Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Images from the West Highlands


Eric Graham again visited Blatherwycke Lake today, notching up a Common Sandpiper, eight Little Egrets, three Mandarin Ducks and four Black Swans. Nearby Deene Lake attracted a 'reeling' Grasshopper Warbler, an Osprey flying over, two young Shelduck, a Common Sandpiper and at least three Green Sandpipers.

Little in the way of birding opportunities for us today, so some images posted from a tour to the Ardnamurchan Peninsular and Treshnish Isles, West Highlands of Scotland in May...


Neil M

Lesser Black backed Gull.


Wood Warbler.

Bottle-nosed Dolphin.





Chequered Skipper.


Monday, 8 July 2019

Summer merging with autumn


Although it started very dull and rather cool, I completed another Common Bird Census at Pitsford Reservoir today. By the time I had finished the temperature had risen and the dappled sunshine and occasional warmer periods brought out plenty of insects.

Birds on-site included a Great White Egret in the Scaldwell Bay, at least nineteen Little Egrets, three drake Red-crested Pochard in the Walgrave Bay, three Teal, a drake Wigeon, the moulting drake Goldeneye, 143 Tufted Ducks, 36 Pochard and 342 Gadwall. Singles of Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper were further heralds of autumn and other avian highlights included a Raven, two Oystercatchers, the summering Cetti's Warbler and two Willow Tits (one a singing male) near Lagoon Hide.

At least six species of odonata and at least nine species of butterfly were on the wing which didn't include Painted Lady - have they all moved through now? Marbled White butterflies can be found at several places on the reserve but there is an excellent collection of them currently between the causeway and Maytrees Hide. Roesel's Bush-crickets were strumming today, the first I've heard this year.

Steve Fisher again saw two Cattle Egrets around the Main Lake at Stanwick Pits today plus a Common Sandpiper. Birds at Thrapston Pits included a successfully fishing Osprey, a Hobby and a Green Sandpiper and three Green Sandpipers were today in Wader Bay at Summer Leys NR (Earls Barton).


Neil M

Willow Tit.

Little Egret.

Black-tailed Skimmers.

Common Tern.

Black-headed Gull.

All images taken at
Pitsford Reservoir today...

Sunday, 7 July 2019



At Pitsford Reservoir today the Little Egret count had risen to at least eighteen birds north of the causeway plus the usual Yellow-legged Gull and a Kingfisher. Good numbers of Black-tailed Skimmer dragonflies enjoyed sunning themselves on the track between the Maytrees and Bird Club hides.

A Grasshopper Warbler was again in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and Harrington Airfield today hosted four adult Grey Partridges, a Turtle Dove and a Grasshopper Warbler. Plenty of butterflies at Harrington again included good numbers of Small Heaths and several Marbled Whites.

Stanwick Pits again hosted a Garganey and two Cattle Egrets today and further along the Nene Valley Summer Leys attracted eleven Black-tailed Godwits, eight Redshanks and two Green Sandpipers.


Neil M

Black-tailed Skimmer.

Black-tailed Godwit

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Wildlife on tap in July


Yesterday (Friday) and Harrington Airfield continued to attract good numbers of Small Heath butterflies, Small/Essex Skippers and Marbled Whites at one section; a Grey Partridge was also seen,

Two Grasshopper Warblers were 'reeling' at Blueberry Farm (Maidwell) and there was a hatch of Marbled Whites there too as well as Roe Deer and two Badger cubs active during the day.

An Osprey was over Pitsford Reservoir in the morning and a moulting male Ruff was seen at Summer Leys reserve.

Northants Ringing Group members were active today (Saturday) with sessions at Howe Park Wood in Milton Keynes (ringing demonstration as part of a 'Nature Day'), Stortons Pits and Christies Copse again in the Walgrave Bay at Pitsford Reservoir.

Kenny, Sarah, Helen and Nick managed to catch 48 birds at Milton Keynes and were able to demonstrate to the attentive crowd the ethos of ringing and it's role in wildlife conservation and monitoring. Members of the tit family entertained with the star bird being a juvenile Marsh Tit. Other birds of the 13 species temporarily captured were five Treecreepers (including one ringed as an adult in 2017), seven Blackcaps, a Coal Tit, a Goldcrest, a Chiffchaff and a Bullfinch.

