Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday, 8 July 2013

Scotland Day 43 and 44 (6th and 7th July)


Our last two days of our Scottish trip, started on Saturday morning with further visits to small woodland reserves within the Insh Marshes complex, a return to Uath Lochans and associated woodland and a look at Loch Insh itself.  We then drove to Newtonmore and took the dead-end road to Laggan which we were advised was good for wildlife.  It seemed quiet but then a Pine Marten hopped, skipped and jumped across the track and disappeared in to a plantation carrying prey.  However all the subsequent wildlife sightings from this road were pretty much repeats of what we had seen elsewhere.  We then said good-bye to the Highlands and drove south in to Perth and Kinross.  A singing male Common Rosefinch has been summering in a hamlet off the beaten track to the west of Pitlochry.  Although it hadn't been reported for five days, on arrival and even before we had turned the engine off the bird could be heard singing!  It kept its distance at the top of some very high conifers but was a smashing pink bird.  Apart from its own song, rather disconcertingly it also sang a perfect rendition of a Greenfinch and also phrases of Goldfinch and Chaffinch!  Clearly it has been there too long!  A fly-over Osprey was about the sixth individual that day.

We finished the birding day in Forestry Commission woodland near Pitlochry which produced yet more Crossbills, Siskins, Tree Pipit etc, and then drove on to B & B accommodation in Callender.

Sunday morning and we explored the Braco area which in the spring is good for Black Grouse.  However, despite plenty of searching we again failed to connect, so we simply had to do with Crossbill, Raven, Red Kite, Osprey, Tree Pipit etc.  The roadside verges were good for day-flying moths such as Chimney Sweeper and plenty of orchids.

Nuthatch, Magpie and Yellowhammer were the first for some weeks and a few Chiffchaffs were on territory (scarce much further north).

In the afternoon we visited a Red Kite feeding station west of Stirling near Doune at a farm called Argaty.  Lots of research locally emanating from this centre including Red Kite support and monitoring.  Relatively small numbers came down to feed on bits of carrion, swooping down and snatching morsels in their characteristic fashion.  A couple of local Common Buzzards had learnt too, but used a bold horizontal dash and grab tactic rather than the vertical stoop of the kites.  A few images of the kites flying around in the hot conditions are subject of a separate tab on this blog-site entitled 'Hot Red Kites'.

The evening was spent exploring the hills and lochs to the west of Callender.  Plenty of common birds and another juvenile Cuckoo was seen with attendant Meadow Pipits as adoptive parents.  

And that was finally the end of our Scottish trip and now time perhaps for a rest!


Eleanor and Neil

Four Spot Chaser (dragonfly)

Goldeneye with ducklings

Common Rosefinch

Common Buzzard

Scotland Day 42 (5th July)


Our last full day in Speyside and a very warm one with hot sun right from the word go.  A four hour hike around the Inshriach Forest and taking in Loch an Eilein and part of the Rothiemurchus Estate was just reason for visiting a local tea house and sampling some tea and home-made cake!  The birds were unremarkable and included several flocks of unidentified Crossbills, Redstart, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher, Osprey, Common Buzzard, Crested Tit and similar fare.  Many small birds were already forming flocks as the earlier broods of tits, Treecreeper and warblers begin their independence and create these super gleaner pockets of birds.

The afternoon was taken up climbing Mount Cairngorm, and once to the summit we took a little wander around the high tops and then clambered down.  Ptarmigan showed really well and it seemed were habituated to seeing people on a regular basis.  A male Red Grouse seemed to be suffering an identity crisis as it accompanied a female Ptarmigan on the high tops with her brood of young!

Five Ring Ouzels were on the slopes below the summit and a Snow Bunting flew over calling, and we flushed up a Mountain Hare.  We arrived back at the car at about 7.30pm and the weather was still hot.  Amazingly there was hardly anyone about!

We finished the day with some scanning over Insh Marshes which provided views of regular wildlife but nothing extraordinary.

Eleanor and Neil

Male Redstart

Female Ring Ouzel guiding
us to the top of Mt Cairngorm!

