A five-day Naturetrek tour to south France took in a hotel on the outskirts of Arles from where we visited two sites in Les Alpilles to see Wallcreepers and the Camargue and adjacent area to see a variety of waterbirds, raptors, passerines and many others!
Please see a selection of images from the tour...
Neil M
Pont du Gard. |
Coypu. |
Firecrest. |
Wallcreeper. |
Black Redstart. |
Common Buzzard. |
Black Redstart. |
Marsh Harrier. |
Marsh Harrier. |
Marsh Harrier. |
Marsh Harrier and Common Buzzard. |
Hen Harrier. |
Pont du Gard. |
Corn Bunting. |
Plage de Mansion. |
Zitting Cisticola. |
Hotel des Granges. |
Greater Flamingo. |
White Stork. |
Greater Flamingo. |
Robin. |
Greater Flamingoes. |
Greater Flamingoes. |
Chiffchaff. |
Greater Flamingoes. |
Grey Heron. |
House Sparrows. All above images courtesy of Chris Goodfellow. |
Zitting Cisticola. |
Grey Heron and Cattle Egret. |
Greater Flamingo. |
Black-winged Stilts. |
Wallcreeper. |
Black Redstart. |
Grey Heron and Common Cranes. |
Dunlin. |
Dunlin and Little Stint. |
Meadow Pipit. |
Grey Heron. |
Night Heron. |
Greater Flamingo. |
Western Swamphen. |
Greater Flamingo and Avocet. Above images courtesy of Janet Panter. |
Coypu. |
Camargue White Horses. |
Wallcreeper. |
Black Redstart. |
Wallcreeper. |
Song Thrush. |
Common Cranes. |
Dunlin and Little Stint. |
Cormorants. |
Balearic Shearwater and Yellow-legged Gull. |
Zitting Cisticola. |
Cattle Egrets. |
Mallard x Pintail hybrid. |
Greater Flamingo. |
Greater Flamingo and Black-winged Stilt. |
Firecrest. |
Night Heron. Above images courtesy of Mark Vale. |
Coypu. |
Wallcreeper. |
Black Redstart. |
Black Redstart. |
Wallcreeper. |
White Stork. |
Greater Flamingo. |
Chiffchaff. |
Grey Heron. |
Greater Flamingo. |
Excellent trip, some lovely photos