Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Thursday, 16 June 2016

More images from Cathy!


Cathy Ryden and her bridge camera have been a busy duo despite the wet weather recently...


Neil M

Great Tits.

Juvenile Blue Tit.

Looking through a rainy window!


Turtle Dove at
Harrington Airfield.


A big thank-you to Cathy for her
constant stream of local and not so
local bird images.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Focus on the House Martin


Today's ringing session at Brixworth Treatment Works provided some 104 captures of 19 species made up of 77 new birds and 27 re-traps. The most common bird caught was the House Martin with forty new birds and three re-traps (two from 2014). The catch also included five Swallows, a couple of Starlings, two Yellowhammers, a Whitethroat, fourteen Pied Wagtails, two re-trap Yellow Wagtails (one from 2015), a Reed Bunting and three re-trap Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Eleanor watched a Barn Owl and two singing Grasshopper Warblers at Blueberry Farm this evening and Cathy Ryden saw a Turtle Dove at Harrington Airfield.


Neil M

The star bird of today, the
beautifully crafted House Martin.

Images courtesy of Chris Payne.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Images from Minsmere


Yesterday afternoon (Monday) and the Ruddy Shelduck with it's injured wing hanging down was still in the grounds of the Sailing Club. Further efforts will be made to try and catch it and see if anything can be done...

This evening (Tuesday) a Barn Owl was again hunting in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton village.

Cathy Ryden enjoyed a recent visit to the RSPB reserve at Minsmere and her images depict some of the highlights...


Neil M


Marsh Harrier

Oystercatcher and chick

Green Hairstreak butterfly

Mediterranean Gulls
(and Mallard)!


Monday, 13 June 2016

More ringing recoveries...


An early walk at Harrington Airfield this morning provided views of a single Turtle Dove and a single Grey Partridge. Willow Warblers collecting food and calling anxiously indicates successful breeding and the Common Spotted Orchids are in good numbers and looking particularly stunning.

Some more ringing recoveries have been received, providing more data hopefully for future conservation measures:-

D870674 refers to a young female Blackcap initially ringed at Linford Lakes on the outskirts of Milton Keynes on 5th September last year. She pitched up again 253 days later, this time at Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire on 15th May this year, some 42km ENE of the original ringing site.

A couple of moribund Greenfinches were reported, one the victim of a cat in Greens Norton (the same village where it was first ringed) and another was found dying at Kelmarsh village just a short distance from Kelmarsh Hall where it had been ringed four months earlier.

S122705 was another John Woollett Siskin ringed at Astcote on 31st March this year, which was then caught by another ringer in Melvich, the Highland Region, Scotland on 1st May 2016. This small finch had flown north for 731km before being re-captured.

A female Barn Owl picked up dead by Cathy Ryden at Creaton earlier this spring had been ringed as a nestling near Maidwell on 12th August 2013. She appeared to be a brooding bird so the death was particularly tragic. She had only moved some 6km from where she had been raised; 992 days had elapsed between the two records.

The last bird recovery is very much of an international flavour. A Sedge Warbler caught by Ian Wrisdale over at Stanwick Gravel Pits on 15th May this year was first ringed as a juvenile bird at Trunvel, Treogat, Finistere, France on 8th August 2015. A gap of 281 days had elapsed between the two dates and Stanwick is NNE of Trunvel. However this bird will have wintered south of the Sahara in the meantime so as is often the way with ringing, we only see a thin slice of the whole story.


Neil M

Sedge Warbler

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Wet and dank Sunday!


Eric Graham has been continuing to put the hours in at the Titchmarsh Reserve at Thrapston, with visits both yesterday and today. Yesterday (Saturday) and a Hobby and a calling Cuckoo were among the highlights, with the weather conditions providing good opportunities for the Mayflies to hatch much to the delight of the local dragonflies! Today (Sunday) in poorer conditions, Eric counted eight singing Cetti's Warblers and saw large numbers of hirundines and Swifts. The Cuckoo was still calling, two Little Egrets were present and a Grey Heron was watched predating the gull chicks on long island.

Eleanor saw a Hobby at Blueberry Farm this morning but otherwise had a quiet day. John Woollett was ringing at Stortons Gravel Pits but the unforecast rain caused the session to conclude after only a few hours. Still a nice collection of new birds made it worthwhile and included a fine male Linnet which is only ringed in relatively low numbers in the county.