Christies Copse delivered 81 captures of 17 species made up of a Blackbird, two Dunnocks, ten Great Tits, twenty-six Blue Tits, a Coal Tit, a Marsh Tit, thirteen Long-tailed Tits, four Treecreepers, three Wrens, a Goldcrest, a Chiffchaff, three Robins, a Lesser Whitethroat, eight Blackcaps, three Garden Warblers, a Goldfinch and a Bullfinch. Two drake Red-crested Pochard remain in the Walgrave Bay and a juvenile Cuckoo was reported.

The Stortons gang were busy with 94 birds which included a Jay and two Reed Warblers bearing rings from elsewhere (including a Portuguese-ringed bird). And twenty-one Long-tailed Tits made for a sizeable flock! The best bird seen there was a Bittern in flight over the reed-bed.

Other birds noted in the county today included a Garganey and a Cattle Egret at Stanwick Pits and the Ruddy Shelduck at Hollowell Reservoir still.


Neil M

Marsh Tit
courtesy of Kenny Cramer.

Juvenile Blackbird.

Male Bullfinch.

Garden Warbler.

Great Tit.

Juvenile Robin.

Juvenile Long-tailed Tit.
Images courtesy of
John Tilly.

Jay courtesy
of Chris Payne.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Ringing at Pitsford Reservoir


This morning Steve Fisher located two Cattle Egrets on the main lake at Stanwick Lakes.

At Pitsford Reservoir today there were two parallel ringing sessions with the main activity being the CES in the Scaldwell Bay and a smaller concern with nine nets placed in Christies Copse in the Walgrave Bay.

Some 113 birds of 16 species were trapped for ringing/assessment purposes made up of 30 Blackcaps, 5 Garden Warblers (including a controlled bird from elsewhere), a Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Chiffchaffs, 4 Goldcrests, 14 Wrens, 8 Robins, 4 Dunnocks, 4 Treecreepers, 6 Blue Tits, 4 Marsh Tits, 18 Great Tits, 6 Long-tailed Tits, 3 Blackbirds and a Kingfisher. The star bird though was a totally unexpected Red-breasted Flycatcher which was found in a mist net in Christies Copse. It was judged to be a moulting adult female and was ringed and duly released. At this time I'm not aware of it since being seen 'in the field'.

Other birds on-site included plenty of Little Egrets, two drake Red-crested Pochard, a female Tufted Duck with two ducklings, a singing Cetti's Warbler still and a Cuckoo. A juvenile Little Owl was showing nicely nearby.


Neil M

Red-breasted Flycatcher.
As unexpected as this capture was
I was aware that Taiga Flycatcher (near
relative from further east) was the potential
confusion species. Taiga tend to be colder and
greyer and lack much warmth in the plumage.
they tend to have blacker tails and with
black upper tail coverts. Most guidance
suggests they have darker even blackish
bills lacking the pink/horn colour of the
Red-breasted's lower mandible. This bird was in
body and wing moult so wasn't looking at
it's best! The tail to my eyes did seem very
black but the uppertail coverts were brown. The extent
 of the white on the outer tail feathers (and extending
 down the tail) seemingly eliminates Taiga.
The bill was dark but not black and with hints
of warmth. The plumage was rather grey but with warm
 browns in the crown, wings and upper mantle.
The bird was kind enough to deposit a little package
and left a small feather behind so if my identification
is questionable we may have a DNA option!

Brown Hare.
A species regularly seen in the
grounds of the reservoir or
fields adjacent.

Juvenile Little Owl.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Grasshopper Warblers and friends!


A bit of a surprise this morning with three 'reeling' Grasshopper Warblers in the Brampton Valley between Hanging Houghton and Blueberry Farm plus the more usual hunting Barn Owl. A quick recce at Harrington Airfield produced views of two flying Turtle Doves, an adult Cuckoo and another 'reeling' Grasshopper Warbler.

