Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Ringing recoveries...


A batch of recently received ringing recoveries associated with local bird ringing activities are as follows:-

1. A first year Blue Tit was ringed at Scotland Wood on the Kelmarsh Estate on 23rd March this year and quite remarkably was then caught and processed by a ringer at a place called Rosedan, Bagillt in Flintshire on 9th June. So much for Blue Tits not wandering far! This bird flew 179km in a WNW direction and presumably from the recovery date was probably trying to breed in Wales. It would be interesting to know where this bird hatched last year, was it a local bird on an extended wander or a bird from Wales wintering in the English Midlands?

2. A Chiffchaff hatched last year was ringed at Stanford Reservoir on 22nd September 2018 and was caught on 19th June this year when assessed as an adult male (probably breeding) at Brixworth Treatment Works. Although it is only 17 km between the two sites, it is most likely that this bird has travelled hundreds of km in the meantime;

3. A first year male Goldfinch was caught and ringed at Bradden, South Northants on 23rd December 2018 and was found dead having hit a window pane at Newcastleton, Cumbria on or about 4th June this year. This small finch had travelled 354km in a NNW direction and was presumably trying to breed in Cumbria. This follows similar patterns of Goldfinches and Siskins ringed in the English Midlands during the winter period and then being located in North England or Scotland during the breeding season;

4. A foot with the metal ring attached was all that was found of a ringed Stock Dove at Pitsford Reservoir today! This bird was originally caught and ringed as an adult bird at Pitsford Reservoir on 18th May 2013 and caught there again on 6th September 2015 before being predated very recently at the same site;

5. A juvenile Reed Warbler was ringed at Marston Sewer Works, Lincolnshire on 8th August 2013 and was caught by ringers at Stortons Pits on 16th June this year when assessed as being an adult female (and presumably breeding on-site). The distance between the two sites is just 84km but of course this bird has made twelve journeys to or from Africa in that time - staggering!

6. A juvenile Reed Warbler was ringed at Marsworth Reservoir, Tring, Hertfordshire on 9th July 2017 and was caught at Linford Lakes, Milton Keynes on 9th June 2019 when assessed as being an adult male. Seven hundred days elapsed between the two records and in that time this bird has travelled to or from Africa on four occasions, albeit that Linford and Marsworth are only 31km away from each other...


Neil M

Blue Tit.

Chiffchaff courtesy
of Kenny Cramer.


Stock Dove.

Reed Warbler.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Painted Ladies and more...


A short wander at Harrington Airfield today following the illegal rave there on Saturday/Sunday night revealed no apparent harm to the wildlife crucial areas which was a relief. A couple of the usual Grey Partridges were still on site and as the sun began to break through there were good numbers of butterflies comprising of Speckled Wood, Small Tortoiseshell, Small Heath, Common Blue, Ringlet and migrating Red Admirals and with large numbers of Painted Ladies hurtling through. Day-flying moths included Cinnabar, a Burnet sp and Burnet Companion and the Common Spotted and Bee Orchids were looking pristine.

Spending a little time listening for Quail at a variety of locations today failed miserably but a pair of Spotted Flycatchers feeding young in a nest was a nice find!

In addition to the Barn Owl, the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton held large numbers of more Painted Lady butterflies, perhaps settling down this evening before migrating further after the anticipated rain has passed.


Neil M

Painted Lady.

Common Spotted Orchid.

Bee Orchid.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Stortons Ringing


The weather conditions this morning were ideal for some ringing at Stortons Pits on the outskirts of Northampton. The reserve now boasts an excellent extensive phragmites reed bed and large numbers of Reed Warblers, Reed Buntings and others breed here as well as the scrubby margins. Just a small number of nets provided ninety captures which included nine species of breeding warblers, with perhaps the highlights being a couple of Cetti's Warblers and a Lesser Whitethroat. Other captures included a Woodpigeon, several juvenile Goldfinches and Greenfinches and a Bullfinch. Other birds noted included several noisy Water Rails squealing from the reed-beds, a Hobby and a Grey Wagtail.

As usual the Barn Owl persisted in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton today and Spotted Flycatchers were located at two locations on the Kelmarsh Estate this afternoon. Martin Swannell located a couple of Quail near Beckworth Emporium with the birds calling from bean fields off the lane from Mears Ashby.


Neil M

Garden Warbler.

Song Thrush.

Adult male Whitethroat.

Adult male Lesser Whitethroat.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Garden birding!