Female Ptarmigan

Ptarmigan chick

Male Ptarmigan

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Scotland Day 41 (4th July)


Thursday was another warm but breezy day with plenty of sunshine.  The morning was spent exploring previously unvisited sections of the extensive Insh Marshes, particularly the birch and aspen woods which border the valley.  The Marsh Harrier was seen again and a fine male Hen Harrier was unexpected.  More routine raptors were Common Buzzard, Osprey and Sparrowhawk, but a Hobby was also a pleasant surprise.  Despite being internationally important for water birds, it is actually quite hard to see any unless they fly up!  However, viewing conditions have been improved in recent years and it is now possible to see Redshank, Curlew, Snipe, ducks etc where previously it was normally possible to only hear them!  A Dipper was at Tromie Bridge and small birds of the woods included Redstart, Tree Pipit and the usual finches, 'Crossbills' and warblers.

The afternoon was taken up hiking the numerous trails and footpaths around Abernethy Forest which includes Loch Garten and the woodland complex bordering Nethy Bridge.  Probably the highlight was a day-time Pine Marten which appeared on a woodland track at 3pm, ran up a conifer to attack a tit flock and ran back down and disappeared - all in about 30 seconds!  Of course the Ospreys at Loch Garten were easy to see and we were impressed with the visual and information displays at the viewing centre.

Other typical birds included Crested Tit, Tree Pipit, and 'Crossbills' (please see below).  A recently cut hay field attracted at least 23 Mistle Thrushes.

The evening was again devoted to mammals, although a Woodcock was seen briefly.  This time we were treated to three Pine Martens, two of which emerged in something close to daylight conditions.  Other mammals of interest included Red Squirrel, Roe and Red Deer and six Badgers.  We left the badgers to their feast and again turned in on the wrong side of Midnight.  With early starts and very late finishes, sleep deprivation has been a continual feature of this 'holiday'!


E & N

Red Squirrel

Three images of the same male 'Crossbill'
at Loch Garten.  This was a hefty bird of
Hawfinch proportions and is believed
to be a Scottish Crossbill.  However the
broad base of the bill, depth of bill and head
shape are close approaching Parrot Crossbill.
It is a heavier-billed bird than the bird
in the Findhorn Valley the previous day
(please see Blog 3rd July).

Crested Tit with juvenile
Coal Tits

Pine Marten

Friday, 5 July 2013

Scotland Day 40 (3rd July)


A stunning day's weather with warm sunshine and a sometimes lively breeze greeted us on Wednesday this week.  Much of the day was spent in the Findhorn Valley and we walked a large chunk of it.  Certainly in the past many birders have referred to it as 'The valley of the eagles' and it didn't disappoint on this occasion.  There is a variety of habitat squeezed in to this picturesque valley and steep-sided hills and as a consequence there is a large range of common species to be seen.  Despite the fabulous weather we hardly saw a soul all day, Scotland really is the place to get away from it all!

Eight species of raptor put on a good show and included two White-tailed Eagles, two Golden Eagles, Red Kite and Osprey.  An adult male Peregrine was watched as he was effectively bullied by his two juvenile female offspring in superb aerial displays.  Common Tern, Common Sandpiper and Grey Wagtail were noted on the river and the valley bottom held good numbers of Curlew and Oystercatcher, with a couple of pairs of Snipe 'chipping' and 'drumming'.  Passerines included Redstart, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher, Siskin and Lesser Redpoll.  We saw a couple of fly-over 'Crossbills' and later came across an injured bird hopping around on the ground (images below), which seems a good candidate for Scottish Crossbill.  It had a badly damaged wing and had either collided with something or been struck by a raptor; we felt we couldn't provide a positive outcome by recovering the bird so we decided to leave it where it was (it was bright and perky but clearly there was a problem with one wing and there appears to be superficial injuries to the head too).

The Findhorn Valley always attracts large numbers of Red Deer and despite the commencement of stalking from 1st July, they mostly simply watch as you pass by rather than running for the hills!  Good numbers of Brown Hare were in the valley and at least one Mountain Hare too.

