Red-breasted Flycatcher. As unexpected as this capture was I was aware that Taiga Flycatcher (near relative from further east) was the potential confusion species. Taiga tend to be colder and greyer and lack much warmth in the plumage. they tend to have blacker tails and with black upper tail coverts. Most guidance suggests they have darker even blackish bills lacking the pink/horn colour of the Red-breasted's lower mandible. This bird was in body and wing moult so wasn't looking at it's best! The tail to my eyes did seem very black but the uppertail coverts were brown. The extent of the white on the outer tail feathers (and extending down the tail) seemingly eliminates Taiga. The bill was dark but not black and with hints of warmth. The plumage was rather grey but with warm browns in the crown, wings and upper mantle. The bird was kind enough to deposit a little package and left a small feather behind so if my identification is questionable we may have a DNA option! |