Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 12 May 2013



Another BOS Long Day Count today, this time it was the turn of SP55 which is to the west and south of Daventry.  Not quite such an early start as yesterday found me at Fawsley Park.  It had been raining just before I arrived and the wind was strong and cold.  Again not ideal conditions and I struggled to find some of the smaller birds I was after.  Both Sedge and Reed Warblers were singing pre-dawn but otherwise it seemed relatively quiet.

Next was a walk up the hill to Badby Wood to complete a circuit of this pristine Bluebell wood.  Plenty of mammals about including Roe and Muntjac Deer, Fox and Hare.  The Bluebell carpet is extensive but is perhaps best on the southern and eastern outskirts.  Badby was also quiet for birds, many of the tits, Nuthatch etc are quieter now that they are laying and incubating.

Then back down the hill to Fawsley for a well-deserved coffee and second breakfast, even more enjoyable with a Little Owl showing nearby.

After a slow meander along the rustic lanes around Badby village, I trundled along to the Catesby area.  A dozen Ravens were mostly first year non-breeding birds and some big gulls in the fields included Lesser Black-backed and Herring.  A Cormorant in full nuptial plumage on one of the large ponds made me wonder if there is a secretive pair breeding nearby.

Half-way through the count and I just wasn't finding relatively common birds.  Eventually I found a single Kestrel and saw just one Sparrowhawk.  I blanked completely on Red-legged Partridge, Lapwing, Jay, Cuckoo, Kingfisher, Grey and Yellow Wagtail.

After scanning fields, copses and a few small lakes in this area I finished up at Mantles Heath and nearby Hen Wood.  Mantles Heath is another fabulous Bluebell wood but was quiet as the rain swept in from the south west and the count was over!

Eleanor remained local and found a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and a Spotted Flycatcher in Cottesbrooke village with another Spotted Flycatcher at nearby Beck Dairy.  A single Cuckoo was the only bird of note at Harrington Airfield.


Neil M

Saturday, 11 May 2013



Today I crewed up with Mike Tubb and we completed a Banbury Ornithological Society Long Day Count in the 10km square SP54.  This area falls to the east and north of Middleton Cheney in the south west of the county.

With the forecast of rain in the afternoon, we elected to try a particularly early morning start in an effort to find owls and register calling birds under the cover of darkness.  In the strong wind and cool conditions it was a long time before we found anything!  By dawn we had logged 4 Tawny and 3 Little Owls and heard singing and displaying Lapwings and Skylarks.  At first light we positioned ourselves to try and and optimise the advantage of early morning but at only 5 Degrees Centigrade and a strong wind only the bigger birds were initially industrious.

As the day progressed and the species total climbed, we began to see quite an array of mammals in this relative wildlife-rich corner of Northamptonshire.  A number of Roe Deer showed well and Muntjacs seemed to be at every location.  Plenty of Brown Hares were visible in the fields.  Mike was particularly talented at locating Foxes in both field and copse.  This area has some fabulous areas of unimproved pasture and carpets of Lady's Smock (or Cuckoo Flower), Cowslip, Forget-me-Not and Primroses certainly provided plenty of colour on a sometimes dull and dank morning.

At one site we located an incubating Sparrowhawk (the only one we saw all day), and found a pair of Raven near Thenford and presumably a different pair at Thorpe Mandeville.  A vocal Spotted Flycatcher was also located at Thorpe and 1-2 were near Trafford Marsh.  Lesser Whitethroats were in good numbers and singing well but Garden Warbler completely evaded us.  Swift and Kingfisher were represented by just single birds and we failed to find a Cuckoo in the square this time.  Grey Wagtails were on-site at three potential breeding spots and Yellow Wagtails were on territory at three locations.  Unfortunately the breeding site for Meadow Pipit had been ploughed up and converted to cereals so we didn't find this species.

A male Peregrine was a nice surprise at Trafford Marsh.  Nuthatch was located at three sites and we enjoyed watching an adult Raven flying in and feeding two of four fledglings in tops of trees at one of the main locations in SP54.  We were fortunate to find Tree Sparrows present and presumably breeding at three distinct locations.


