Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Friday, 14 February 2025



Yes there was some sunshine this afternoon, yahoo!

Efforts at finding the Ring-necked Duck in the gravel pit complexes of the eastern Nene Valley failed to locate him today.

However the drake Red-breasted Merganser was seen at Blatherwycke Lake today and it's likely that the Glossy Ibis is still probably at Summer Leys LNR somewhere.

Three Cattle Egrets were at North Lake, Stanwick Pits early this afternoon and a Marsh Harrier was at Titchmarsh reserve, Thrapston Pits this afternoon.

The Great Northern Diver was still at Pitsford Reservoir today, still in the vicinity of the Pintail Bay and birds north of the causeway included two Great White Egrets, about fifty Common Snipe, a Jack Snipe, a Water Rail and a couple of Tree Sparrows.

The drake Smew was still on the Nene Barrage at Clifford Hill Pits this afternoon and five more drakes were still at Eyebrook Reservoir together with the long-staying Scaup.

Stanford Reservoir hosted two Great White Egrets, ten Goosanders and a Cetti's Warbler and a Grey Wagtail was in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth.

A Raven was at Hanging Houghton this morning and there was a Barn Owl in the Brampton Valley below the village. A single Short-eared Owl was again on private land near Maidwell this afternoon and two Barn Owls were at Althorp.

Chris Payne completed some ringing in his garden at Greens Norton today and processed thirty-eight Goldfinches, twenty Greenfinches and five other species including a Great Spotted Woodpecker.


Neil M

Drake Ring-necked Duck
at Ringstead Pits yesterday
courtesy of Nick Parker.

Great Northern Diver
at Pitsford Reservoir
courtesy of Tony Stanford.

Drake Teal courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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