Late afternoon saw us at Lochindorb (between Carrbridge and Nairn).  The loch held a pair of resplendent Black-throated Divers but sadly no young.  Perhaps no surprise when we saw the proximity of fishermen to the only island and appropriate nesting site on the loch!  An Osprey flew through and the heather moors in this area are managed for Red Grouse and we saw a couple of these.  The moors also supported Curlew and Golden Plover and a juvenile Cuckoo being fed by its Meadow Pipit 'parents', one of the pipits even standing on its back to feed it!

Our final venue for the day was the woodland bordering Grantown on Spey.  The wrong time of the year and day to see Capercallie, we gave it a go anyway with the anticipated negative result!  Birds noted included Crested Tit, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher etc.


E & N

Female Tufted Duck with ducklings

Mountain Hare

Brown Hare

Scottish Crossbill

Red Squirrel

Juvenile Cuckoo and Meadow Pipit
(Cotton Grass in the way)!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Scotland Day 39 (2nd July)


The weather forecast for Tuesday was not looking good for Speyside, but we ventured out for another full day wildlife excursion.  As it happened, the showers were infrequent and light and it was the excessively strong wind which proved to be more significant.

The first main venue was Loch an Eilein on the Rothiemurchus Estate.  This is a pleasant circular walk around a loch in pine woodland of a variety of ages, but including some ancient Caledonian stands.  Most of the birds were typical Highland woodland birds, with Crested Tit, Tree Pipit and Spotted Flycatcher all in good numbers.  Like many areas of water in Scotland, anxious trilling Common Sandpipers escorted us along the loch-side paths.  A couple of pair of Swifts suggested they may be part of the relict population nesting in old conifers in this part of the world.  Goldeneye and flighty 'Crossbills' were about the best of the rest.

Next it was on to Loch Morlich and the extensive Glenmore Forest Park.  We walked a lengthy trail, the forest providing the necessary shelter from the increasingly gale force winds.  By this time we were seeing Red Squirrels regularly on the plentiful feeders in gardens and lodges, but it was still difficult to find them in the forests.  Birds included more 'Crossbills', Crested Tit, Redstart, Tree Pipit, Spotted Flycatcher and Goldeneye.

The remainder of the day and evening was spent searching for and baiting mammals.  More Red Squirrels and both species of deer provided super views and after dark we saw Wood Mice, Badgers and finally two Pine Martens!


Eleanor and Neil

Red Squirrel

Pine Marten

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Scotland Day 38 (1st July)


The most part of Monday 1st July was taken up hiking up to Carn Ban More, one of the Cairngorm mountains, and then exploring the high tops.  

We experienced a couple of short but sharp showers on our way to the top and were hampered by low clouds and a very cold wind.  The amount of snow around us reminded us that this was entirely a different climate to that of a thousand feet below!  Despite the sometimes challenging montane conditions, we found Dotterel easily and watched one male in particular carefully nurturing two chicks.  In the cold conditions he would only allow the chicks to wander around looking for insects for about ten minutes, and would then call them back and brood them for about another ten to fifteen minutes, before repeating the process.  Stunning birds in a stunning habitat!

We were fortunate to find Ptarmigan including a flock of ten birds which seemed to be displaying and calling to each other as they strolled across the mosses and vegetation of the high plateau.  An on-territory Dunlin was the only other species seen on the high top, until a Golden Eagle appeared overhead and then quickly became a speck in the distance as it allowed the strong wind to take it northwards.

After playing with the dogs in the snow it was time to wander back down and bird the open woodland at the base of the mountain.  A mobile family of Crested Tits proved impossible to photograph!  Other birds included Stonechat, Wheatear, Lesser Redpoll, Siskin and Tree Pipit.

A stop at a cafe was our treat for climbing a mountain, and we were treated to four Red Squirrels on the peanut feeders there (together with large numbers of Chaffinches, tits, Siskins and a few Great Spotted Woodpeckers).  Ospreys showed well again at Loch Insh.

Our final excursion of the day was a late evening wander at Insh Marshes again.  The more interesting birds included Tawny Owl, Dipper, Redstart and Tree Pipit.