Neil M

Brown Hare

Friday, 10 May 2013

Greenland Wheatear?


An early afternoon wander at Harrington Airfield provided a pair of Grey Partridge and a female Wheatear apparently showing characteristics of the Greenland race (large size, erect stance and posture, bright colouration, long wings displaying seven visible primary projections).  Please see a couple of images below...


Neil M

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Damp Squib!


Hardly conducive conditions for finding migrants passing through the county today, but I tried with a pretty negative result.  So far May has been something of a damp squib with few birds being discovered out of the norm.  At least breeding birds are now busy in first attempts at nesting and there are Canada and Greylag Goose goslings at many of our water bodies now.  Also moderate numbers of Mallard ducklings and the Pheasants have been laying clutches ever since the first new greenery emerged.  Some early juvenile Blackbirds can be heard rather than seen, particularly in urban areas, and most of the tits are now laying and incubating.

At Pitsford Res this evening, a flock of 12 Common Terns north of the causeway quite quickly increased to 38 just before dusk.  The pair of Oystercatchers remain on their raft and there were a couple of hundred Swallows keeping low over the water in very windy conditions.



Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Inspiration required!


Despite spending lots of time out and about today it was hard work seeing anything of note.  Visits to Harrington Airfield, Pitsford Res and a couple of miles along the Brampton Valley failed to inspire.

This evening was better when an Osprey flew over Blueberry Farm at 6.15pm, seemingly on its way to Pitsford Res.  Other birds here included 2 Hobby, a Barn Owl and a singing Grasshopper Warbler.

Two Reed Buntings were still feeding in the garden again today.



Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Great weather but no migrants!


Much of this morning was spent walking around two of the main sections of Old Sulehay, up in the north-east of the county.  Plenty of bird-song but no species out of the ordinary.  The next show of flowers, namely Bluebells, are beginning to look good there now.

Despite plenty of scanning, I still can't seem to find anything of note in the big fields around Hemington and Barnwell, not even any Wheatears hopping about.

On next to Thrapston GP and a circular walk around the Titchmarsh reserve again.  Standard fare included a Hobby, 30+ Common Terns, Oystercatcher, Shelduck and a Nightingale and really no evidence of on-going diurnal migration.  A brief visit to Fermyn Wood Country Park succeeded in seeing plenty of Great Crested Newts in the Long Pond but no butterflies of note yet.  And after yesterday's Bank Holiday weather, the cafe had sold out of ice-cream!

I spent the rest of the afternoon at a variety of spots north of Corby; the weather was smashing but the birds were all rather predictive.  Deene Lake held 2 Shelduck and a Common Sandpiper and Blatherwycke Lake hosted 6 Shelduck, a Black Swan, 2 Chinese Geese and 2 Oystercatchers.

A Barn Owl was on show at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this evening.


Neil M

Common Buzzard
against backdrop of
Blackthorn blossom.
Old Sulehay

Old Sulehay

Sedge Warbler
Thrapston GP

Black-headed Gull
Thrapston GP

Great Crested Newt
coming up for air
Fermyn Wood Country Park

Monday, 6 May 2013

Pitsford CES


This morning heralded the first of the Constant Effort Site (CES) ringing sessions at Pitsford Res, which takes place in the Scaldwell Bay.  The general idea is that ringing takes place regularly at a site that remains much the same habitat-wise, with a consistent number of nets positioned in exactly the same manner during the relevant season and every year.  A number of schemes are managed up and down the country and it is a powerful tool in assessing numbers of adult and juvenile birds, breeding productivity and relative abundance and survival rates.  However all this means being at the ringing hut in the Scaldwell Bay for a 5am start!  On my cycle down there, a roadside Little Owl 'gave me the evil eye' whilst it was being mobbed by a Blackbird.

