Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday, 17 February 2025

February birds of the sunshine


A cold day but plenty of weak sunshine and dry!

At Pitsford Reservoir the Great Northern Diver was in The Narrows this afternoon and at least one Tree Sparrow was at the Old Scaldwell Road Feeding Station with Ravens at the Fishing Lodge and west of the causeway.

Four drake Smew and the first year male Scaup were still at Eyebrook Reservoir today.

Two White-fronted Geese and a showy Otter were the highlights at Ravensthorpe Reservoir this morning followed up with a Caspian Gull, two Jack Snipes, eleven Common Snipes and a Stonechat all at Hollowell Reservoir courtesy of Mark.

Summer Leys LNR recorded a Bittern and fourteen Common Snipe and a Marsh Harrier was again at Titchmarsh LNR at Thrapston Pits.

The Whiston Wetlands/Cogenhoe area in the Nene Valley provided six White-fronted Geese, twenty-seven Golden Plovers, two Barn Owls, two Green Sandpipers, a Common Snipe, three Shelducks, two Stonechats and at least one Siberian Chiffchaff was amongst fifty Chiffchaffs.

Evening Starling murmurations prior to roost are currently centred around the villages of Pattishall and Spratton.


Neil M

Blue Tit courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Little Egret courtesy
of Dave Jackson.

Stonechat courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Kestrel courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

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