Steve Fisher saw one of the Cattle Egrets on the main lake at Stanwick Pits this morning, one of a couple being seen there regularly. This evening a walk in the Walgrave Bay at Pitsford Reservoir provided sightings of two drake Red-crested Pochard, a fleeting view of yet another 'reeling' Grasshopper Warbler and a variety of insects including Blue Emperor and Black-tailed Skimmer dragonflies, Scarlet Tiger moth and good numbers of common grassland butterflies and plenty of unidentified beetles! At least nine Little Egrets roosted in willows at The Point.


Neil M

Chris Payne and John
Woollett spent some of today
monitoring breeding Swallows
in South Northants. This image
from Chris depicts an adult
male bird.

'Reeling' Grasshopper Warbler
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Summer birds of 'middle England'


A late evening walk in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton yesterday evening (Monday) was good for a hunting Barn Owl and a 'reeling' Grasshopper Warbler.

Eric paid the lakes in the north of the county a visit today (Tuesday) seeing a family party of Spotted Flycatchers, Gadwall with broods of young, three adult Black Swans and six Little Egrets all at Blatherwycke. Nearby Deene Lake hosted an Osprey, a drake Pochard, a Snipe and five Green Sandpipers.

Dave Francis paid the tern rafts a visit at Pitsford Reservoir today and ringed a further eight Common Tern chicks and another Black-headed Gull chick. Also in the Scaldwell Bay was a female Tufted Duck with just a single duckling, eleven Little Egrets now next to the Willow Hide and three broods of Mute Swans generally north of the causeway.

This evening a flock of about thirty Black-tailed Godwits were visible on the Summer Leys Reserve at Earls Barton, on the island in front of the screen hide. Earlier Hollowell Reservoir played host to the long-staying Ruddy Shelduck, a Yellow-legged Gull and two Little Ringed Plovers

Five members of the Northants Ringing Group supported a Bioblitz Day as managed by the Parks Trust with a bird ringing demonstration at Howe Park Wood, Milton Keynes. Although not a regular ringing site some well positioned mist nets succeeded in catching 63 birds of eleven species, the highlights being two juvenile Nuthatches, a juvenile Goldcrest and a Blackcap. This small but excellent mixed deciduous wood was also home to butterflies including Marbled Whites (near to the wood), Silver-washed Fritillary and Purple Emperor.


Neil M



Images courtesy of
Dave Jackson.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Partridges and butterflies!


Eric Graham was at Thrapston Pits again today and saw a young Nightingale by the metal bridge over the River Nene, a Water Rail showing well in front of South Hide and a good number of all-sorted common warblers. There were plenty of butterflies and dragonflies on the wing and a Pyramidal Orchid was noteworthy.

The best of the insects on show at Brixworth Country Park today were a Blue Emperor dragonfly, plenty of newly hatched burnett moths and a vibrant colony of Marbled White butterflies. Old Sulehay in the north east of the county has been the site for good numbers of Marbled Whites recently plus Silver-washed Fritillaries and a Dark Green Fritillary.

Birds noted at Summer Leys reserve at Earls Barton Pits today included two Black-tailed Godwits, two Common Sandpipers, Little Ringed Plover and Lesser Whitethroat.

Birds at Pitsford Reservoir today included two Common Sandpipers and seven Little Egrets (the latter all in the Scaldwell Bay) and 'on territory' Spotted Flycatchers were located today in the villages of Cottesbrooke and Haselbech.


Neil M

This adult Jackdaw
is minus an upper
mandible but despite
it's disability was the
usual weight for such
a bird and is clearly
able to forage successfully!

Red-legged Partridge at
Harrington Airfield. It's a
shame the Grey Partridges
don't pose like this!

A typical 'photographic'
view of a Grey Partridge
at Harrington (spot the birdie)!

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Linford Lakes ringing


Last night a Barn Owl was very vocal around the village, flying around and calling a great deal. This territorial flying and calling is rarely seen during daytime as they fly around calling a couple of hundred feet up; in some respects this action is similar to a Woodcock. The begging juvenile Tawny Owl was vocal at the same time.

