Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Creatures of the Spring gale!


An overcast and wind-blasted Harrington Airfield produced very few birds this morning, a pair of Grey Partridge and 2 Whitethroats being the only birds of note.

Efforts were made to retrieve and anchor a wayward tern raft at Pitsford Res early this afternoon and whilst we were at it we checked on the Cormorant colony which now numbers 36 active nests, the highest number in recent years.  A pair of Oystercatcher remain on territory on one of the rafts.

At 3.25pm this afternoon, a female Merlin flew south at Hanging Houghton.

A couple of hours hiking around the Blueberry Farm complex this afternoon was extremely quiet, the passerines in particular being silent and retiring in the very strong wind.  Still plenty of Common Buzzards on-site which seem to be attracted to the healthy and currently active Common Toad population.


Neil and Eleanor


Cormorant on nest

Noisy lambs in field
adjacent to Pitsford Res!

Great Crested Grebe

Wind-blasted Collie!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Spring sunshine


This afternoon a visit to Welford Res was mostly uneventful with a Red Kite and a Grey Wagtail being the best.  Naseby Res was exposed to the strong wind and the only birds noted were a White Wagtail and two Yellow Wagtails.  Nearby a flock of 73 Golden Plovers were in a field between the A14 and Carvells Lane.

The superb sunshine today ensured I was out and about well in to the evening, and a walk at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell was pleasant but the only bird of note was a single Whitethroat.


Neil M

Police helicopter
Welford Res

RAF Helicopter
over Blueberry Farm

Common Buzzards at
Blueberry Farm, Maidwell

A breezy affair!


Wandering around Hanging Houghton this morning produced an adult Peregrine ranging about and an Osprey over towards Pitsford Res at 8am.  The garden continues to attract small numbers of Lesser Redpolls and about five each of Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer.  The Swallows have arrived in the village and there are now a couple each of singing Chiffchaff and Blackcap.

A couple of visits to replenish the feeders at the three feeding stations at Pitsford Res this morning didn't yield much that was different.  There was a White Wagtail on the dam and a Green Sandpiper on the muddy pools below the dam.  Both Marsh and Willow Tits continue to be attracted to the feeders in Christies Copse and a couple of Siskins seemed to be doing likewise.


Eleanor and Neil

A couple of shots of a male
Kestrel at the dam at Pitsford
Res.  One of a pair of birds taking
advantage of the windy
conditions to stall and hover whilst
hunting the ground below.

Pitsford Toad!

Monday, 15 April 2013

En-mass arrival


This morning the female Mandarin Duck was again on the brook in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton and there were two Bramblings at Harrington Airfield at the concrete track entrance off the Draughton Road.  A couple of Siskins and 5 Lesser Redpolls were in the garden at Hanging Houghton this morning together with the usual buntings.

An excursion up to the Old Sulehay complex in the north-east of the county nicely confirmed that there had been a mass arrival of common summer migrants with good numbers of singing Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps throughout.  Two Ravens flew over from the direction of Bedford Purlieus, a Cuckoo was heard calling and there were about 8 Lesser Redpolls buzzing about.  The rain and sunshine has provided carpets of colour with emerging Primroses, Violets and Wood Anemone.

Blatherwycke Lake hosted 5 Shelduck, 2 drake Mandarin Ducks, 2 Oystercatchers, 2 Black Swans, a Chinese Goose, 2 Yellow Wagtails and a couple of Siskins.  Nearby, Deene Lake attracted 8 Shelduck and a Barnacle Goose.

A further visit to Harrington Airfield this afternoon indicated fresh arrivals with 2 female Ring Ouzels briefly (flew from bushes on the airstrip to the shooting wall - not seen since), 8 Wheatears, a Red Kite and c45 Golden Plovers.


Eleanor and Neil

Black Swans

Chinese Goose

Red Kite

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Definitely a Spring day!


Forgot to mention that yesterday there was a female Mandarin Duck on the brook in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton.

Also yesterday John Woollett and team completed some maintenance work at Stortons GP and whilst they worked they were stalked by an inquisitive/fearless Water Rail!  A couple of mist nets there were sufficient to catch a new Cetti's Warbler on-site and 2 Chiffchaffs, one of which was first ringed at Stortons in June 2011.

