Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Wet end to a dry month


A cool breezy morning turning to rain by lunchtime which then finished at dusk. The birds in the garden seemed particularly hungry today and it was a job to keep up!

The Glossy Ibis again put in an appearance at Summer Leys LNR and at Stanwick Pits the two Cattle Egrets were again in a sheep field near to North Lake and three Great White Egrets were on the complex. A Short-eared Owl flew over the A45 at the Wilby roundabout at 9.20am this morning.

Four Chiffchaffs at Ecton SF included a colder-coloured bird with some similarity to Siberian Chiffchaff.

The Great Northern Diver was seen again at Pitsford Reservoir, between The Narrows and Catwalk Bay late morning.

A Cattle Egret was a good local find near to Blatherwycke Lake next to Home Farm and the Scaup was still present on the lake.

An adult male Peregrine and a Woodcock were at Harrington Airfield today and a Grey Wagtail was at Kelmarsh.

Four drake Smew and the Scaup were at Eyebrook Reservoir.


Neil M

Mute Swans courtesy
of John Tilly.

Reed Buntings courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

A Perch with a Water Rail as Stuart
calls it! This is the Water Rail photographed
catching fish at Summer Leys LNR yesterday
courtesy of Stuart Munday. Water Rails are
known for their diverse diet including small
fish but this seems a little large!

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