A fairly early morning walk around Harrington Airfield provided a calling Quail, audible from the bunkers but in all probability calling from further west and probably west of the concrete track as well. A couple of Grey Partridge are happily part of the scenery but there was no sign of any early passerine migrants. It was a bit early for butterflies but there were Painted Ladies, Ringlets and Small Heath on the go and Cinnabar and Burnett Companion moths.

A nectar crop is in flower at the moment in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and there was a distinct hum of busy bees of all sorts plus a variety of butterflies and Silver Y Moths taking advantage. Reed Buntings, Common Whitethroats and Skylarks are all holding territories in the crop too. Two Hobby went racing over but otherwise it was just the usual suspects in the valley today.

Birds in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir this evening included four Little Egrets and a moulting drake Goldeneye, a regular feature at this site in mid summer.

A busy ringing session at Linford Lakes at Milton Keynes today saw about 150 birds being processed, with two nestling Kestrels being ringed there yesterday. The catch today was made up of 25 Blackcaps, 13 Garden Warblers, 10 Whitethroats, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 2 Sedge Warblers, 8 Reed Warblers, 5 Cetti's Warblers, 15 Chiffchaffs, 2 Treecreepers, 6 Wrens, 4 Dunnocks, 3 Robins, 26 Blue Tits, 16 Great Tits, 5 Long-tailed Tits, a Song Thrush, a Bullfinch, 3 Reed Buntings, 2 Kingfishers and a Green Woodpecker.

A bit of drama here at Hanging Houghton today when the regular visiting male Sparrowhawk caught a Starling in the field behind the garden. The hawk was trying to subdue the Starling which was resisting and making quite a noise with mobbing Swallows making the Sparrowhawk duck as it began to pluck the unfortunate prey item. As always the hawk was constantly looking around as it is vulnerable itself in this situation and with the Starling still creating a racket two Carrion Crows came in to investigate. At the same time a Common Buzzard glided in and in the commotion the Sparrowhawk was frightened off and the buzzard grabbed the Starling and flew off with it and presumably killed it shortly afterwards. A very traumatic end of life for the Starling and the Sparrowhawk empty-taloned despite doing all the early hard work!


Neil M

Lesser Whitethroat.

Juvenile male
Green Woodpecker.

Images courtesy of Kenny Cramer.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Hot weather wildlife


Yesterday (Friday) was a quiet day for me wildlife wise. A visit to Welford and Sulby Reservoirs first thing didn't produce anything much of significance and in fact it was still pretty cool and grey by the time I left there. 

The south end of Pitsford Reservoir hosted the usual Yellow-legged Gull but otherwise was quiet and Harrington Airfield mustered a couple of Grey Partridges but not much else. The Common Redstart at Lamport Hall was looked for again but not seen. The last couple of evenings there has been a juvenile Tawny Owl uttering it's distinctive begging calls in trees near to the house; it must be hungry because it was calling during the daytime today!

Bird of the day was undoubtedly a Eurasian Bee-eater heard calling over Byfield village in the evening (but not seen), which reminds me of a similar incident here at Hanging Houghton a couple of years ago. Well done to Gary Pullan for picking up on it!

Today (Saturday) turned into a very hot day and there were plenty of insects on the wing. Sarah Gibbs found some Hornet Clearwing Moths on poplars in Wicksteed Park (Kettering) this morning and Neil Hasdell found Silver-washed Fritillaries on the wing in Castor Hanglands. There were good numbers of Beautiful Demoiselles (and outnumbering the Banded Demoiselles) on the Brampton Brook in the valley below Hanging Houghton. Two pairs of Meadow Pipits are breeding on valley headlands this year, one pair has fledged young already and the other pair appear to be feeding young in the nest. Lesser Whitethroats have been vocal again during the last week or so, signalling an intent on a second brood, and a few pairs of Starling have already second brooded with their recently fledged young noisily in tow.

After a disastrous year in 2018 the Kingfishers are becoming more numerous now and I saw three different individuals locally (probably all juveniles). Other dispersing juveniles were single Grey Wagtails at Pitsford Reservoir and Brixworth Treatment Works. The Yellow-legged Gull was again off the Sailing Club at Pitsford Reservoir this evening. The nomadic escaped female Bufflehead put in an appearance at Stortons Pits today.