Spending the morning at home today provided an opportunity to see a few things that would have normally gone unnoticed! A cacophony of noises in the grass field behind the garden alerted me to the baying Jackdaws and Carrion Crows as they mobbed a Common Buzzard with a just-caught Rabbit. The raptor tried to fly off with it but was besieged by the black mob and dropped it. A little later and both Buzzard and Rabbit had gone so I guess he/she made a successful reclaim. A large shadow in the garden made me look up to see a Grey Heron very low circling the garden and eyeing up our garden ponds. It landed in trees nearby but with no fish in the ponds it may have come no closer. A couple of Red Admiral and Painted Lady butterflies whizzed through the garden, clearly on their way somewhere and a dark insect by one of the ponds proved to be a male Beautiful Demoiselle.

This afternoon I watched a fishing Osprey in the Walgrave Bay at Pitsford Reservoir and another was seen at Thrapston Pits today. A good sighting in the Nene Valley this morning was of a Spoonbill flying over Summer Leys Reserve, the bird being pushed higher by the gulls there until lost to view. A collection of 'wildfowl' at Clifford Hill Pits today included a Black Swan, a Barnacle Goose, two Bar-headed Geese, an Egyptian Goose and three Red-crested Pochard.

Eleanor saw about half a dozen Ravens at Staverton today and a walk at Kentle Wood near Daventry yielded a calling Quail in a small grass field there. It was only calling intermittently and later efforts to hear it this evening were unsuccessful.


Neil M

courtesy of Martin Swannell.

Common Buzzard and
Carrion Crow escort
courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Grey Heron.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Warm and sunny first day of summer!


Not much in the way of opportunity to be out and about today but a short lunchtime walk at Harrington Airfield provided the usual couple of Grey Partridges. The Common Spotted Orchids are looking much better now since the rain even if they are not in profusion this year. Butterflies included my first Ringlets of the year with still reasonable numbers of Common Blue and Small Heath on the wing. Day-flying moths included Cinnabar and Latticed Heath.

At least one Barn Owl was hunting in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton this morning and at Pitsford Reservoir nineteen more Common Terns chicks and two more Black-headed Gull chicks were ringed on the rafts. The summering first year Yellow-legged Gull remains (present since last autumn) and other large larids taking advantage of dead and dying fish are fluctuating numbers of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a couple of summering Great Black-backed Gulls.


Neil M

Great Black-backed Gull.


Common Tern.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Pitsford CBC


I completed another Common Bird Census on the reserve at Pitsford Reservoir today. All the plantations appeared to contain gangs of young tits and it seemed that juvenile Coal Tits in particular were in good numbers. It was more quantity rather than quality though and I failed to find anything rare or unusual!

There was evidence of the start of the usual summer build up of ducks with over fifty Tufted Ducks, thirty-one Pochard and about ninety Gadwall. Thirty-nine active Cormorant nests were visible and other breeders present included Oystercatcher, Black-headed Gull and Common Tern. A Little Egret was seen, plus a first summer Yellow-legged Gull, a day-hunting Tawny Owl, a Nuthatch and two broods of Mute Swans. The Great Crested Grebes are slow off the mark with no successful breeding yet and only a few pairs of Coot have so far produced any young.

However the earlier arriving warblers are now producing fledged young with Blackcaps in very good numbers (and still 47 males singing) with some juvenile Chiffchaffs about too. Reed Warblers are notoriously late breeders at this site as they wait for the 'glyceria' reeds to grow and the only active birds are in the very limited patches of 'phragmites' reeds. Sedge Warblers and Grasshopper Warblers are completely absent this year but the male Cetti's Warbler remains on territory in the Walgrave Bay.

Garden Warbler song tends to peter out from about now but there were still thirteen singing birds and the majority were at regular breeding spots. Very few Willow Warblers breed here now but one bird was still singing and possibly as many as four Whitethroat territories were mapped.

The sunny but breezy conditions corralled the dragonflies to the confinements of the small pools at the back of the Walgrave Bay where there were plenty of Four-spotted Chasers and singles of Broad-bodied Chaser and Blue Emperor. Common Blue Damselflies were in excellent numbers and singles of Large Red Damselfly and Beautiful Demoiselle were seen. Butterflies only amounted to seven species and there were still day-flying Chimney Sweeper moths visible in most of the meadows.

Away from Pitsford and at least one Barn Owl was on show in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and Eric's visit to Thrapston Pits yielded common warblers, two Cuckoos, a pair of Oystercatchers and five Painted Lady butterflies.


Neil M

Swallow nest with eggs
and another nest with very
young Swallows!