The local Cuckoo was on the go from before dawn and small numbers of common warblers were in song.  Some 50 birds were caught during the morning with half of them birds previously caught on-site.  Blackcap and Long-tailed Tit were the most numerous species, and among these two species there were relatively old birds, initially ringed in 2009.  Eight species of warbler sang from the bushes including a phyllosc singing both Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler songs and sometimes mixing them together in the same delivery.  This isn't as unusual as it sounds; most years there are a couple of 'confused' birds that do this.  A single Siskin didn't stay long but a Tawny Owl was out hunting until mid-morning.

Harrington Airfield was very quiet this morning with no new birds of interest and the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton was much the same.

An evening walk at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell provided a brief view of the Short-eared Owl again, plus a Barn Owl and a Hobby.


E & N

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Bank Holiday sunshine


A visit to the woods on the Kelmarsh Estate this morning was pleasant and a redpoll sp was at Sunderland Wood, a Siskin was at Kelmarsh Hall and a couple of Siskins were still at Scotland Wood.  Despite the warmer weather now, the woodland wild bird feeders are still being emptied rapidly and we are visiting every three or four days still to keep pace.  This is far later than last year.

We still have a few buntings visiting the garden and now 3 Tree Sparrows are regularly feeding on the seed.

A beautiful evening tempted us out to Blueberry Farm near Maidwell, and birds included a Short-eared Owl and at least one Hobby.


E & N

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Pitsford CBC


This morning was taken up completing another Common Bird Census around the reserve section of Pitsford Reservoir.  No surprises with a very typical set of Pitsford birds, scarcer species being a Red Kite, a Raven, 2 Oystercatchers, a few Common Terns, 2 Kingfishers and 2-3 Lesser Redpolls.  Plenty of Greylags have taken to nesting on the vegetated rafts first introduced last year.  Still not many Garden Warblers on-site yet and more Blackcaps are expected.  A few butterflies emerged during the late morning sunshine which included Orange-tip.  Pitsford is not a great place for wild flowers but the annual show of several specimens of Snake's Head Fritillary are noteworthy and probably at about their best currently. 


Neil M

First year Red Kite
Pitsford Reservoir

Snake's Head Fritillary
Pitsford Reservoir

Friday, 3 May 2013

Spring status quo


Despite committing to the usual circuit at Harrington Airfield this morning we failed to find anything of note.  There were certainly more Whitethroats today and perhaps the main contingent has arrived now.

Three brief visits to Pitsford Res during the day to top up the feeders was uneventful.

At Blueberry Farm (Maidwell) this afternoon a Grasshopper Warbler was still 'reeling' and a Turtle Dove was present.


Eleanor and Neil

Pied Wagtail
Pitsford Res

The decline of small farmland birds


A thought-provoking and highly interesting presentation was delivered to members of the Northants Bird Club at their monthly meeting on Wednesday evening.  The talk was associated with the decline of small farmland birds, typically Tree Sparrow, Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting and Linnet.  Dr Alan Larkman delivered the presentation, illustrating the evidence for his personal but well-evidenced views on why the small farmland seed-eaters are not increasing despite initiatives to help them.  He discussed the dynamics of why it is that large birds such as Pheasant, Woodpigeon, corvids etc have all increased since the mid-1970s but the small bio-mass birds that depend on smaller seed-types in a well-scattered format have seen a complete reverse in fortune.  Dr Larkman argued that despite a strong lobby to curb the numbers, the general increase in raptors did not adversely affect these dwindling species, and in fact there is some evidence that a healthy raptor population serves to improve the overall strength and resilience of small bird species.  

Not surprisingly, modern agricultural practises that are efficient and effective at reducing the all-important weed-seeds for birds was sited as the main overall negative factor affecting small farmland birds.  Not only is the amount of weed seed much less, but the insect food that is critical to nestling survival  is also much-reduced.  It seems that the productivity of nesting birds is reasonable and has actually improved, but the ability for birds to sustain themselves during critical 'bottlenecks' of low food availability means that they simply cannot survive.  We have all seen game crops and strips and even wild bird crops designed to provide help to these birds; excellent for the successful larger birds and even the small birds until the food effectively runs out at the end of January or February.  With no natural seed bank available until late summer, small birds then either move off if they are fit to do so or effectively starve to death.  It is then not surprising to witness birds such as Reed Buntings moving in to gardens during the latter part of the winter and spring - they are simply responding to food availability.