Today and our first excursion was to a blustery Harrington Airfield which hosted 2 Wheatears, a Brambling, 3 Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap.  The garden at Hanging Houghton was interesting with 2 Lesser Redpolls, a Blackcap, 2 Tree Sparrows and several each of Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting.  The late morning sunshine tempted to me to take a few images!

A singing Willow Warbler was in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth and a Wheatear utilized a manure heap as a vantage point between Walgrave village and the A43.

Swallows were moving through the county in a constant flow during the day, with a surge in numbers during the early afternoon.

A visit to the Nene Valley below Irthlingborough off Lime Street provided a vantage point over floods at the eastern end of Ditchford GP.  The drake Green-winged Teal was on show just before we arrived but was flushed and we failed to re-locate it.  Other birds included a Little Egret, a pair of Shelduck and 2 Oystercatchers.

We then visited the western end of Ditchford GP and birded the area west of Ditchford Lane.  Birds here included 6 Egyptian Geese (split in to three separate pairs), a drake Scaup (Viaduct Pit), a Little Egret, at least 4 Oystercatchers, a Little Ringed Plover, a Blackcap and a Siskin.

A male Brambling was still present at the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station at Pitsford Res this evening.


Neil M

Reed Bunting




Great Black-backed Gull

Saturday, 13 April 2013

A wet afternoon at Hanging Houghton!


This afternoon the rain arrived and made it a rather wet affair around the village.  We still have a couple of Reed Buntings and Yellowhammers in the garden with a vocal Chiffchaff nearby.  Two Ravens flew over the garden and a pair of Grey Partridge were just below the village en-route to the Brampton Valley Way.


Neil M

Pitsford am


Birds seen in the vicinity of the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station at Pitsford Res this morning included an Osprey over south at 10am, 2 Oystercatchers, a handful of Swallows and Sand Martins, a singing Blackcap, a singing Brambling and a Yellow Wagtail.


Neil M

Friday, 12 April 2013

Here they come!


Finally the last of the local snow had disappeared by this morning, the overnight rain helping no doubt.

A warmer but wet day ensured several soakings, but it was worth it with a 'buzz' of migrants about!

Two visits to Harrington Airfield today didn't yield a great deal, but it was raining both times!  The best live birds were a Red Kite, a Chiffchaff, two Wheatears, c100 Fieldfares and a pair of Grey Partridge.  Some Ring Ouzel feathers were found near to the second bunker this evening, indicating that it had been predated.  However the feathers didn't look fresh so it was unlikely to have been yesterday's bird.

Birds in the garden at Hanging Houghton first thing included Blackcap, Redwing, Tree Sparrow and several each of Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer.

Three visits to Pitsford Res today provided views of a Great White Egret (Walgrave Bay), 2 Shelduck, 2 Oystercatchers, a Green Sandpiper, 6 Swallows, 1+ Sand Martins, a Yellow Wagtail, a Brambling, a Willow Warbler, a Chiffchaff and a Willow Tit.

Two visits to Earls Barton GP on the Summer Leys Reserve notched up a Great White Egret, 2 superb summer plumage Black-necked Grebes, a Pintail, 2 Shelduck, a couple of Redshank, 6 Oystercatchers, 2 Dunlin, 2 Little Egrets, a Kingfisher, 8 Swallows, a few Sand Martins, 2 Common Terns and lots of noisy Black-headed Gulls intent on breeding.

A walk at Sywell CP produced an Osprey in flight towards Earls Barton, a Raven, 4 Common Terns, a Yellow Wagtail, 4+ Swallows and Sand Martins and a couple of Siskins.  Nearby, a Woodcock was flushed from hedging near Wellingborough Grange.  A quick visit to Welford Res provided only a Kingfisher and 2 Sand Martins.


Eleanor and Neil

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Migrants on the move


First thing this morning there was again a hunting Barn Owl at Pitsford Res, quartering the Scaldwell Bay meadow, with a noisy Brambling in hedging next to the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station.