Eleanor and Neil


Male Lesser Redpoll


Just-fledged juvenile Pied Wagtail

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Scotland Day 37 (30th June)


Today was a mixture of re-visiting venues from many years ago and identifying and testing some new ones!  Although breezy, it remained mostly sunny and very pleasant in Speyside.

After seeing c20 'Crossbills' in flight over our cabin first thing, and notching up Crested Tit in some nearby woodland, the first venue was nearby Loch Insh which provided views of three adult Ospreys, two broods of Goldeneye, Common Sandpiper and plenty of Siskins, Willow Warblers etc.  On next to the nearby woodland of Uath Lochans, essentially coniferous woodland surrounding some small lochans and marshy area.  Here we finally began to see some dragonflies and damselflies in some numbers.  Birds included Tree Pipit, Goldeneye, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll, Crested Tit and up to 70 'Crossbills' which remained unidentified (they were very flighty and gave reasonable views but we couldn't convince ourselves they were Scottish Crossbill).

After some deserved lunch, we birded the Craigellachie reserve at Aviemore.  The hoped-for Peregrines weren't present on the cliffs but the Tree Pipits breeding here were quite showy and vocal and some more dragonflies appeared.  Other birds included Spotted Flycatcher and common woodland species.

Driving out to Boat of Garten was mostly uneventful but there was evidence of Swift and Sand Martin breeding in some numbers.  A Wigeon was discovered with her single duckling on a lochan next to the village and Spotted Flycatchers were quite numerous.  We finished the day exploring moors and woodland in this general area but the birds located were mostly repeats and there was no sign of the hoped-for Black Grouse.


Eleanor and Neil

Common Hawker


Common Sandpiper

Northern Emerald

Large Red Damselfly

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Scotland Day 36 (29th June)


Yesterday (Saturday) we took our leave from Gairloch and slowly headed over to a more central location in Speyside, this now being our last week in Scotland.  The usual shore birds waved good-bye on Gairloch sea-front and we drove steadily over to Inverness.  Birds noted en-route included Common Buzzard, Red Kite, the last of the Hooded Crows, Raven, Spotted Flycatcher and the usual finches and roadside birds.  

We stopped off at Loch Ruthven and manged to see up to four adult Slavonian Grebes, this loch being the stronghold site for the British breeding population.  Unfortunately they stayed out in the middle of the water and at least one was already losing its vibrant summer plumes.  Other birds included Little Grebes with young, a pair of Red-breasted Merganser, the first Swifts for three weeks and two Ospreys.

Not far from here there is a minor road that passes over some high moorland and in to the Findhorn Valley.  We took this road and immediately came across Red Grouse which included a pair with six young.  A Red Kite was further along the road.  On turning in to the Findhorn valley to pick up the A9 again, an Osprey fished the river much to the alarm of breeding Curlew and Oystercatcher who quickly saw the avian fisher off!

The crows in Speyside are essentially Carrion Crows, some showing clear signs of some Hoodie genes.  We found our new abode in the village of Insh and then we decided to visit an old stomping ground, the national nature reserve of Insh Marshes.  This an area of wetland, marsh and rough pasture which includes Loch Insh, much of it being managed by the RSPB.  We birded here until very late and saw a Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard  family of Tawny Owls and routine fare.  There were plenty of Roe Deer grazing in the fields and coarse marshes, these animals now sporting the stunning chestnut summer 'plumage' with the dark browns of the winter coat long forgotten.


Eleanor and Neil

Female Red Grouse

Osprey and irate Curlew!

Male Siskin

Juvenile Tawny Owls huddled together

Buck Roe Deer

We have been baiting areas
in a vain effort to attract the nocturnal
Pine Marten.  Clearly badgers enjoy jam
sandwiches at least as much as
Pine Martens!