Dr Larkman is based in West Oxfordshire, which in many respects mirrors similar habitat to many areas of Northamptonshire.  His studies are based locally and he has collated research completed by others interested in the same area of work.  To provide evidence of his theories and also to satisfy his passion for small farmland birds, Dr Larkman and a band of volunteers maintain a variety of feeding stations to help support birds, particularly during the 'hunger gap' of late winter/spring.  His slides were just amazing with fabulous images of hundreds of Linnets, Yellowhammers etc all feeding together on carefully scattered seed, hanging feeders groaning under the weight of amassed Tree Sparrows and other telling images depicting what actually can be done to support our feathered friends.

For me, the presentation was hard-hitting, extremely compelling and above all inspirational.  I just hope that Alan is provided with the appropriate platform to convey his views which surely should affect the policy and execution of modern agricultural practises and European initiatives to support small farmland birds.  My thanks to Alan for a fascinating presentation and coordinating the support for vulnerable local bird species.


Neil M

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

An interesting harrier


An evening visit to Harrington Airfield was eventful with the discovery of an interesting 'ringtail' harrier.  The bird was first seen at about 7.15pm as it quartered the ground near to the airstrip and alongside the B576.  The bird flipped over the B576 and was last seen heading off towards Loddington.  The bird was on view for about five minutes and appeared small but relatively long-winged, very dainty and bouyant in flight.  I struggled to see plumage specifics but the general impression was that the bird closely resembled a Montagu's.

A single Raven and a Wheatear were also present at Harrington, and a Siskin lingered at Kelmarsh Hall.



Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Reservoir birds


At Pitsford Res this afternoon, just before 1pm, a flock of 13 Arctic Terns arrived and flew around the reserve for several minutes, but then disappeared high north-east.  Other birds north of the causeway included the 2 Oystercatchers and a Red Kite.  A flock of about 40 Carrion Crows were by the dam, taking advantage of a major fly hatch from the waters.

A walk around Ravensthorpe Res this afternoon provided a Common Sandpiper and an adult Yellow-legged Gull (please see below images).

An update from the ringing at Stortons GP on Sunday was that some 33 birds were caught which included safely returned ringed birds (and old friends) from previous years in the shape of Sedge and Reed Warblers and Whitethroats, all trans-Saharan migrants.


Neil M

Yellow-legged Gull
Ravensthorpe Res.
A succession of images
of the same adult bird.

Local patch observations


A circuit at Harrington Airfield this morning provided 2 Grey Partridge, 2 Ravens and a Wheatear.  The Willow Warblers and Whitethroats were in good voice.

The only birds of note at Blueberry Farm (Maidwell) this morning were two singing Grasshopper Warblers.


E & N

Distant Raven
Harrington Airfield

Nosey livestock!
Hanging Houghton

Hanging Houghton

Monday, 29 April 2013

Cowslips and Commas


A pleasant day in the sunshine today providing there was shelter from the strong cool breeze.

After feeding the birds at Harrington first thing, it was off to the north east of the county for a wander around part of the Old Sulehay complex.  No birds out of the ordinary but a nice selection including the usual common warblers.  The second wave of wild flowers included carpets of Cowslips and more Primroses.

Scanning fields in the Oundle area failed to locate a migrant Dotterel, so on next to Thrapston GP where a circular walk around the Titchmarsh Reserve was called for.  Nine species of loudly-singing warblers drowned out most other birds, but a Nightingale sang from the other side of the river.  A Marsh Harrier flew over east at 1.30pm and at least 8 Hobby hawked insects alongside terns consisting of about 20 Common and a single Arctic.  Waders consisted only of 2 Oystercatcher and a Common Sandpiper.