Despite daily visits, Harrington Airfield has been quiet for a good week now and so it was again this morning.  However this afternoon was a different story with rain and a southerly air-flow changing the picture completely.  A male Ring Ouzel was by the third bunker (walking from the chippings compound) and other rain-dumped birds included 2 Wheatears, 2+ Swallows, a Yellow Wagtail, c100 Fieldfares, c10 Golden Plovers and 200+ Lesser Black-backed Gulls.



Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Inland migration


Birds in and around Sunderland Wood on the Kelmarsh Estate this morning included a Red Kite, 3 Woodcock, 4 redpoll sp, a Siskin, 2 singing Bramblings and lots of singing Redwings.

The garden at Hanging Houghton was busy today with an influx of new birds which included 2-3 Blackcaps, a Siskin, 5 Reed Buntings, 5 Yellowhammers, 2 Nuthatch and 1-2 Tree Sparrow(s).

Plenty of diurnal migration all day today which involved common finches, Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails, winter thrushes and gulls all filtering over north and east.


Neil M

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Not a lot!


Limited opportunity for birding today in slightly warmer conditions but still with a cool easterly wind.

A walk along the Brampton Valley Way near Arthingworth produced a Raven and two quiet Chiffchaffs.  A single Brambling was at the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station at Pitsford this afternoon.  Dwindling numbers of finches at Kelmarsh Hall included a couple of Lesser Redpolls and Bramblings and Scotland Wood hosted a couple of Siskins and the usual Marsh Tits and Nuthatches.


Eleanor & Neil

Monday, 8 April 2013

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker finally!


A run around Harlestone Heath this morning produced lots of Siskins throughout and a couple of Bramblings.  A circular walk around Harlestone Lake provided views of a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and a Red Kite and a couple of Siskins and redpoll sp.  A Red Kite was seen near Lamport.

At Pitsford Res today there was a Barn Owl and a Green Sandpiper in the vicinity of the dam and a Woodcock, a singing Brambling and a couple of Siskins were in the Walgrave Bay.


Eleanor and Neil

Sunday, 7 April 2013

A ringing week-end


With the temporary improvement of the weather this week-end, many of the county ringers endeavoured to try and catch and ring some of the migrant birds before they move off and some of the residents before they start breeding.  The difficult weather conditions for much of this year has frequently compromised ringing operations so some effort was required to catch the last of the winter finches and other wanderers.  Pitsford Res was the venue for yesterday with ringing at the Old Scaldwell Road feeding station and in the Walgrave Bay.  Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings made up much of the catch at the main feed station, with common tits and other woodland birds being processed in the Walgrave Bay.

This morning and we changed venue to Kelmarsh Hall which continues to attract small numbers of transient finches and woodland birds.  Six Siskins and three Lesser Redpolls were caught and released, but the three or so Bramblings remained out of reach in the tall trees (more intent on singing their wheezy songs than feeding)!  A Woodcock narrowly missed the nets.  A short ringing session in our small garden at Hanging Houghton this afternoon was sufficient to catch, amongst others, four Reed Buntings and two Lesser Redpolls.

This morning there were still two female Bramblings at Harrington Airfield, but despite a shift in the wind direction, no obvious arrival of traditional summer migrants was evident.  There should be reasonable numbers of Chiffchaffs by now, but they remain very few and far between.

A quick spin around the woodlands on the Kelmarsh Estate to replenish the feeders this afternoon was mostly uneventful, but both a Woodcock and a Roe Deer sprung from the undergrowth at Scotland Wood.


Neil M

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Spring sunshine at last!


A cold start but some fabulous sunshine today.

Birds in the Walgrave Bay at Pitsford Res this morning included a Raven, a singing Brambling, c6 Siskins, 2 Lesser Redpolls, a Kingfisher, and a Willow Tit.

A further singing Brambling was at Kelmarsh Hall this afternoon together with several Siskins and a couple of Lesser Redpolls.

Four each of Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer graced the garden this afternoon.

And another day with no passerine summer migrants, but with a southerly air-stream tomorrow watch this space!


