Jura Oct 2022, Autumn on Mull 2022 and Islay's Winter Wildfowl Nov 2022 with a selection of images taken on each of the tours.


Neil M

Little Bunting.



All images courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Redpolls galore


Chris Payne and John Boland completed some ringing at Greens Norton today and caught sixty birds using just two mist nets which included thirteen Redwings and an impressive twenty-two Repolls. In addition Chris saw a Little Egret in his Greens Norton garden making use of his wildlife pond! Northants Ringing Group members are planning ringing sessions at Linford Lakes (Milton Keynes) and Stortons Pits this week-end

Butterflies on the wing today near Hanging Houghton included Red Admiral and Comma taking advantage of some November sun and mild temperatures! Two Ravens were in the village.

A Great White Egret was at Kinewell Lake, Ringstead Pits this afternoon and this morning four Great White Egrets and five Cattle Egrets were seen to leave the overnight roost this morning at Stanwick Pits.


Neil M

Lesser Redpolls courtesy
of Chris Payne.