Butterflies and Orchids

A walk around Summer Leys this morning was rewarded with my first Little Ringed Plover chick of the year.  It was with its parents on Round Island.  Two further LRP's were on the slips but without young.  There are a number of Lapwing chicks roaming the scrape now as well as two of the three Oystercatcher chicks, sadly one has disappeared.
The orchids are showing well in several places around the reserve, particularly near to the Pioneer Hide where both Common Spotted and Southern Marsh-orchid are in full flower.  There are a couple of unopened flower spikes of Bee Orchid in the same area.
After visiting Summer Leys I continued up to Glapthorn Cow Pasture where the first Black Hairstreak butterflies where seen on the 26th.  There were adults on the wing in several locations through the wood but were generally very flighty in the breezy conditions.  When they did land it was generally quite high in the bushes so getting good quality pictures was quite difficult.  In all there were probably 7-8 individuals flying.


                  Neil H

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Scotland Day 35 (28th June)


Our last full day yesterday in Wester Ross.  In wet conditions it was first to the beach at Gairloch to play with the dogs in the surf and check out birds on the sea-front and in the bay.  No huge surprises with the birds simply being repeats of previous days.  The drizzle turned to rain so we took cover in a cafe with an Internet connection for some 90 minutes.

The weather then improved so we elected to walk the five mile plus Slattadale trail again.  This begins at sea level alongside Loch Maree and then ascends rapidly to cut through a couple of peaks of the Torridon Mountain range.  The scenery was pretty special but the birds pretty mundane.  However a party of Crossbills were vocal but sadly didn't provide views which might have indicated exactly which species they were!  A White-tailed Eagle wasn't the species of eagle we anticipated but was welcome nonetheless!  A couple of Red-throated Divers were on Loch Maree and several Tree Pipits sang from near the shore.

Late afternoon/evening saw us exploring the headland on the south/west shore of Loch Ewe.  Birds included Twite, Lesser Redpoll, Siskin and the usual shore birds.  As in most areas there were some excellent road-side smothering of wild flowers which included at least one of the species of Butterfly Orchid.

We finished the day with a late evening walk through woodland and pasture adjacent to Gairloch.  This produced plenty of common birds but not the hoped-for scarce mammals.  Local gaming interests ensured that Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge were present, both species looking out of place.  A just-fledged juvenile Whitethroat fluttered around precariously.


Eleanor and Neil

A distant shot of a White-tailed Eagle,
taken to show the size difference between
it and the mobbing Common Buzzard!

A passing Raven with some type of offal
offering in its bill and gullet!

The Song Thrushes in Scotland
revel in the sometimes dank and wet
conditions, perfect for an endless
supply of worms, slugs and snails.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Scotland Day 34 (27th June)


Today we walked a trail to a place known as the Fairy Lochs south of Gairloch, an upland site of a USAAF  Liberator bomber crash in 1945.  Surprisingly there was still a quantity of wreckage strewn about, a sad memorial to the crew and passengers on their way home to the USA towards the end of WW2.  Birds were limited to Red-throated Diver, Common Buzzard, Cuckoo, Bullfinch, Blackcap and the usual Willow Warblers.

We then stepped on to a RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) for a pelagic in search of cetaceans and sea-birds around the Shiant Isles.  The forecast was for showers but these didn't materialise.  However that was mostly irrelevant as a ride on the RIB quickly soaked us as we powered out at over 25 knots in very grey gloomy conditions.  Sea-birds zooming about included several Storm Petrels and a small number of Manx Shearwaters.  On arrival the upper heights of the islands were shrouded in low cloud and the viewing and photographic opportunities were sadly diminished.  No cetaceans appeared in the heavy swell so we concentrated on the birds.  Literally thousands of Puffins swarmed around us and it was frustrating that the conditions were so challenging for photography.

The Puffins and other sea-birds attracted predators in the shape of Great Black-backed Gulls, Bonxies, Common Buzzard, Raven and a juvenile White-tailed Eagle.  Guillemots, Razorbills, Fulmars and Kittiwakes competed with the Puffins for air-space.  The only mammals were Common Seals.  And then a very bumpy and wet ride back to Gairloch!

This afternoon and evening saw us walking the hills and moorlands south of Gairloch in almost humid, still conditions.  The exposed expanse attracted Stonechat, Meadow Pipit, Sand Martin, Skylark, Dunlin and Common Sandpiper as breeders but little else.


Neil and Eleanor


'Bridled' Guillemots