Neil M

Friday, 5 April 2013

Hard graft migrants


Despite plenty of time out and about today, the still powerful and cold wind made finding migrants hard work.  Harrington Airfield didn't yield much, a Red Kite and 2 female Bramblings being about the best.

A quick wander at Hollowell Res was enough to locate 2 Jack Snipe and 2 Grey Wagtails.  A hunting Barn Owl was present at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell this afternoon.  Birds in the garden here at Hanging Houghton included a Brambling and 4 Reed Buntings.

At Pitsford Res a female Peregrine was hunting over the causeway just before 10am and this evening a Knot was on the shoreline between the Pintail Bay and Yacht Bay briefly with a Green Sandpiper on the floodwater below the dam.


Eleanor and Neil

Thornton Park, N'pton

Great Crested Grebe
Ravensthorpe Reservoir

Unidentified big bird
over Hollowell Reservoir!

Common Gulls
Pitsford Reservoir

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Birds of the Easterly blast!


A visit to Harrington Airfield this morning provided some birds despite a very strong and cold easterly wind. The best were 2 male Bramblings, 200+ Fieldfares, a Yellow Wagtail, a Wheatear, a Raven, a Red Kite and 2 Grey Partridges.

A wander around the Blueberry Farm/Brampton Valley area produced 4 Grey Partridges, an adult female Peregrine, 2-3 Red Kites and a Wheatear.

Birds persisting in the garden here at Hanging Houghton included a male Brambling and 2 Lesser Redpolls, with a Raven and Red Kite overhead.



Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Another raptor day...


A walk at Harrington Airfield this morning was very pleasant in strong sunshine but the birds were not exceptional with a Raven, a Red Kite and 3 Grey Partridges being about the best.

Between 2 and 4 Red Kites were around Hanging Houghton with a couple of Reed Buntings and Lesser Redpolls in the garden.

This afternoon an adult Peregrine was seen at Corby.  

Birds visible from the dam at Pitsford Res included an Osprey over from the south at about 2.30pm, and there was a Green Sandpiper and drake Garganey on the floodwater below the dam until flushed by a male Peregrine.  They hadn't returned by early evening, 2 Red Kites being the only additional birds of note seen.


Eleanor and Neil

Well it is that time of the year!

First Year male Blackbird.  Note the brownish
 wings and dull eye-ring typical of this age

Adult male Blackbird.  Note the glossy plumage
including all flight feathers, bright eye-ring
and bright bill

Carrion Crow in evening light

Common Gulls also in evening sunshine

Monday, 1 April 2013

Pitsford CBC


Each year David Arden and myself complete a series of Common Bird Census surveys, conducted whilst walking around the nature reserve at Pitsford Res.  The first one is normally towards the latter half of March which is useful for detecting the more obscure resident species.  We have delayed the process this year due to the very cold conditions and minimal singing of song birds.  However today I gave it a go in cold grey conditions.  There was some bird song for the first couple of hours but it soon petered out and most of the records of Song Thrushes, Blackbirds etc were non-singing birds occupied in finding food for themselves.  The first Canada Goose nest was located and both Cormorant and Grey Heron nestlings were heard.

Five to seven Smew were still present (five including two drakes in the Holcot Bay and two redheads in the Scaldwell Bay), as were two Oystercatchers, three Woodcock, about a dozen Siskins, 2 redpoll sp and a Willow Tit.


Neil M

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Sunday birds


A visit to a Spratton garden this morning was interesting with a variety of species on offer which included at least 12 Lesser Redpolls, a couple of Siskins, a Brambling, a Red Kite and a singing Blackcap.

Birds in the garden here at Hanging Houghton again included 5 Reed Buntings, a Brambling and 2-3 Lesser Redpolls.

Two Shelduck were in the Scaldwell Bay at Pitsford Res early this afternoon.

At Harrington Airfield this afternoon there were about 12 Bramblings on the food just inside the main entrance, 2 male Wheatears and an Osprey flew towards Kettering at about 3pm.


Eleanor and Neil

Saturday, 30 March 2013

A cold but definitely a Spring day!


Very cold first thing this morning and then an interesting day developed with a combination of snow flurries followed by some quite powerful periods of sunshine.