Neil M

Hornet Clearwing Moths
courtesy of Sarah Gibbs.

Little Owl
courtesy of John Tilly.

Friday, 28 June 2019

Northants Bird Club outdoor meeting 3rd July


On the evening of Wednesday 3rd July the Northants Bird Club will be holding an outside meeting at Pitsford Reservoir, this time reconnoitering the Walgrave Bay. We plan to meet and park vehicles at 7pm on a farm barn hard standing at the top of the Old Walgrave Road off the minor road from Holcot to Walgrave. From here we will be transported down the old road to the Walgrave Bay and will walk to the back of the bay (probably as far as some small ponds constructed four years ago). It is hoped to have some hot drinks and refreshments on-site, in all probability in the Walgrave Hide.

Sarah Gibbs, the senior reserve warden will be on hand to explain some of the management plans and techniques utilised on the site for the benefit of wildlife, particularly associated with the blocks of woodland. Currently there is no plan to use the Fishing Lodge (unless it is forecast as a wet night!). Following our walk we will be transported back up the old road to our vehicles. This is an opportunity to see some of the lesser well known areas of the reserve and we will be focusing on the birds, insects and trees. 

Everyone is welcome!

Neil M

Great Crested Grebe
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Common Tern
courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Here comes summer!


A very pleasant walk around Ravensthorpe Reservoir this morning was overdue, after all many years ago this was very much 'my patch'! Birds included two Oystercatchers, a Lesser Black-backed x ? Gull hybrid (closely resembling a Yellow-legged Gull), at least two juvenile Grey Wagtails and the moulting ducks included Gadwall and a couple of Teal.

I saw a Hobby near Scaldwell today and with the arrival of the sunshine out poured plenty of butterflies with really good numbers of Meadow Brown, Red Admiral and of course lots of Painted Ladies.

A ringing session took place in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir today and a little of yesterday evening, netting 79 birds of 20 species made up of 8 Mallard, a Blackbird, a Song Thrush, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Nuthatch, a Marsh Tit, a Coal Tit, 10 Blue Tits, 9 Great Tits, 4 Long-tailed Tits, 11 Wrens, 3 Robins, a Dunnock, 7 Treecreepers, 10 Blackcaps, a Garden Warbler, 2 Whitethroats, 3 Chiffchaffs, 2 Goldcrests and 2 Bullfinches.


Neil M

Mistle Thrush.

Moulting Mallard.

Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Common Tern.


All images today from
Ravensthorpe Reservoir.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

The power of nest boxes!


Yesterday (Tuesday) was pretty wet in the morning but dryer in the afternoon. Three Ravens were noted in a sheep field near Naseby and birds in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Reservoir in the evening included the summering Yellow-legged Gull and four Little Egrets.

Today (Wednesday) I took a fairly early morning walk adjacent to Lamport Hall and discovered a singing male Common Redstart in hawthorns close to the footpath which borders the southern edge of the parkland. I assume this is a bird already beginning it's journey south, and probably downed by the recent spell of wet weather. Other birds noted in the county today included a Grey Plover and two Green Sandpipers at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and two Cattle Egrets again at Stanwick Pits with another one reported at Blatherwycke Lake this evening.

The nest box season is over for many birds already this year with perhaps Robins, Wrens, Spotted Flycatchers, owls, sparrows and Stock Doves being the remaining species still using them. In some years Great Tits can second brood and both House and Tree Sparrows can occasionally triple brood! Specialist Swift boxes will be in use for a little while yet and late Starlings and Kestrels will be a similar story. In South Northants Chris Payne's fourteen tit boxes at one site propelled 84 youngsters into the big wild world (all Blue Tits and Great Tits) and over a hundred young tits flew from erected boxes at Greens Norton and Bradden. The tit boxes at Pitsford Reservoir were also well used with over seven hundred nestlings fledging from them!


Neil M

Juvenile Swallows
maturing nicely with
virtually no room left
in the nest!

Incubating adult Robin.

Both images taken by
Chris Payne.