The next venue was Stanwick GP which provided 2 Oystercatchers, 2-3 Little Ringed Plovers, a dozen Common Terns and 2 White Wagtails.  A quick stop at the Summer Leys reserve at Earls Barton GP gave an impression of little that was new.  Two drake Shelduck were arguing over the duck and the Black-headed Gulls were very noisy.  More obscure were on-territory Lapwing and Redshank.

The pair of Oystercatcher remain on the rafts at Pitsford Res.


Neil M

Early morning Fox
checking rabbit burrows
Old Sulehay

Titchmarsh Reserve

Titchmarsh Reserve

High-up Marsh Harrier
Titchmarsh Reserve.
Re-growing central pair
of tail feathers

Cowslip and Common Carder
Bumble Bee (Bombus pascuorum)
Titchmarsh Reserve.
My thanks to Nigel Lingley
for identifying the bee!

My companion for the day!

Titchmarsh Reserve

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Week-end ringing


Although not ideal conditions, ringers in the county have utilized mist nets at Stortons GP, Pitsford Res and Scotland Wood to catch and ring birds over the week-end.

Small numbers were caught at Pitsford during what will probably be the last targeted session at the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station until the autumn.  The session ensured that to date 124 new Yellowhammers have been caught and ringed there this calendar year plus 53 Tree Sparrows and 39 Reed Buntings.

Scotland Wood produced 58 captures which included five species of tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Chiffchaff and a good showing of Chaffinch.  Other birds noted on-site included a Raven, 8 Siskins and 2 Lesser Redpolls.

Details of the captures at Stortons GP have yet to be received.

Despite a wind switch from the north to the south, it seems that it hasn't produced much in the way of new migrants as yet!


Neil M

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Fleeting glimpse...


A fleeting glimpse it was but the male Ring Ouzel again showed briefly at Harrington Airfield this evening!  Also present was a Hobby and 2 Wheatears...



A drop in temperature!


This morning there was a fine male Marsh Harrier at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell, moving in a westerly direction (7.45am).  Other birds included a Barn Owl, 2 Grasshopper Warblers and a Cuckoo.  A Red Kite was present over Hanging Houghton.

At Sywell CP there were 4 Common Terns on the raft plus a couple each of Sedge Warbler and Yellow Wagtail.

At Scotland Wood (Kelmarsh Estate), a single Crossbill was present this morning, together with a couple of Siskins and a Lesser Redpoll.


Eleanor and Neil

Friday, 26 April 2013

Salcey Wood Warbler


At Harrington Airfield this morning the male Ring Ouzel and 2 Wheatears and a Grasshopper Warbler were still present on the old airstrip at the first bunker from the chippings compound.

At Salcey Forest today there was a singing Wood Warbler at the very start of the walkway ascending up to the viewing tower (still present at 2.30pm).  A drake Mandarin Duck was on a pond somewhere in the wood, and 1-2 Raven(s) were also present.



Thursday, 25 April 2013

Back to county birding


A wander around Harrington Airfield this morning was enjoyable with a male Ring Ouzel showing on three occasions along the old airstrip, and presumably is the same long-staying bird which could have been present since March?  Other birds included a Cuckoo, a Grasshopper Warbler, 2 Wheatears and a Turtle Dove.  There were two 'reeling' Grasshopper Warblers and a Cuckoo at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell today.

A visit to Pitsford Res provided views of an Osprey over the reserve, and 2 Common Sandpipers were on the causeway.

A couple of Siskins were at Scotland Wood this afternoon and Kelmarsh Hall still attracted a couple of Lesser Redpolls.



Wednesday, 24 April 2013

North Norfolk


This morning was spent exploring the beaches at Old Hunstanton and Titchwell on the North Norfolk coast, switching to heath-land at Dersingham Bog and Roydon Common in the afternoon.

There were good numbers of gulls, terns and waders on the sand bars at Old Hunstanton and visible migration was evidenced with fly-over Tree Pipit, Yellow Wagtail and redpoll sp.  The gardens were full of singing Blackcaps.