A ringing session on the outskirts of Brixworth at the village sewer treatment works provided sixty captures including 38 House Martins, 3 Swallows, 2 Grey Wagtails, 11 Pied Wagtails, a Carrion Crow and 2 Magpies. A Hobby whizzed through here too. One of the House Martins was first ringed at Pitsford Reservoir in August 2014.


Neil M

House Martin, an image
of a juvenile in 2014.

Some more from the Brecks...


Some more images from our outing yesterday to the Brecklands, courtesy of our NGB (New Generation Birder) Jacob Spinks...

Won't be long before he starts taking me out and showing me wildlife stuff!

Neil M


Marsh Harrier

Reed Buntings


Common Lizard.

All images courtesy
of Jacob Spinks.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

A quick visit to the Brecklands


A car-load of us headed east today and visited some sites in the Brecklands of Suffolk and Norfolk, with the first half of the day at the RSPB Lakenheath reserve. Common warblers and several Cuckoos greeted us on our arrival and we enjoyed a slow dawdle around the reserve. Highlights were some close Bearded Tits, a posing Kingfisher, at least seven Marsh Harriers, Bitterns in flight and a pair of Common Cranes with a chick.

Insects in warm, sultry conditions included plenty of chasers on the wing, plus Emperor and Hairy Dragonflies.

A wander around a couple of woodland rides in the Thetford Forest complex provided a couple of fly-over Siskins and Crossbills and other items of interest included a Common Lizard, newts and a showy male Broad-bodied Chaser.

A singing male Firecrest was the most interesting bird at Brandon Country Park and we finished at Weeting Heath, the traditional site for some views of Breckland Stone Curlews.


Neil M


Bearded Tit

Scarce Chaser Dragonfly


All images taken at
 Lakenheath RSPB.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Wildlife of the set aside


Eleanor was out and about today and one of her first jaunts was to Harlestone Heath and the adjoining set aside land between there and Kings Heath estate on the edge of Northampton. Nothing in the wood of special note but a Quail was calling loudly and well in the set aside, well that was until the heavy deluge of rain at about 11am!

Eleanor ventured out to Harrington Airfield this afternoon and again watched a 'purring' Turtle Dove in the dead tree half way along the concrete track. The mixture of wild flowers along the old airstrip look a real picture at the moment.

A final plod around the Blueberry Farm complex only succeeded in locating two 'reeling' Grasshopper Warblers in the The Hill set aside field.


Neil M


Common Spotted Orchid.

Lotus corniculatus, known as
Common Bird's Foot Trefoil
and 'Eggs and Bacon' vetch.

Bee Orchid.

Turtle Dove.

All images taken at Harrington
Airfield today by Eleanor McMahon.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Pitsford update


A ringing session took place at Pitsford Reservoir today as part of the Constant Effort project running on the reserve. This provided 46 captures of 16 species and thankfully some 16 juvenile birds (hatched this year).

Birds caught included an adult female Willow Tit showing signs of a very recent breeding effort, a Willow Warbler, five Chiffchaffs, a Reed Warbler, two Treecreepers and two Great Spotted Woodpeckers. A Mallard was a bit of a surprise in a standard mist net!

The Ruddy Shelduck remains in the grounds of the Sailing Club this afternoon where it may be beginning it's annual moult.

A boat trip yesterday to the tern rafts in the Scaldwell Bay confirmed 34 nests now, with little evidence of predation to date.


Neil M

Marsh and Willow Tit side by side!
Similar aren't they? The Willow
Tit is the one on the right...(honest)!

Common Tern.
Hopefully they will do well
at Pitsford this year...

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Dragons and Beetles.


It is the time of the year when flying insects take centre-stage...


Neil M

Bill Draper took these
images of an emerging dragonfly,
which he thought to be
a Broad-bodied Chaser,
at Rutland Water.

Garden Chafer.
Courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Click Beetle.
Courtesy of Robin Gossage.

Swallows and Amazons


A warm and sunny day again today after yesterday evening's deluge!

A small band of us went looking for Swallow nests locally today and in total we found four nests with young and were able to ring the nestlings, and another nest still at the egg stage. Some pairs were still prospecting or in the process of nest-building. A little netting succeeded in catching six resplendent adults too...

There seem to be plenty of moths taking advantage of this warm spell currently including many active during the day. I saw my first Chimney Sweeper moth of the year today at Pitsford Reservoir.

A few pristine-looking Painted Lady butterflies were whizzing around today and the most interesting bird was an Osprey soaring over Guilsborough village from 11.50am to Midday.


Neil M

Chimney Sweeper moth -
an image taken at Pitsford
Reservoir last year.