Images courtesy of
Chris Payne.

Juvenile Pied Wagtails
courtesy of John Tilly.

A very young 'Cootling'
courtesy of John Tilly.

Barn Owl courtesy
of John Tilly.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Brixworth ringing


A ringing session took place at the Anglian Water Treatment Works at Brixworth today where it was hoped that the forecast rain would attract local Swallows and House Martins to the site. As it happens there was only a splash of rain and the hirundines mostly didn't appear! Nevertheless we managed to catch 59 birds of sixteen species, again typical local breeders.

Instead of Swallows the 'bird of the day' was Pied Wagtail, no less than 17 different juveniles were caught and ringed today, suggesting that the local breeding productivity has been good. Other birds amounted to five Swallows, a House Martin, a Jackdaw, a Magpie, three Starlings, a Reed Warbler, four Blackcaps (including a bird first ringed there as an adult in May 2017), eight Chiffchaffs (including a bird previously ringed elsewhere), a Wren, a Treecreeper, a Dunnock, two Robins, a Reed Bunting, nine Long-tailed Tits and three Blue Tits. Birds of note on-site included a Hobby which whizzed through a few times and a Grey Wagtail.

Barn Owls continue to be seen at Summer Leys LNR and in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton. A long-staying Ruddy Shelduck remains at Hollowell Reservoir and this site is a firm favourite fishing spot for Ospreys at the moment.

Eric Graham paid Blatherwycke Lake a visit today and saw eight Mandarin Ducks, Gadwall with ducklings and six Little Egrets.


Neil M

WW2 fighters over
Pitsford Reservoir
two days ago...

Drake Red-crested Pochard
Pitsford Reservoir, also two
days ago...

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Ringing at Pitsford Reservoir


Today's weather provided near perfect bird ringing conditions and with the rain of previous weeks and it seems with yet more to come, efforts were made to conduct some ringing at Pitsford Reservoir. Setting up and some initial ringing began yesterday (Monday) evening, but the majority of the action was this morning and into the early afternoon. Five ringers managed to process over 220 birds of 24 species, all being locally breeding birds or their offspring. It was good to see so many young birds after the low temperatures and rain of this month.

This total was made up of nine Mallard, twenty Common Terns, a Kingfisher, three Great Spotted Woodpeckers, six Blackbirds, a Song Thrush, four Dunnocks, nine Robins, ten Wrens, six Treecreepers, thirty-nine Blue Tits, forty-six Great Tits, a Marsh Tit, twenty-one Blackcaps, two Whitethroats, four Garden Warblers, a Reed Warbler, seven Chiffchaffs, twenty-three Tree Sparrows, a Bullfinch, two Chaffinches, two Goldfinches, four Yellowhammers and a Reed Bunting.

Damselflies were emerging in large numbers, some using mist net poles and nets as their metamorphic staging posts! Meadow Brown butterflies were on the wing plus a few Small Tortoiseshell and a Painted Lady.

Eric was at Thrapston Pits today, noting a Hobby, an Osprey, lots of common warblers, a Kingfisher, four Oystercatchers, three Cuckoos and a Little Egret. Plenty of common butterflies and odonata were on show too including the localised Scarce Chaser dragonfly.

Harrington Airfield held two Turtle Doves today, a Grasshopper Warbler and an adult male Peregrine and nearby there was a singing Grasshopper Warbler near to Blueberry Farm and a Barn Owl in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.


Neil M

Meadow Brown butterfly.

Pitsford rainbow.

Tree Sparrow.

Monday, 17 June 2019

The Camargue


Locally not a great deal to write about currently, the drake Red-crested Pochard was showing well off the Old Scaldwell Road at Pitsford Reservoir today and a couple of hunting Barn Owls were still around Hanging Houghton again today.

A few classic images from the Camargue in France during a couple of short trips in May this year...


Neil M

Grey Heron.

Greater Flamingo.


Great Spotted Cuckoo.

Scarlet Darter.

Black-winged Stilt.

Cattle Egret.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Still trying to avoid the showers!


The Brampton Valley between Northampton and Market Harborough tends to attract hunting Barn Owls along it's length. With regular anecdotal reports from Kingsthorpe Meadows and the Merry Tom Lane area. The birds hunting the fields, dykes and headlands below Hanging Houghton have continued to be active the last couple of days. Lets us hope that their breeding efforts this year will be much better than last year which on the whole was very poor. 

