Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Wildlife of the Ardnamurchan Peninsular


Two weeks on the beautiful Ardnamurchan Peninsular in Western Scotland were mostly rain-free and with sunny conditions and a cool breeze the midges didn't come out to play much! I've added some images of some of the formatted photos of the trip which hopefully do justice to the wildlife of this special area and the immediate surround...


Neil M

Otter with fish.

Black Redstart.

American Black Duck.

Pine Marten.

Cat sp. Scottish Wildcat or
just a domestic moggie??

Bottle-nosed Dolphin.

White-tailed Eagle.


Juvenile Stonechat.

Monday, 28 May 2018

Forays to Lakenheath and The Lakes!


Please find some images from John Gamble following a trip to Lakenheath RSPB and also from Jim
Dunkley following his regular visits to the Lake District...


Neil M

Eurasian Bittern. John enjoyed
watching four fly around together!

Hobby. Good numbers converge
at Lakenheath most springs prior
to dispersing in to the Brecklands
to breed.

Buck Roe Deer.

Red Squirrel.

Adult and juvenile

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Back from Wild Scotland...


Just back in from two weeks in the West Highlands of Scotland, centred in the Ardnamurchan Peninsular. We were blessed with some fabulous weather and most of the wildlife behaved!

I was also fortunate to spend a week in Provence, France last month and here are a few images from that trip...


Neil M

Western Bonelli's Warbler.

Griffon Vulture.


Eurasian Roller.

Wild Boar.


Grey Heron.

Greater Flamingos.

Green Lizard.

Gull-billed Tern.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Catch Up

I haven't been able to get out and about birding as much as I would have liked. The only birds which I have seen regularly during the week are Turtle Doves, Grasshopper Warbler, Barn Owl, Cuckoo and Grey Partridge at Harrington.
Yesterday {19th May}as I was driving along between Fotheringhay and Warmington I heard a Nightingale in full song !!!  However it would not show itself and remained hidden in the hedge.
Also yesterday Eric Graham visited Titchmarsh Reserve and writes " warbler numbers greatly reduced, but still managed Willow, Sedge, Reed, Cettis and Garden Warbler , Whitethroat and Chiffchaff.. We watched a pair of Cuckoo, he was flying around her calling and she was giggling like a teenager, it was fun to see the interaction. There was a pair of Oystercatcher on the Long Island and plenty of Swift and at last hundreds of Martins hawking low over Aldwincle mixed with good numbers of Swallows.  As we walked along brancy brook we looked up to see a Great White Egret fly over head and land on Thorpe Lake ".

Over the weekend some ringing has taken place. Yesterday Kenny Cramer was ringing at Linford where 20 birds of 8 species were ringed including 6 Reed Warblers, 2 Blackcap and 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker.  5 Greenfinches were caught, maybe an encouraging sign that this species is on the increase at Linford.  Interestingly 2 of the Reed Warblers were retraps of birds originally ringed in 2016 and encountered again 2017.
Today John Woollett undertook a ringing session at Stortons gravel pits where 23 birds were processed. Wren 1. Chiffchaff 2, Song Thrush 2, Blackbird 3, Garden Warbler 1, Reed Warbler 4, Cettis Warbler 1, Sedge Warbler 2, and Robin 3.
Highlight was a retrap Reed Warbler from 2014.

Regards Eleanor

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Tuesday's Travels !

I was awake before 5am this morning so decided to get up and get out and about. I literally threw a few things into the car along with my dogs and off we went. 
It was a beautiful morning, clear blue skies and the deafening noise of bird song greeted me as I walked at Harrington Airfield. A Turtle Dove was purring in the bushes at the middle bunker and a Grasshopper Warbler reeling nearby. I haven't seen many Cuckoo's yet this spring but there was one flying low over the vegetation between the 1st and 2nd bunker intent on looking for an unsuspecting host. A Barn Owl was hunting and there were at least 2 pairs of Grey Partridge present.
I made a spur of the moment decision to drive to the coast and take the dogs to the beach and headed for Holkham.!!!!  I did wonder whether I had made a mistake because the coast was shrouded in a dense sea mist . I had to put plenty of layers on as it was quite cold and drizzly.  However the boys enjoyed themselves and had a good walk and plenty of games.  Birding was quite difficult as the birds were just vague shapes looming in and out of the mist and the calls of the Little and Sandwich Terns sounded very eerie.
I couldn't visit the coast without indulging in fish and chips from Wells. My excuse was that I was waiting to see what the weather was doing !!  As the sea mist showed little sign of lifting I decided to make my way home. The sun was shining once I had driven past Kings Lynn.
My plan was to visit a few old haunts on my way back.  First stop was Ashton Wold where there was at least one Nightingale singing well, a Turtle Dove and a Cuckoo.  Next , Titchmarsh Reserve were there were numerous Cettis Warblers, 2 Hobby, Little Egret and a very showy and vocal Nightingale by the footbridge which links the reserve to the main lake. I could here this bird singing long before I saw it as it was quite deafening.
Final destination was Twywell Hills + Dales. Plenty of common warblers but very little else.

Regards Eleanor

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Sunny Sunday

Eric Graham counted nine species of singing warbler around the Titchmarsh reserve including a reeling Grasshopper Warbler showing very well. A Nightingale was again singing at the footbridge and 2 Hobby were hunting over town lake and probably the same birds were seen over Aldwinkle. 2 Cuckoo were also noted.