At Titchwell, we were met by a singing Firecrest in the car park, which later showed well near to the feeding station and cafe.  Despite this little sprite singing loudly and showing well, all the visitors and birders were oblivious!

A walk along the raised path to the beach was, as always, very pleasant and bird-filled.  Standard fare included Marsh Harrier, still plenty of Brent Geese, Pintail, Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank, Little Ringed Plover, Bearded Tit, Cetti's Warbler etc.  The beach held a variety of waders including Grey Plover, Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit and Sanderling.

Dersingham Bog is normally a quiet spot but heavy machinery was on-site completing maintenance work which didn't make it too conducive for birding!  A short walk provided four species of raptor including Marsh Harrier, and also Stonechat, Grasshopper Warbler, Crossbill, Lesser Redpoll and Siskin.  We went on to Roydon Common which produced similar birds and Cuckoo, Grey Partridge and a single Woodlark.

On our way home this evening a quick stop at Polebrook Airfield provided 2 singing Nightingales, 3 Grey Partridge, a Turtle Dove, a Cuckoo, and a Lesser Whitethroat.  A drake Mandarin Duck was on a large puddle just inside Ashton Wold.


Eleanor and Neil



Black-headed Gull

Bar-tailed Godwit



The Brecklands


A day out today (23rd) in the Brecklands of Norfolk and Suffolk, with fine sunny and warm weather.

First stop was the small Norfolk town of Thetford, where a couple of Otters have been showing most days along the River Thet and Little Ouse.  We saw two animals which were active and completely ignored human activity (please see image below).  Birds included Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll, common warblers etc.

A wander around Lynford Arboretum provided a singing Firecrest, Grey Wagtail, Brambling, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll and common woodland birds - and Lynford Hall provided a decent cup of coffee too!  Lots of butterflies on the wing today including Orange-tip.  Also interesting that Common Buzzard has now colonised the Brecklands with quite a number seen during the day.

Next was a pleasant hike around open woodland near to Mayday Farm, part of the Thetford Forest complex.  The best birds were Woodlark, Crossbill and again plenty of Siskin and Lesser Redpoll.  Deer were numerous, Muntjac and Roe being the most common.

An afternoon cup of tea at Brandon Country Park gave up another singing Firecrest, Brambling, Siskin and a Nuthatch collecting mud to finish its nest hole.

Scanning at Weeting Heath failed to locate any Stone Curlew; Marsh Harrier, Wheatear and Tree Pipit were suitable recompense.

Our final birding venue for the day was the impressive RSPB reserve at Lakenheath.  A walk along the raised footpath was productive with 2 Common Cranes, up to 4 Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers, a Whooper Swan, a Short-eared Owl, a Barn Owl, a Nightingale, a Grasshopper Warbler and a couple of Egyptian Geese.  A roadside Long-eared Owl was the final good bird of the day.


Eleanor and Neil

Grey Wagtail



Tree Pipit

Barn Owl

Monday, 22 April 2013

Grey and cool again!


Yesterday evening (21st), there were 2 Red Kites and 2 Barn Owls at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell.

Also yesterday local ringers completed a short ringing session at Stortons GP, catching and ringing a few warblers.  Ringing operations there indicate that there are at least 7 Cetti's Warblers on-site currently (believed to be 4 males and 3 females).

I was out and about for much of the day today (22nd) but failed to connect with anything new or unusual.  In fact the highlight of the day was the kind donation of a home-made rhubarb crumble which was yummie!

Despite a good tramp around Harrington Airfield this morning, there seemed to be few new birds although the number of singing Willow Warblers had increased.  Four Wheatears adorned the bunkers and the Whitethroats are beginning to sing a little now.

A few each of Lesser Redpoll and Siskin were present at both Kelmarsh Hall and Scotland Wood.  Pitsford Res seemed unchanged with the 2 Oystercatchers, a Common Sandpiper, a Green Sandpiper, 2 Ravens and a Lesser Redpoll.

A couple of Lesser Redpolls, Tree Sparrows and several Reed Buntings and Yellowhammers persist in visiting our garden and trying to dodge the regular Sparrowhawk forays.