At Pitsford Reservoir a hunting Barn Owl was active south of the causeway yesterday evening; today a drake Red-crested Pochard was noted near to the Maytrees Hide at the neck of the Scaldwell Bay.

A reeling Grasshopper Warbler remains at Blueberry Farm (Maidwell) this evening where there was also a pair of Grey Partridge. Several more Grey Partridges (including calling birds) were at Harrington Airfield again today but sadly there was no sign of any chicks.

A ringing session at Stortons Pits today was curtailed because of rain, but the four ringers on-site did well to catch and process sixty birds prior to 9am, forty-seven of them being new birds and thirteen re-traps including a Reed Warbler ringed from a site elsewhere.


Neil M

Stock Dove.


Still plenty of birds coming for
food in our garden including
doves and pigeons!

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Dodging the rain!


Yesterday evening I returned from a eight day trip to the Central French Pyrenees, an extremely pretty area with lots of impressive mountains, stunning alpine meadows, an amazing variety of plant life and flowers and of course alpine birds and other creatures too!

Today I assisted at a community project on the Brampton Valley Way at Kingsthorpe aimed at inspiring people of all ages and abilities to appreciate and understand aspects of the natural world. This was led by Jenny Flude a Forest School leader and volunteer wildlife ranger and supported by members of the Wildlife Trust for BCN, volunteer conservationists, Dave from Northamptonshire Walks and Sustrans (owners of the land and a charitable organisation aimed at helping people to walk and cycle).

We managed a weather window permitting a steady stream of visitors of all ages between 11am and 3pm and provided a variety of educational and skills learning options associated with our natural world specifically but not exclusively in this part of Northamptonshire.

Yesterday Chris Payne, fresh from more adventures on the adopted island of Skokholm, checked a Tawny Owl box in South Northamptonshire which he knew was being used for a late breeding attempt. The two fledgling chicks were in fine fettle and were duly ringed and hopefully will fledge and catch up in life very soon (and hopefully after it has stopped raining)!


Neil M

Images from the event on
the Brampton Valley Way

Tawny Owls
courtesy of Chris Payne.

Monday, 10 June 2019

Although I have been out and about things seem to pretty quiet on the birding front. But this is also the time of year when the "mega" is likely to turn up, so keep those eyes sharply focussed and ears finely tuned and who knows what might turn up !!
Despite the weather today has been one of my best days for a while. Nothing rare but simply good views of both a hunting Barn Owl and Peregrine Falcon.  At Blueberry there was a reeling Grasshopper Warbler which was also sitting out in full view.
A visit to Harrington Airfield was quite productive with a Turtle Dove and a family of very young Grey Partridge.  The rain certainly didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the many Willow Warblers who were in full song and I'm sure competing among themselves to see who could sing the loudest !!
Quite a few Bee Orchids and Common Spotted Orchids out in bloom but I don't think that there are as many as previous years.
Our garden continues to attract a good number and variety of birds and I cannot keep up with the amount of food they are getting through.  Several male Yellowhammers spent the afternoon in the garden.
We had a pair of Pied Wagtails nest successfully in the ivy and for the last week the young and adults have been feeding in the garden or nearby. My heart has been in my mouth on many occassions whilst I have watched the youngsters sitting out in the open and looking very vulnerable and oblivious to the many dangers around.  Sadly this afternoon Mr Sparrowhawk took one of the youngsters from the garden. I was so cross with him, but that is the harsh reality of life. No doubt he has his own youngsters to feed, but why did he have to take "my" little Pied Wagtail. !!!

Regards Eleanor

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Pitsford CES ringing.


A ringing session at Pitsford Reservoir today in the Scaldwell Bay provided 82 captures; these early Constant Effort Sessions (CES) seem to indicate that so far it has been a reasonably productive spring for early and first brood locally breeding passerines.

Dave Frances, Helen Franklin and Gill and Richard Watts were the team today and they processed sixteen species made up of a Kingfisher, two Lesser Whitethroats, three Reed Warblers, eleven Blackcaps, a Chiffchaff, a Willow Warbler, a Marsh Tit, five Long-tailed Tits, eighteen Great Tits, sixteen Blue Tits, two Song Thrushes, two Blackbirds, seven Wrens, five Dunnocks, five Robins and two Bullfinches.

Most nest boxes are quiet now but the Pitsford boxes have housed about seven hundred young tits this spring, nearly all of them Blue Tits and Great Tits!


Neil M

Blue Tit on nest.

Juvenile Robin.

Marsh Tit.

Great Tit
brooding nestlings.

All images courtesy
of Chris Payne.