There were 2 Turtle Doves at Harrington Airfield this morning, one purring in the bushes at the end of the track and the other on the ground at the bunker next to the track.   There were also 2 pairs of Grey Partridge.   However the "best" bird was a very low flying Lancaster Bomber which came over my head, looking magnificent with it's very distinctive sound.
A wander around the fields below Hanging Houghton this evening produced a Hobby, Barn Owl and a Grasshopper Warbler against the backdrop of a stunning sunset.

Regards Eleanor

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Birds of Daventry


Eleanor's visit to Borough Hill Country Park in Daventry this afternoon was worthwhile with the discovery of a singing Wood Warbler in the mature woodland on the south east side of the park. The bird was in full song and was showy too.

Nearby there is a Woodland Trust plantation on a high area called Kentle Wood and a visit there provided two Turtle Doves, and three Wheatears in a sparsely-vegetated field on the upper slope.


Neil M

Wood Warbler.

 A few images from my trip to Poland in April...

Black Redstart

Long-tailed Tit
of the white-headed form.

Lesser Spotted Eagle.

Ural Owl.

Friday, 11 May 2018

End of week round-up...


I have been away since Sunday in the Camargue region of southern France, arriving back late last night...

During the last week Eric Graham and others have been playing regular visits to Thrapston Pits, particularly the Titchmarsh reserve. Large numbers of warblers have been present, some days with ten species singing their hearts out. A couple of Nightingales have also been proclaiming territories and a few Cuckoos have been regular too. The Hobbies have arrived there and there have been double figure numbers hawking insects on some days. Scarcer visitors have included a Wryneck for one evening and a couple of visits from an Osprey.

Last Sunday (6th May) and a ringing session took place on the south side of Stortons Pits. Thirty-six captures were very welcome as the majority were incoming and breeding warblers (seven species) and included a Willow Warbler, four Lesser Whitethroats, two Whitethroats, three Blackcaps, two Garden Warblers, seven Reed Warblers and six Sedge Warblers. One of the Lesser Whitethroats and two of the Sedge Warblers were re-traps from previous years.

Belated news has come through of a juvenile Reed Warbler which was ringed at Pitsford Reservoir by Dave Francis on 3rd July 2011. This bird was caught again 58 days later on 30th August 2011, but this time at Mata Nacional do Choupal, Coimbra in Portugal, a distance of 1463km heading in a SSW direction!

Eleanor has been visiting Harrington Airfield during the week and regular sightings include a Grasshopper Warbler, a pair of Turtle Doves, a pair of Grey Partridge and a Barn Owl...

I took a quick look at Summer Leys LNR at lunch-time today and noted four hawking Hobbies and singles of Little Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher and Redshank. A feisty (female?) Rabbit repeatedly ran at a Common Buzzard that was perched on the ground there - I suspect she had some small young hidden in a patch of nettles nearby...


Neil M

Singing Blackcap.
Courtesy of Cathy Ryden.

Bluebells at Badby Wood.
Courtesy of Cathy Ryden.

Reed Warbler.

Hobby hawking insects.
Courtesy of Dave Jackson.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Pitsford CBC


A Common Bird Census was completed on the reserve section of Pitsford Reservoir in remarkably warm and sunny conditions! As I started at 6am, Bob Gill had already finished sorting through and releasing the moths from the overnight catch and he was off home to see what his moth trap at home had caught! I think committed naturalists need to be insomniacs too!

The CBC took over six hours today with plenty of bird song most of the way around, dominated really by good numbers of Garden Warblers, most of them having just arrived from Africa. Blackcaps were in good numbers too of course plus the usual number of singing Chiffchaffs. On the negative side, only two singing Reed Warblers were detected and Sedge and Grasshopper Warblers were no-showers, a far cry from the eighties when both species were regarded as being common on the reserve. Sadly only one Willow Warbler appears to have stayed to hold territory, I would have expected more...

High and stable water levels are providing opportunities for Coots to potentially produce plenty of early broods, that is if they can keep the Carrion Crows at bay from stealing their eggs! At this time of the year the path around the reserve is littered with broken Pheasant and Mallard eggs where the crows have found the nests and consumed the contents.

I didn't see any birds out of the ordinary but a Little Egret was in the Scaldwell Bay and a Spotted Flycatcher by the Fishing Lodge, as was a Common Sandpiper on the shore there. Both Willow and Marsh Tits were recorded. Neil H walked south of the causeway but didn't find the Black-necked Grebe, but came across a Barn Owl and two Ravens by The Pines whilst looking for it.

Plenty of butterflies on the wing during the second half of the survey including plenty of the stunning Orange-tips, and my Muntjac count for the day was only eleven.

Eleanor saw an Otter at Ravensthorpe Reservoir this afternoon, visible from the Coton to Ravensthorpe causeway looking on the 'small side'!


Neil M

Tawny Owl. Mobbing
Blackbirds and other
birds help to pinpoint
these birds in the foliage.

Rook, this one clearly
carrying plenty of food
in it's pouch for hungry
nestlings. For some reason
the traditional rookery in
the covert in the Walgrave
Bay is smaller each year...

Coot. 2018 may be a good
breeding season for them!

Canada Geese. Both
Canada and Greylag
Geese goslings can be
seen on the reservoir now.


First year Great Black-backed Gull.
In recent years this species has summered
at Pitsford, taking advantage of dead and
dying fish. There are several of these big gulls
at the reservoir currently and plenty of dead Pike
(probably due to the spawning stress) are providing
food for them and Herring and
Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Male Orange-tip Butterfly.

Lady's Smock or Cuckoo Flower,
one of the food plants of the Orange-tip.

Oystercatcher. He/she approves
of the Bird Club hide roof as
 a look-out!


All images taken at
Pitsford Reservoir this