Neil M

Pied Wagtail
Pitsford Res

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Nice but not as good as yesterday!


At Harrington Airfield this morning the male Ring Ouzel was still present on the old airstrip, and still acting in a most unsociable manner and hiding for long periods.  Two Wheatears were also present.

At Pitsford Res this morning there was a ringing operation for a few hours at the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station which succeeded in capturing and releasing 34 birds, 21 of which were new.  Ten new Yellowhammers add to the impressive tally already caught there during the winter and spring and there were again small numbers of Chaffinch, Reed Bunting and Tree Sparrow.  Two warblers caught amounted to a Whitethroat, and a Sedge Warbler bearing an unfamiliar ring which should prove interesting once information comes from the Ringing Unit as to its original ringing venue.

Other birds noted in the same vicinity at Pitsford this morning included a Barn Owl, a Red Kite, a Common Tern, a Curlew, 2 Oystercatchers, a Common Sandpiper and small numbers of in-coming summer/passage migrants such as Sand Martin, Swallow, Yellow Wagtail, Meadow Pipit etc.

Birds at Naseby Res this afternoon amounted to 3 Yellow Wagtails, a redpoll sp and a singing Willow Tit with nothing of note seen at Welford Res.


Eleanor and Neil

Yellow Wagtail
Naseby Res

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Bring on the sun!


Well I think we all deserved the sun today which was genuinely warm and penetrating, and accompanied with only with a light cool breeze.  

Yesterday evening (Friday 19th), Eleanor found a female Redstart in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton, and went on to see the regular adult female Peregrine at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell.

This morning (Saturday 20th), and I completed a Common Bird Census around the reserve section of Pitsford Res.  Reasonable numbers of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs are on-site now but there is clearly quite a few absent Blackcaps from the normal territories.  Variety was in the shape of a pair of Shelduck, 3 Goldeneye, 2-3 Oystercatchers, a Raven, 2-3 Crossbills, a redpoll sp, a Brambling, a Red Kite and 2 Common Terns.

The gorgeous sunshine brought forth quite a throng of insects including several species of butterfly.

Anyway whilst I was committed at Pitsford, Eleanor located a male Ring Ouzel at Harrington Airfield (second bunker), at least 4 Wheatears and a Red Kite, and then subsequently 2 female Ring Ouzels at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell in the cropped hay field near to the farmhouses.

This afternoon I visited Blueberry Farm but failed to re-locate the two Ring Ouzels; there were still quite a gathering of Common Buzzards and a Red Kite there.  On next to Harrington Airfield which provided 2 Wheatears, a pair of Grey Partridge and 4 Whitethroats.  I gave up on trying to find the male Ring Ouzel when it suddenly flew in to some bushes on the airstrip.  It was extremely skulking and then flew back towards the third bunker.

In the meantime Eleanor saw 2 Ravens at Great Brington and a Grey Wagtail, 4 Goldeneye and several House Martins at Ravensthorpe Res.  A quick visit to Hollowell Res was enough to find an Arctic Tern with 2 Common Terns and several common summer migrants.  A Polecat lay dead on the road nearby.


Neil M

Red Kite Blueberry Farm

Peacock butterfly

Awful images of a
challenging subject -
Ring Ouzel at Harrington

Friday, 19 April 2013

The sun is just around the corner!


This morning was spent visiting all the local feed stations where the food is still being consumed avidly.  Another sign of a cold and rather unforgiving Spring!

There were still a few Lesser Redpoll and Siskin in the Kelmarsh Estate woodlands as well as small numbers of singing Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps.

At Pitsford Res a first year male Peregrine upset the local pair of Oystercatcher, but I'm sure they'll get over it!  A Brambling remains at the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station.  A small band of 10 House Martins feeding off the yacht club was a welcoming sight.

The garden here at Hanging Houghton continues to attract small numbers of Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting and a couple of Tree Sparrow.

Here's looking forward to a sunny week-end!


Neil M