A male Brambling was at Harrington Airfield this morning, and birds in and around the garden at Hanging Houghton included 3 Reed Buntings and a couple of Siskins.

A meander down to Christies Copse at Pitsford Res provided a good half-dozen Siskins and both Marsh and Willow Tit coming to the feeders.  The Cormorant colony nest count continues to go up with an apparent 30 occupied nests.  Decent-sized flocks of migrants today included c500 Fieldfare at Wellingborough Grange and a flock of 53 Meadow Pipits in fields on the west side of Pitsford Reservoir.

At Blueberry Farm, Maidwell a mobile Short-eared Owl was seen hunting over a succession of fields and a Peregrine was chasing Fieldfares in spectacular fashion.


Neil M


Siskin (female)

Peanuts might be 'old hat' but the
tits at Pitsford still love them!

Common Buzzard

Siskins (female to the left,
male to the right)

Short-eared Owl

Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday birds


A cold Harrington Airfield first thing this morning produced just a single male Brambling.

Birds at Kelmarsh Hall today included 1-2 Raven, at least 2 Bramblings, c20 Siskins, at least 2 Lesser Redpolls and a Willow Tit.


Neil M

Thursday, 28 March 2013

The migrants will not be denied!


This morning there were 3 Chiffchaffs along the Brampton Valley Way between Hanging Houghton and Brixworth, with 2 Red Kites and 4+ Siskins around HH village.

A walk around Sywell CP provided a surprise with two vocal fly-over Whimbrel.  Other birds included 2-4 Kingfishers, 100+ Siskins, c10 redpoll sp, a Red Kite and a Wheatear in an adjacent field.



Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Birds of the cold wind


Birds at Harrington Airfield this morning included a day-hunting Barn Owl, a Red Kite, 6 Bramblings, a very unhappy-looking wind-blasted Wheatear and 10 fly-over Golden Plovers.  There were several Siskins present at Kelmarsh Hall.

This evening another daylight-hunting Barn Owl was on the west side of the Walgrave Bay at Pitsford Res.



Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Ditchford WeBS Count


Much of today was taken up completing a very late Wetland Bird Survey at Ditchford GP.  The cold wind remains but for at least some of the day the air temperature rose above freezing and again there was something of a thaw.

Birds at Ditchford included a juvenile Glaucous Gull west of Ditchford Lane between 2.30pm and 3.35pm when it flew east (different to the bird seen in February).  Waders were represented with a Curlew, 2 Oystercatchers, 8 Snipe, a Dunlin and a Ringed Plover.  Six Chiffchaffs included a couple of 'fluffed up' birds that were clearly not happy with the very cool conditions.  Only five Cetti's Warblers were located but for a change they were showy.  The drake Scaup was again on pits west of Ditchford Lane (quite mobile with the Tufteds) and other birds included 5 Kingfishers, 4 Goosanders, a Grey Wagtail and a couple of redpoll sp.  The Grey Heron colony seems small this year but a pair of Cormorant are breeding on-site.  An Otter provided close but brief views.

At Pitsford Res this evening a Barn Owl was hunting Scaldwell Meadow and a pod of six Smew (two drakes) were in the Scaldwell Bay near to The Point.  The occupied Cormorant nest count has now climbed to 25.


Eleanor and Neil


Glaucous Gull

Monday, 25 March 2013

A little sunshine...


Something of a partial thaw today in reasonably warm sunshine, but the wind strength has increased and it is freezing again now.

A short but busy ringing session was completed at Sunderland Wood today, most of the birds being common tits, but 2 new Nuthatches and 2 new Great Spotted Woodpeckers were most welcome.  Other birds noted in and around this ash-dominated wood on the Kelmarsh Estate included a Siskin and a Raven.

Two Woodcock and a Siskin were at Scotland Wood this afternoon and Kelmarsh Hall continued to attract 'winter finches'.

The best birds in the garden at Hanging Houghton included a Tree Sparrow, a Brambling and several Fieldfares and the two Mistle Thrushes again, plus small numbers of Reed Buntings and Yellowhammers.


Neil M